
Reincarnated as a hermaphrodite with cheat skills so I built a harem

In all Isekai stories the Mc dies and meets a god or goddess then reincarnates then saves the world or does this and that etc. Well, this one starts the same with two different detail that changes the whole story, the goddess allows her to make her ideal body and give it skills, etc, which isn't too different but the big deal is the second difference. The Mc f*cks the goddess. The goddess then gives her the idea to build a harem so the MC does that. *It is a long build-up till the actual story sorry. It might also contain revenge NTR/Netori*

Resset_Potato · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
34 Chs

A lovely sacrifice

Rika turned to the girl after hearing her. "Oh, thank you." Rika signed the paper before passing it to Lillith, whose eyes were dazed. "Are you okay? You seem a bit out of it." Rika's concern grew as she noticed Lillith's distant expression. "I'm fine," Lillith said as she returned the paper to the girl. "Oh, and here are body cams. You must wear them as a safety precaution. You never know who might be in there." Rika smiled, took the cameras, and attached them to Lillith and herself. "What's the people's situation inside? My fiance has a thing with crowds," Rika asked the girl with a caring voice. Lillith turned to her with flushed cheeks. "I do not! "The girl couldn't help but giggle at Lillith's reaction. "There are only a few people inside. There are ten tops, and it's a big cave. I doubt you'll run into them. Anyway, you can go in now." Rika smiled at the girl's answers before dragging the pouting Lillith into the cave.

As they entered the cave, Rika's eyes widened in awe at the vastness of the space. The dimly lit interior created an atmosphere of mystery and intrigue. She couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement as they ventured further into the unknown. They bumped into a heavy-set older woman named O Shiri Ana. They didn't talk long since her personality was, as Lillith would call it, "just the worst." As they went deeper into the cave, the only noise they could hear was distantly behind them. Even the people were far behind them. At some point, Lillith's breath became shallow and heavy. After another 10 minutes, Rika noticed Lillith's grip tightening on her hand. "Don't worry, I'll stay close to you," she reassured her, giving her a comforting squeeze. The dimly lit cave echoed with their footsteps as they ventured further inside. Rika could feel Lillith's grip tightening even more, so she turned to face her. "Lillith, are you okay?" 

Lilith looked down at her feet while gripping her skirt with her open hand. "Rika...I... I'm sorry." Rika, confused by Lillith's response, leans in to try to get a look at her face. "Lily, what do you have to be sorry fo-Ahhh?" Before Rika could finish, she was pushed over by Lillith. "What was that for?" Lillith looked down at Rika with a lustful, crazed look in her watery eyes. "I'm sorry, Rika, but I can't take it anymore." Lillith straddled herself onto Rika as she "What "W-What are you doing, Lillith?" Lillith pined Rika's upper body down. "I'm sorry, Rika, I'm going to have to spoil your surprise for tonight because I can't take it anymore. You kept teasing and pushing me. Now, the only thing I can think of is you. Please, let's do it right here right now." Rika's face reddened. "What, but we're in public."

Lillith began to trail her fingers along Rika's exposed collarbone, her touch sending shivers down Rika's spine. "I don't care who sees us," Lillith whispered huskily, her voice dripping with desire. "I need you, Rika. I need to feel your body against mine, to taste your lips and lose myself in you." Rika's heart raced, but she remained composed, refusing to show Lillith her weakness. "I think you need to take a breather to clear your mind. I think your hypersexuality is acting up." Lillith stopped and gave Rika an annoyed stare. "Oh really, I didn't realize. It's not like you've been targeting it all day with your teasing, asshole."

Rika was dumbfounded and stammered to respond. "H-How did you know?" Lillith looked Rika straight in the eye, her expression softening slightly. "Please, Rika, I know you better than you think. I may not always show it, but I pay attention to you more than you think. Your reactions and your body language gave you away. Also, you were mumbling your plans while I was in the shower. You need to work on talking to yourself about secrets. Do you know how many surprise parties you've ruined for me?" Rika's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she struggled to find the right words. "I...I didn't mean to...I just...wanted to get a reaction out of you." Lillith's gaze softened slightly, her annoyance melting away. "Well, congratulations, you got one. But maybe next time, find a different way, preferably not one that might make me actually pounce on you." 

