
Reincarnated As A General's Granddaughter

An ordinary girl possess a devastating power that can shock the whole world but suddenly before she master her power she died in a car accident leading her to occupy the body of one of the general daugther. The eldest daughter who is beautiful and elegant but a waste and the family despise her because of this the elder daughter commit suicide. She woke up telling herself since she reborn I will definitely have my revenge. She build an army on her own, disown her family when they came back begging for her rejected them and tossing them out in her mansion. She became the youngest person becoming a general in the whole history. Legend once said that she has the power to rule the world but she never did so and has an army that can massacre one nation but did not so. The one thing that can move her is if you dare touch her friends, family and her army get ready to be sent into hell.

Jaeeiin · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
4 Chs


A bright sunny day where the students will finally go into summer vacation, as the students pack their things and go back home.

A girl is currently medidating on top of their rooftop when suddenly, a boy walks up to her and give her a letter and left.

The girl was confused then she saw the letter and she already know who is the one who wrote it and smiled. After realizing why she was in the rooftop in the first place she felt sad again because this will gonna be the last day for her to meet her newly acquired friends.

She now accomplish her mission infiltrating the company near her school where the higher ups ordered her to protect the students along with it, so she has no choice but to enrolled in this school at the same time doing the deeds in the evening.

The girl is now walking along the aisle wearing their casual uniform, happily looking at the letter she recieve from her boyfriend not knowing the boys ogling at her not only does she looks cute, but she is the top scorer of their year.

She walks to her assigned dormitory room to get her things then suddenly three girls drag her away then lock the door and gang her up locking her arms while the leader of the trio pulls the girl hair and said "I already told you not to pest Claude but you still insist and keep exchanging letters with him!" The girl look at the leader with determination that irked the leader to beat her up more.

They beat the girl up with bruises until the leader is venting her anger out until she is satisfied. They finally left when they see the girl is not resisting at all so they feel bored.

The girl silently hypnotizing herself, that this is the last day anyway she cannot touch those students nor see them ever again. The girl read the letter that her boyfriend ----- Claude gave to her. It was an invitation to a party that will gonna happened today in the evening as a celebration of success since they are both taking part of the mission.

Panicking and worried at what would she wear after all the bruises had. After rummaging her closet, she finally found a white long sleeve to cover her bruises in her arm. It's a good thing that the bruises in her face can be conceal through make up.

She first take a cold bath to lessen the swelling of her bruises, after taking a bath she takes out her medical supply box full of ointment for bruises and wounds. It seems like what happened in the afternoon is an everyday scenario to her, after applying the oinment to her bruises she dry her hair and put the dress so that she can now pin point which part of her body needs to conceal or if the bruises is visible.

She now put concealer on the parts of her neck and do her make up she is quite skilled at this because after applying her make up the bruises that she got is nowhere to be found and the make up does not look heavy at all it look natural. She is now doing her hair which she braided the top part of her hair and make it looks like a headband and dutch braid half of the back of her hair.

She looks at the time and she has an hour to go to the venue, she wore her stilettos and get her shoulder bag put her wallet and phone inside get out in her dormitory and hailed a taxi.

When she arrive in the hotel, the people looks at her. She looks simple in her dress and appearance but she has this charm that they can't take their eyes off her that cause the girls around to be jealous to her and staring daggers at her. She did not mind but smile at the crowd which makes the girls wanted to kill her more.

A lot of guys wanted to be her partner of the night but, she declined saying that she is waiting for her partner to arrive. She made a lot of excuses until she goes into the balcony seeing a familliar figure. She wanted to shout his name but she saw him kissing another girl. She did not say a word and cried while getting out of this venue she did not look back and all just run outside the hotel.

The girl who was making out with her boyfriend is the one she trusted her bestfriend!

As she was running she got hit by a car still crying while her eyes has this hatered, betrayed, hurt and revenge not willing to die in this pathetic situation.

She got up while it hurts the driver of the car ran into her. Her instinct tells her that this is not a coincidence but a set up! The man tie her up and drag her into the car and rode to an abandoned warehouse.

She was sitting in the floor with her chain hands while a lot of people walking up to her. She looks up to them and screaming to kill her already.

Then a figure of shadow which she knows too well she saw Claude and that bitch and she realize that they were a cheating bastard and also selling her out.

Claude ordered her to be killed but the bitch named Tally said that will be too easy why not rape her instead.

The cheating pair left and that's the sign that this men can do what that bitch Tally said. The men are happy enough and already fantasizing her and came rushing to her.

Since they wanted to end her in a humilliating way then why not she killed herself. She snatch the knife around the man when they rush into her and stab her own heart while grinning and telling to them that they will have a chance to do so.

She close her eyes and enduring the pain while she slowly lose consciousness. She oath to herself if ever there is a second life she will make those people who hurt her dead, she will not be naive and never let others bully her again.