
Death and Wishes




( POV Narrator ).

​"AHHH! W@E#^&!"

In a gleaming white room sat a figure that, although it looked human, could not be recognized as a certain person, always changing but static in a more metaphorical way.

This seemingly omnipotent entity is wounded.

For another more powerful entity, perhaps at the time this wound would have been very difficult to cure but now with more calm it was in fact easy to heal it but there was something in which an emotion or a feeling prevented him from healing it.

This emotion had a name, it was boredom.

More like apathy, after infinite universes and iterations he had grown bored of existing, he had seen everything, eaten everything, helped, killed everything.

There was no more to learn nor to see about nonexistence, there was nothing left to experience.

Then he decided that he would let the wound eat away at him and weaken him until to finish off his existence he would reincarnate a soul with 3 wishes like other of his companions did.

"Ha! I waited for a complete iteration until this injury debilitated me enough, good!!!, what a thrill!!!, I'm about to get it!!!, HAHA!"

While the entity now defined as a man of indeterminate age celebrated the completion of its long plan it was also searching for a soul that met its basic standards and found one.

" Hmm "

The soul belonged to a young man who during high school was diagnosed with cancer and died 3 years later due to aggressive treatment and an opportunistic disease that attacked him.

The entity looked at the soul and predicted what wishes it would ask for and only one of them represented a real problem for its current power and another that would be a little complicated but if it removed something it would be perfect.

"Okay, let's get this started!!"

With a movement of his hand the soul went from being a sphere to taking on a transparent humanoid appearance.

'Let's the show begin' , thought the entity.


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( POV Azumi Kobayashi )

Hello, I'm Azumi Kobayashi, well what I say. . . ah! Yes, he was a 3rd grade high school student when, after a common blood check, it was detected that he had a type of leukemia.

And they immediately admitted me. In a short time, I realized that I didn't have much time. It's funny that when you're about to die, you think about very banal things that you could have done, like eating that gigantic chocobana that they promoted on TV with friends. It's funny, they are those little things that make you realize how much you want to live.

Now why I am saying this to the eternal void is because it recently happened. . I think? Mori had already accepted it for a while and that doesn't make it any easier, because even if I accept it I don't stop wondering how my parents or friends are.

After all, the only thing worse than having cancer is having a child who has it.

But I guess I shouldn't cry over spilled milk and my only regret is that I didn't know if my parents could live well without me...

Anyway, in other news, the other world is extremely boring, the only thing to do is narrate common events like how many points of light there are in my field of vision or this day I will finally be able to feel my-eh

From one moment to the next it feels like someone is taking me and I lose that feeling of unity that I had before.

Then I feel like someone is examining every bit of my being and knows everything about me, the only thing that crosses my mind is the thought 'All that hentai is not mine!!'.

After a while this feeling ends and after I feel calmer something else begins.

I feel that my body returns to a certain extent and when I open my eyes before me is an extremely beautiful man and without exaggeration he is more attractive than anything I have ever seen.

"Welcome little soul!!!"

I look at the figure confused and slightly afraid.

"Haha!!, there is no reason to fear, I am not here to punish you or do anything bad, on the contrary I am going to give you a gift and my gift is three wishes, it doesn't matter what you ask for, telodare, what do you say, do you accept?"

I freeze momentarily, I think about all the situations in those fan-fics I read and I can't help but find the similarities, then I see that the hand he offered me is moving backwards and without thinking I jump in and shake it shouting the following words.

" Of course!!!"

He simply smiles and speaks again.

"Okay, now we have to start fulfilling our wishes, if your want I'll give you some time to think about them."

"It won't be necessary, I already know what my first wish will be!"

When I was hospitalized, this was a recurring question every time I read a wish-fulfillment novel and I ended up making a list for it.

"Oh, which one?~"

"My first wish is to have a safe place away from any god or entity, a place absolutely safe from any threat."

