
Chapter 7.1(Edited)

A few hours passed and the king arrived bringing along a few people with him; the king went to Yuuta and said "Mister Golem!, I'm here to introduce you to some of my family and old friends of mine; That is my youngest daughter Annie Bronzelite" he said as he pointed at a girl that was about the same height as Aki but with long yellow greenish hair color with emerald like eyes. "and this is my friend Sir Al-", "Alexander Drake" the man beside the king said with reddish hair and a scar a cross left eye; "and over there is...." the king said as he was looking around, "Ernst! where are you?" he shouted. "I-I am just looking around Father!" Ernst said near the refrigerator, "He's my youngest son and just a 2 years older than Annie."; "Nice to meet you all" Yuuta said as he continues to read his manga and the king starts to pick out the things he wants to buy.

Aki got out of her room and said "Dad are we going to have instant ramen again today?", "Don't worry this is the last day that we'll eat instant ramen everyday." Yuuta replied. "Okay Dad, but do you have a new volume of the manga I'm reading.", "Yeah, I'll bring it to your room later."; around the corner a young man who was a bit taller than Aki with chestnut brown hair was peaking behind one of the aisle and was captivated by Aki's beauty "She looks like a goddess..." he mutters to himself, "Hey brother are you in love...." someone whispered in his ear and he jumped up little and turns around and said "Shhhh!". "Come on introduce yourself." she said, "Are you crazy!?, I'm already lucky getting to see a goddess and -" he said to see that his sister wasn't there anymore.

"Hi I'm Annie Bronzelite! Nice to meet you!" she said, "H-Hi I-I'm Aki" Aki replied, "and that's my brother over there" Annie said pointing at the aisle near the refrigerator. He slowly comes out of the aisle and walks towards them "I-I'm E-Ernst Bronzelite..." he mutters and his face burning bright red,"H-Hi I'm Aki." Aki replied.

At the counter the King said "It seems our children are getting along." , "So it seems." Yuuta said as he was looking at Aki with a sense of peace of mind. "Why not come to the castle tomorrow!" the king said "and it seems like your selling beer now and its cold, I'll buy every beer inside those things. ; "Sure." Yuuta replied, "Okay, Mister Golem I'll send a personal carriage here to come pick you up tomorrow and bring the beer too." the king said as he also calls for his kids and leave....