
Reincarnated against My will in My Little Pony

This is a story about the most pessimistic guy you will ever meet Freddie is 16 year old antisocial loner with major anger issues who dies and is Reincarnated in My Little Pony by a God for his own amusement. (I made this out of boredom I own nothing all characters belong to Hasbro except for MC)

Preston_Shaw · Televisi
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

Fred walks down the street yet another shitty day in this horrible town "god I hate everything life sucks *sigh* things are only gonna get worse from here somehow I can feel it."

Just as Fred said this a bolt of lightning strikes his head and instantly kills him he then wakes up in a white space unable to feel anything.

"Where the fuck am I god this place is too bright is anybody there HELLO!!!"

"Yes" Oh the fuck is that god thought Fred "Yes I am god or a god-like being any way I can read your thoughts so there is no need to yell let's cut to the chase I don't want this to go on for too long you died I killed now I am Reincarnating you So let's get on with it."

Fred -"Hold up hold the FUCK!!! up you killed me"

God -"Yes that's what I said by the way no need to speak just think now lets"

No no no no no you killed me you bastard you think I am just gonna let that go you mother fucker you got another thing coming and that's gonna be my foot up you ASSSSSS!!!!!!

"Okay I see you're mad so how about this you don't calm down I will just erase your soul from existence ok" *inhale* *exhale* well okay then thought Fred as he calmed down.

"Well, now let's move on shall we? You were randomly selected to be reincarnated into another world normal if you win you are allowed to choose a world to go to but seeing as how you were oh so very rude" Oh no that sense of impending doom is back thought Fred.

"I will reincarnate you into a world you hate the most let's see in your memories there was this one show your mother made you watch with your little sister what was it called oh yes My Little Pony" Oh dear lord in heaven no please no "oh yes if your memory serves correctly you hated every minute of it with every fiber of your being."

Oh please no I am so sorry please don't send me there I would prefer to have my soul eradicated over being sent there!!! yelled Fred as he pleaded to the god "Nope too bad I am sending you there don't despair though you still get 3 wishes okay no what are and please no more profanity or I will take your wishes away."

Well, at least I get wishes though Fred bitterly hold on a second let me think.

"Have you decided yet I am getting bored It's time for your punishment oops I meant your reward," It's okay I decided said Fred with hate in his voice.

My first wish- Is an incredibly strong body I'm talking Hercules-type shit.

Second wish- Incredibly high magic power.

Third wish- the ability to turn feelings like rage, frustration, and hate into power.

"Well okay, the last suits you perfectly now since you want magic power I will make you a unicorn pffffffttttt hahahahahaha You really shouldn't have been a dick now I will let you decide when you are born okay so choose now I really want to see you suffer hahahahahaha oh, oh I'm dying."

Geeeerrrrrrr okay, I will choose how about 10 years before the canon also do I haft to be born there can you isekai me there?

"hhhhmmm well, how about this I will let you choose your appearance and pppfffftttt cutie mark hahaha and reincarnated you at 6 years old okay" Fine but put me in that forest you know next to that little village the main character will go to when the canon starts.

"That place is dangerous then again you will be fine so yes that's okay with me so what do you wanna look like" A screen appeared in front of Fred so I will give myself dark red maroon skin thick wild black hair just black and magenta eyes and a horn like that sombra guy plus sharp canines.

"Okay you look pretty cool no your hahahaha cutie Mark what do want it to look like." the screen changed into some sort of drawing pad okay so let's draw this dumb thing I drew four jagged magenta circles with one vertical line and one horizontal line kinda like compass needles in the center I put a human skull I also gave it horns and sharp fangs making it look demonic I was satisfied with that and then told the god I was done.

"Huh that cutie mark is not cute at all but whatever everything wishes are done, time of reincarnation, appearance, and place of reincarnation yup all looks good now off you go."

With that Fred's soul was sent off to his new world but just be for he left the god sensed the most hateful malicious arua he ever felt come from a mortal "Maybe I shouldn't have pist him off this is gonna come back to haunt me I just no it."