Rika stared at Lillith, confused. "What do you mean "actually pounce" on me? Didn't you just do that?" Lillith began to get off of Rika. "No, that was me teaching you a lesson. It's only gotten to that level once. Luckily, I was alone, so I could handle it alone. Do you remember the last time I deep-cleaned the house? ...That was why." Rika's blush deepened as she stood up. "What do you mean?" Lillith gave Rika a gentle smile. "What do you think? It got everywhere. A lot of it was on your stuff...sorry." Rika's confusion turned into realization as she recalled the messy incident. "Oh, I remember now. It was that time when the pipe burst in the bathroom, right? I had completely forgotten about it." Lillith nodded with crimson cheeks and a lustful smile. "I-It wasn't a pipe," Lillith said, rubbing her inner thigh on her cupped hands.

Rika stared at Lillith before speaking. "Wait...does tha-" Lillith cut Rika off without a second thought. "We should probably head back. William is probably waiting for us. Then we can have real fun. By the way, I'm close to snapping. Please don't tease me, or I will pounce on you." Lillith began to walk away quickly. Rika followed behind her, trying to keep up with Lillith's hurried pace. She couldn't help but feel a mix of regret and concern about what Lillith had just revealed. After 10 minutes of walking in silence, Lillith stopped. "Rika, how deep did we go?" Rika blushed. "Uhm, about an hour in." Lillith just stared at Rika before continuing to walk even faster than before.

After another 35 minutes, a dim light could be seen ahead of them. "We can finally see the entrance; it should be about 20 minutes till we reach it. Why would you take us an hour into the cave, especially near sunset? It's probably almost dark right now," Lillith said while turning back to Rika. "Why didn't you stop me?" Rika retorted. "Well, I was trying to control myself because someone was so intent on making me..." Lillith's voice trailed off as the ground beneath them began to tremble. The cave walls quivered, and small rocks tumbled from the ceiling.

Rika's eyes widened in alarm. "Lil, this doesn't feel right. We need to get out of here now!"

Before Lillith could respond, the cave shook violently, and a deafening roar filled the air. The entrance they had just spotted began to collapse, rocks and debris falling inward. Without hesitation, Lillith tackled Rika, covering her with her own body as the cave crumbled around them, shielding her from the collapsing rocks.

As the cave continued to tremble and rocks cascaded around them, Lillith held Rika close, shielding her from the falling debris. The cacophony of grinding stone and earth drowned out their voices. Dust and dirt filled the air, making it difficult to breathe. Lillith's heart raced, and she could feel Rika's rapid breath against her chest. She whispered reassuring words into Rika's ear, trying to keep both panics at bay. "Hold on, Rika. We'll get through this. Just stay close to me." The earthquake seemed to stretch on for an eternity, but eventually, the violent shaking began to subside. The dust started settling, and Lillith cautiously lifted herself off Rika, ensuring it was safe. The scene that greeted them was one of chaos. The once-stable cave entrance had crumbled into a pile of rubble, blocking their way out. They were trapped. Rika's eyes were wide with shock, but she managed a trembling smile. "Thank you, Lil. You saved my life." Lillith returned the smile, relief washing over her. "I'll always pro...tect...you...Rika." Lillith's voice trailed off as she passed out. 

"Lillith, Lillith, are you okay?" Rika frantically asked as she noticed something warm dripping onto her. Rika looked up and saw blood trickling from a gash on Lillith's forehead. Panic surged through her as she realized the severity of the situation. As Rika desperately tried to rouse Lillith, she felt the weight of the situation pressing down on her. The cave entrance was blocked entirely, and their only way out had crumbled into an impassable heap of rocks. Tears welled up in Rika's eyes as she cradled Lillith.