He shines slightly and then cracks of golden light appear from his body and I become slightly scared.

" What is happening to you?!"

"I'm dying, but it doesn't matter, what is your next wish?"

"Oh of course you die wait... WHAT!?"

"Let's not talk about me, now what is your second wish?"

"Eh!, Ah yes, for my second wish I want to have a way to travel to all those fictional worlds that I have seen and also to my home world..."

"Mhh, well it will take the form of a library with all the worlds I know and in the center the book of your world, you just have to put the book you want to visit on the altar and a door will open."

With that it began to shine again and break more, now it had visible cracks running through its entire body.

"And the last wish is?"

I look at him with determination and say.

"I wish I had all the powers and abilities that Rimuru Tempest had at the end of the novel"

Smile and say.

"It's Done"

I look at him while he smiles peacefully, he becomes the light that surrounds me and the environment, I faint looking at him.





I woke up in a white bed that was very soft and smooth as well as cool, I stretched and rubbed my eyes, thinking that I had a very good sleep and that today would be another day of treatment.

(Master, I'm afraid it was a dream)

I open my eyes and jump up, looking around without finding anything.

(Master, I am your Skill Raphael. I recommend you sit down, Master)

Suddenly I remember my entire conversation with that god and I understand everything.

'Raphael, do you know where we are?'

(Negative. You can only assume that we are in the dimension of your first wish. I recommend reading the letter that is on the dresser next to the bed, Master)

I look back and indeed find the letter, I take it and open it without forgetting to thank Raphael.

He looked at the letter and started reading it.

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// To: Azumi Kobayashi //

- From God, if you are reading this letter it means that I died after granting your wishes, if you feel responsible for my death, don't worry, it was something that I already wanted and you are not responsible for any of it, if you want to see it from someone else So I used you to die, in short for your first wish I passed all the authority of my Realm to you and if you consent you will feel the entire Realm around you. You will also be able to manipulate it as you want and take the appearance that you want, but for the Wish of To have all of Rimuru's power along with his Skills, I had to remove only one, that is the Energy that Rimuru absorbs at the end of the novel [TURN NULL] which grants him uncountable infinite power, instead you will have Rimuru's energy before his death. convate with Yuuki and the Skills he has at the end of the novel.


- Postscript: I hope you enjoy your life and try to have fun and enjoy it.

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When he finished the letter I smiled and silently thanked this god, hoping that he had fulfilled his wish too.

After a few seconds like this I decide to check what the letter said and I try to feel everything and almost immediately I feel and see everything there is, which is actually an infinitely large field of plants, I calculate that it is the size of a universe and a day and night cycle created by the barriers of the Universe, with only one house right in the center of this Creation.

The house is made of an indeterminate wood along with a series of rooms from bedrooms like where I am now, studies, receptions, bathrooms and a library with many Floating Books and an altar in the center.

I immediately want to go there and I ask Raphael to teleport me there immediately.

" Raphael go there!!! ".

(Affirmative Master.)

With that phrase a magic circle appears and the environment abruptly changes to an empty room with a single altar and a book with a firmament above adorned with many different books, each one is an intrinsically unique design and I felt that if I extended my hand would attract anyone who wanted.

Although they had little importance because I was spoiled now when I arrived at the altar and touched the book on it a door appeared decorated with a carving of trees and humans living together and watering plants while in the background were tall skyscrapers and rays of light decorated with touches of metal and with a golden circular handle.

With that I put my hand on the Handle and suddenly I stop and think about something that Rimuru did at the end of the novel and I think about imitating so I resolutely ask Raphael for something.

"Raphael, can you use [Multiple Existence] and create a sub-body with my appearance before I died and with the normal human energy level?"

(Affirmative Master. Proceeding to Create Multiple Existence.)

