
Reincarnated as a Grunt No. 703

[HIATUS] My name is [REDACTED]. I was just a normal, job-seeking guy who had just finished his undergraduate study and was hopeful of becoming a useful member of society. However, the job market in this current economy was quite harsh, and competition was at an all-time high. Thus... I remained unemployed for almost half a year. As usual, I was on a job hunting spree, hoping to finally find or land a job that would hire the poor me. However, fate had other plans for me... and I died, getting run over by a large truck. I thought I was dead, but... I soon woke up inside a test tube, surrounded by white-coated scientists in a dimly lit laboratory. I was confused, as I realized that my body, from head to toe, was covered with some sort of dark material that fit my skin quite tightly, as if I was wearing a skin-tight suit from a superhero comic. But... I wasn’t a superhero. “Good morning, Subject... No... Grunt No. 703.” I was just one of the supervillain's Grunts. Check out my P@treon.com/demonkingakuma

DemonKingAkuma · Seni bela diri
Peringkat tidak cukup
92 Chs

Getting some Gadgets at the Grunt Armory (10) | REQUEST APPROVED

"I'm sorry."

I bowed my head, apologizing to Professor Kala. I couldn't see their expressions while I bowed, but I could tell that both Professor Kala and my senior grunt, No. 147, were shocked and surprised by my sudden apology.

Previously, my senior grunt had insisted that the professor apologize to me, seemingly for her actions and misunderstandings towards me. Of course, it was also for trying to kill me on two separate occasions today, but...

I realized... that was not entirely her fault.


The yell that No. 147 had let out to Professor Kala earlier rang through my head, reminding not only the professor... but even me. Seeing the lecture session that my senior grunt had given the professor... reminded both of us... That we all had to reflect on ourselves... and I was not entirely innocent in this matter...

I was also at fault for everything that happened.