"Come on, Lillith, wake up," she pleaded, her voice trembling with fear. But Lillith remained unconscious, her breathing shallow. Time seemed to blur as Rika held Lillith, the darkness of the cave now enveloping them completely. She knew they were in a life-or-death situation, and the odds were stacked against them. Rika's mind raced, searching for any glimmer of hope. She knew that staying in the cave was not an option. If they didn't find a way out soon, they would succumb to the lack of air or injuries sustained during the earthquake. With trembling hands, Rika fumbled in her pocket and retrieved her phone. She clicked it on to check if she had service, and seeing she didn't, she turned on the flashlight. Casting a feeble beam of light into the darkness. It revealed the crumbled rocks that blocked their exit, but Rika was determined not to give up.

"I won't let us die here, Lillith," she whispered to her unconscious lover. Summoning all her strength, Rika carefully picked Lillith up and tried to position her on her back in a way that made her as comfortable as possible. Then, with a heavy heart and the phone in hand, Rika began to try to find the nearest patch of supported ceiling. With Lillith's unconscious body cradled in her arms, Rika moved cautiously through the debris-strewn cave. Her flashlight illuminated the jagged edges of fallen rocks and the dusty air, making the scene feel even more surreal. Every step was a struggle, and their dire situation weighed heavily on Rika's shoulders. 

She had to be both the anchor and the lifeline for them. As Rika ventured deeper into the cave, she searched for any sign of a supported ceiling, a section of the cave that might have withstood the earthquake's fury. Her heart pounded with each passing moment, her determination to find a way out growing stronger. Minutes felt like hours as Rika carefully navigated the treacherous terrain. The dim light of her flashlight danced over the cave walls, revealing cracks and crevices. She knew they were racing against time; their oxygen supply was limited, and Lillith's condition remained a grave concern.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Rika's beam of light revealed a section of the cave ceiling that appeared more stable than the rest. It was a small alcove tucked away from the main path. Rika carefully made her way there, using her flashlight to assess the integrity of the rocks above.

Gently, she laid Lillith down in the alcove, ensuring she was as comfortable as possible. Then, trembling, Rika dialed emergency services on her phone, hoping desperately for a signal in this underground darkness. As she waited for a connection, Rika whispered to Lillith, her voice a fragile thread of hope in the bleakness of their predicament. "Hang in there, my love. Help is on the way. We're going to make it through this together."

Just as she finished her pledge to Lillith, a voice could be heard just a little ways away from the two's hiding spot. "Is anyone there? I swear I heard a voice, Where are you?" The distant voice grew closer, echoing through the rocky tunnels. Rika knew she had to make a decision, and fast. She couldn't abandon Lillith but ignore the possibility of another survivor out there.

Leaving Lillith cocooned as best as she could in the alcove, Rika ventured out into the cavern's darkness, her flashlight casting eerie shadows against the rocky walls. As she approached the source of the voice, the feeble cries for help turned into frantic pleas.

Emerging from the shadows, the woman who introduced herself as O Shiri Ana appeared, her plump frame trembling with fear. She gasped for breath, her eyes wide with terror. "I heard voices... I thought I was alone," she stammered. Rika, relieved to have found another living soul, wasted no time. She brought Ana back to their makeshift sanctuary and quickly introduced herself. Her voice carried urgency as she explained their dire predicament, gesturing toward Lillith's unconscious form.

However, Ana's reaction caught Rika off guard. Her wrinkled face twisted into a scowl, and her eyes darted suspiciously between Rika and Lillith. "This alcove is too crowded," Ana declared, irritation lacing her words. "And she's unconscious and bleeding. She's going to die anyway. We should abandon her and wait for a way out ourselves."

Rika's eyes widened in disbelief at the callousness of Ana's suggestion. She couldn't fathom leaving Lillith behind after everything they had been through. "No," Rika responded firmly, her voice unwavering. "I won't leave her. We need to wait for help. I can't just abandon her." Ana, however, seemed determined to have her way. "Get over it, you're young. Find another fiance. She moved closer, her hands reaching out to forcefully pull Lillith from the alcove. Rika's heart sank at Ana's dismissive words. She couldn't believe that Ana would suggest such a heartless solution. "Lillith is not just a 'fiance' to me," Rika retorted, her voice tinged with anger. "She's my friend, and I won't abandon her when she needs us the most." Panic surged through Rika, and she resisted, her grip on Lillith tightening. "Stop! I can't just leave her like this," Rika pleaded, desperation creeping into her voice.