And with those words I feel as if I suddenly had four eyes and as if my mind split and I could see another perspective of my vision with other sensations and in another body, but in the end I was not a stranger and with that thought a 19 year old Japanese, with attractive dark brown hair, and a defined body, with hazel brown eyes. His height was 1.82 m, handsome but not exaggerated.

On the other hand, when I opened my eyes on the other body I saw one of the most attractive men I have ever seen, gray hair and matching eyes, pale white skin, a physique with visible but not bulky muscles and above all naked and now that I see myself , also this body is naked.

"Mhh, Raphael the clothes, because I don't have clothes."

(I hadn't asked for it)

"Okay but then because I have human form."

(Consider that since you were human before, the slime form would be uncomfortable for you and that as you are adapting to your new life it should be gradual so create a human form suitable for you. If you don't like it I can change it and alter it for another, Master)

"Not if I like Raphael, leave it at that"

(Obviously Master, that appearance was a job meticulously done by my Master) *Pride*

Raise an eyebrow and respond.

"Is it Pride I hear?~"

(I don't understand what master refers to)

"Okay, but you still don't tell me why I don't have clothes."

(The Master's Clothes must be made from his Scales and therefore will be a Divine level item with 1,000,000 EP as a minimum and 10,000,000 EP as a maximum which must be from his EP reserve so I thought it appropriate to wait until to wake up and decide it together with you Master.)

"I see you can create in my next body hospital clothes at the level of my world and Clothing of the design that you think is appropriate in the Original Raphael"


Then a slime covered us and this transformed into a blue and white robe for my old body and for my new body it transformed into a black long-sleeved shirt along with black pants and shoes made of something similar to fabric with leather gloves. suit and a white robe, a simple outfit but that at the same time transmitted an aura of elegance and intellect, like the clothing of a wise man.

"I think I really like the clothes, thank you Raphael and you don't have to call me Master if you don't want to know"

(I understand Master.)

While I whisper '...No, you didn't understand'

When we finish that conversation I focus again on the door and my old body advances to the door and opens it before me is the hospital when it finishes passing I close the door and continue walking until I reach the room where I was and my body was On the verge of death, when he died I asked Raphael to absorb it and lie down in bed as if it were me normally, so as not to generate paradoxes, I don't know if it would really happen or not, but it seemed appropriate to me.

In a short time my parents arrive and when they see my current appearance they are surprised and then they run to hug me and burst into tears saying that they had a bad feeling and that I did feel better.

I told them that I felt much better and that I was happy to see them, they immediately called the doctors and they were very surprised and sent for tests.

In a few days I was discharged from the Hospital and I decided that I would study Law after all with Raphael it would be easy and even though I was in the hospital I did not stop studying and currently I am 19 years old, an age where I can enter a university and I decided to enter one of Tokyo, when I told my parents they were surprised and told me to take a break and I told them that what I was doing was taking a break from the hospital and from that life that this life would be my break.

With that they accepted and currently I am at the entrance to the school and it is the first day when I see something surprising to say the least.

One of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen, wavy brown hair that reaches to her waist, delicate skin and an elegance when walking, dressed in white clothes with ruffles at the exact points and a bouquet of roses on white paper, when we looked at each other we felt a spark and I think she did too, for a moment we stopped and then she continued walking with a smile until she reached a group of two men, grabbed the bouquet of roses and said.

" Congratulations "

As she hit the bouquet of roses against one of the two and kept her smile.

Mhh, this life may be more entertaining than I thought.


- - -


While that is happening in my main body I decide to master all my Skills and learn as much as possible before venturing into any world.

So I decide to enter the Skill [King of Information, Akashic Records ], to learn and I asked Raphael to teach me everything that exists in the Skill, along with Thought Acceleration and Mental Splitting, real time does not it should be different. be a lot.

With a Smile I entered the Skill and it didn't take long to see millions of books, spheres and scrolls stacked in an infinite library.

"Let us begin"






- A project I've had for a while.

A project I've had for a while.

Sakuta_01003creators' thoughts
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