
Reincarnated as a golem captain

legion_928 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
15 Chs

Post battle

I get startled by the sudden appraise from Louie.

Louie: what is wrong?

Kevin: nothing you just scared me.

L: sorry I just got here and wanted to let you know that woman use the fire tornado as footing and fled to the east. Should we go after her?

K: no she's alone now and is bleeding an amount to where the monsters of the forest will find her. Even if she does get out of the forest she will be questioned of what happened.

L: your right she can't say to much if that happens.

K: ...! I have an idea here fed this to that bird over there.

L: ummm okay.

Louie did the same thing as I did and fed the bird.

L: i just got a title and skill

K: yeah I did to. Now they are our pets and they are they can help us out yours is a flame empress bird that can cast fire and wind magic but it look like it's similar build to a mage. Casting spells and staying a distance.

L: your right that can help.

As we are talking i notice that time past and all the former slaves and my brothers are waiting for us. I noticed a horse stable and decided to use the flatcart to transport the injured and the children. After having everyone got on i look at the pile of supplies and put it in my pocket dimension. They were shocked to see everything they piled up disappeared. We then started to walk towards the temple.

Female elf 2: so what type of magic was that you used? Were trained by a ruler or something?

Kevin: it was called pocket dimension but I think i would say it's space magic but I'm no expert. Also what is a ruler?

Female elf 2: oh before that my name is Emily and rulers are the strongest people in the country nearly every country has at least one.

Male elf: let me explain. My name is nick and as she said rulers are known as the strongest people in the country. For example in Varria they have six, Atlas and Aster has four, and Luminous had five.

K: had?

N: yeah the last war with Luminous they sent three rulers out to Aster. The three countries sent one of there's in the end two were injured and forced to retreat but one stayed and died. After that one of the other rulers had enough of Luminous shit or something and she left. Now they have three.

K: really.

E: I love the rulers especially lady Angela. She's known as the Blind Valkyrie. You see every ruler has some unique about them like skills, abilities or even fighting style.

K: that's why you ask about the ability you think I'm some ruler or trained by one. well I was made with this skill but I don't think my creator was a ruler at least I don't think she was.

E: I see is she must have been smart to make a golem like you and the others.

K: yeah.(even though I don't know her).

N: anyway I'm also sorry for my little sisters actions. Charlotte and the rest of us were in those cages for a while.

K: its alright some strange people came and said to trust them i would find it suspicious.

Charlotte: hey! I can apologize for myself.

N: so why didn't you.

C: well I...it just.

N: you weren't going to right. Sometimes you do act like dad.

C: shut up!

E: come on big sis.

K: so you guys are siblings.

N: yeah. We were taken while we were hunting. They jumped us and took us. We were there for week and half.

K: what about the others?

C: some were there when we got there and some arrived after like that wolf and rabbit beastman. I think they arrived a few days after us.

K: how did Kaidan escape.

N: he waited for one of the guards to drag us out from the cages. At that time I guess the guard didn't realize he could use magic and he escaped and the one who was dragged out got recaptured.

K: is beastman having magic rare or something?

E: a little. I say that 3 out of 10 or so. I should know because I was studying for the magic Institute.

K: Magic Institute?

E yeah! Its where you learn and try to create new magic I'm trying to get in. Fun fact one of the rulers is a part of the magic Institute.

K: thats lady Angela.

E: no Angela uses the sword. The one at the Institute is the Queen of the Witches Maya.

N: I prefer The Ripper.

E: what! The two i look up to can wipe the floor with him.

N: of course he is a thef and the other two have skills in the sword and magic.

K: so your curious about the pocket dimension skill.

E: yeah I never seen or let alone heard of it.

K: I see but I don't know how to teach it to you.

E: I see but it must be one of the creation  elements.

K: what do you mean?

E: There are people who classify the group of elements of magic as creation and destruction. All the elements were created from the original elements light and shadow. Light created wind, water and earth. Shadow created fire, ice and lightning. If you combine some of these elements you can make new forms of magic.

K: I didn't know that. So it means that pocket dimension is part of one of the two groups.

E: yes at least that's what I think.

We continue to walk to the temple and talking about random things after that. We arrived at the temple and walk down the stairs. There are mixed feelings some (mostly the children) are admiring how big and nice looking it is. Some were expecting more or disappointed in the shabby built structures. We brought down the injured while some of the people were setting up places for them. I empty out my pocket dimension and everyone started setting up a camp sight. There was a female cat beastman that apparently was a doctor or cleric. I didn't notice that she was collecting herbs along the way here. She would help the five who are injured. As we finished setting up the camp sight the elf nick suggested that the both of us, his sisters and my brothers train the remaining fifteen people to at least defend themselves. We spit the people up. Emily look around and selected the seven children beastman and Kaidan who she believes that are proficient with magic. The remaining seven was going train with me, my brothers, Nick and Charlotte. During this time we spend the next five in training and during this the injured can walk again but the cat beastman Ava was disciplining them when they try to train to the point when they almost collapse. On the sixth day I decided to go out on "hunt". I was actually going out to look for those knights that the god of time said was going to be here. I want those knights to take the people back. I took Adam and Louie while the rest continue to train everyone else. I did tell my brothers about the conversation with the gods of time and goddess of war. They were skeptical but they chose to trust me. Also I don't need to be there anymore because Dan got the telepathy skill it was 40 points. Thanks to the future sight skill I knew where they are. I used Obsidian to scout out the path in front of us. Obsidian is the storm owl and Louie named the empress bird Lilith. We use a combination of the stealth and light armor skill we moved fast and avoided the monsters. We see the bandit camp we attacked but we kept moving past it further away was another lake. We slow down and moved carefully. I used the aura skill and saw someone alone up ahead. I sneaked up while Louie and Adam waited a short distance back. That's where I saw something glorious. Another gift from the gods.