But Ana's frustration boiled over, and she escalated to physical aggression. She shoved Rika forcefully, trying to push both her and Lillith out of the alcove. The tension in the cramped space reached its breaking point. Just as their confrontation reached its peak and Rika and Lillith were pushed out, Lillith began to stir. Her eyelids fluttered open, and she groggily registered the danger they were all in. She intervened with a burst of strength, her voice weak but resolute. "Go away, you hag." Lillith used all her strength to pull Ana out of the alcove. Ana was caught off guard by Lillith's sudden awakening. However, before she could recollect herself, the ground beneath them began to shake again. The second quake struck mercilessly, causing the cave to tremble and rocks to rain down.

In the chaos that ensued, Lillith made a split-second decision. She pushed Rika forcefully into the alcove, shielding her from the collapsing cave. In doing so, Lillith's legs became tragically trapped under the crumbling rocks, with the rest of her body in the alcove. Dust and debris engulfed them again, leaving Rika safe, but Lillith was injured and trapped in a new nightmare beneath the earth's surface. As the second quake relentlessly assaulted the cave, Rika clung to the alcove's edge, gasping for breath. Fear and anguish gripped her heart as she watched Lillith's selfless act unfold. Ana, caught off guard by Lillith's sudden awakening and resolve, was pulled out of the alcove. Panic and anger battled within her, but the earth's wrath left no room for human conflict.

Rika's heart ached as she watched Lillith's legs get pinned under the relentless cascade of rocks and debris. She screamed Lillith's name, but her cries were lost amidst the chaos. Through the swirling dust and agony, Rika glimpsed Lillith's eyes, filled with love, determination, and a hint of sorrow. "I love you, Rika," Lillith whispered before the darkness swallowed her. A mixture of fear, despair, and the sheer impossibility of the situation choked back Rika's cries. Trapped in the alcove, she reached out to where Lillith had been, her hand brushing against the cold, unforgiving rock. Minutes felt like hours as the cave settled into an eerie silence. Rika was left alone in the darkness, the echoes of her sobs and the weight of the rubble the only company she had.

But amidst the despair, a spark of determination ignited within her. She knew she had to find a way to rescue Lillith. She owed it to her love and to the promise they had made to protect each other. With grim determination, Rika began to assess her surroundings, looking for any sign of hope or salvation in the unforgiving depths of the cave.

In the suffocating darkness of the cave, Rika's desperate search for hope continued. Her flashlight's dim beam revealed little more than a nightmarish scene of twisted rock and rubble. Each breath felt like a laborious struggle, and her chest ached with the strain of the limited oxygen. She repeatedly called Lillith's name, her voice growing weaker with each cry. But there was only silence in response, and Rika couldn't shake the gnawing fear that her love was fading away in the cold embrace of the earth.

Time blurred as Rika's energy waned. Desperation fueled her, pushing her to claw at the debris that held her captive to dig frantically in the hope of uncovering Lillith. But the cave was unforgiving, and the rocks were unmoved by her anguish.

As the minutes stretched into hours, the dim light of Rika's flashlight began to flicker, casting eerie shadows that danced mockingly around her. With a final gasp, the light extinguished, leaving her in absolute darkness.

Rika's struggles weakened, and her movements grew sluggish. The reality of her dire circumstances pressed down upon her, and her breaths came in shallow, futile gasps. The air was growing thin, and the suffocating grip of the cave tightened around her. In those final moments, Rika's thoughts turned to Lillith, the love they had shared, and the promises they had made. She hoped against hope that somehow Lillith had found a way to survive. But as darkness consumed her, Rika knew that their love, like so many others in the unforgiving depths of the earth, had been tragically extinguished.

(It's over. I finally forced myself to stop writing and kill her...Well, anyway, now the almost good part making a body and rizzing up a goddess. This part should go by fast.)