
Reincarnate with my alter ego

Monster_of_Light · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
10 Chs

Chapter Five:The exploration

After that last event, nothing interesting happen.A few of Ethan's friend come by to congratulate him and his wife.Most of of them are not a human but an archer woman elf,a barbarian orc and a blacksmith dwarf.They all seems to be close with Ethan,not like when he met Blair.After meeting with all of Ethan's friend, Deigo start to meditate back and live on as a normal baby.

After 5 more months of meditation,a window appear again


Skill: Meditation [Passive Skill] (Level 3)

Skill Description:

1.You now feel a lot more calm than before

2.You now could feel mana flow inside your body

3.You now could see the mana flow of someone else.


After that window appear, Deigo look at his mom and he could see light blue mana flow,it was like veins that spread around the body,the flow was slow and relax.He can also see her mana are covering her whole body,he wonder what was the effect are.Deigo then try to replicate it by focusing his mana to his whole body but it was very hard as he had a small mana pool but he didn't give up he then try to replicate it again but this time instead of focusing it, Deigo decided to imagine it like the mana was flowing slowly and nicely around his body.He could feel the different but he was too short on mana pool.Even though that, he keep on practicing it everyday for a whole month. That's when a window appear and said...


·Skill Obtained: Mana Skin [Active Skill] (Level 1)

Mana cost:Consume 3 MP every 5 seconds

Skill Cooldowns:A day

Skill Description:Buff your overall stats by 2 for 5 seconds

·Skill: Mana Control [Passive Skill] (Level 2)

Skill Description:You now can control your mana better


Deigo was smiling happily as all of his hard effort have paid off.He then use 'Mana Skin' to see what it really do.He said "Mana Skin" and then "Status Window"


Name: Elbrus Harvey

Class: Berserker/Blue Mage














•Awareness [Passive Skill] (Level 3)

•Calm Mind [Passive Skill] (Level 1)

•Rational Thinker [Passive Skill] (Level 1)

•Meditation [Passive Skill] (Level 3)

•Mana Control [Passive Skill] (Level 2)

·Mana Skin [Active Skill] (Level 1)


Deigo was smiling happily as he feel his body was a bit stronger now,even though it was only a small buff it was still a huge success for him.Mateo then also join him "Woah,what this!Our body suddenly feel a bit stronger. Did you do something Deigo?". He nodded his head and was about to explain when the effects wear off and he feel sleepy again.He fell asleep.

The next morning, Deigo explain to Mateo about what was happening yesterday.After explaining that, Deigo ask Mateo to switch place with him and try to do things that we really want to do ever since they inside their mother womb.Mateo was excited,he quickly switch place with Deigo and try to stand up but his body was too weak to do that.Deigo then ask Mateo to try again but this time he used 'Mana Skin'.It was a struggle at first but he manage to do it.Mateo was really excited and happy as he now could walk again,he then took a few steps around before the effects wear off and he fall down on his knee.Mateo was sad as he thought that he could finally walk around but Deigo had another idea.He tell Mateo to try again but this time without using 'Mana Skin',Mateo was confused by his request but he still didn't hesitate to do it because he trust him.Mateo then try to get up again, although it was hard and sometimes even fall down again he keep trying until he could stand up once again.He couldn't believe it as he thought he was need to wait for a whole year before he could actually walk.He then ask Deigo about what really happening, Deigo explain "It was muscle memory,when you first time standing and walking around your muscles was remembering all of the movement,as a result if we push hard enough we can actually doing exactly what was our muscle remember.To be honest,I never expect this too until I feel how 'Mana Skin' actually work,that when I make an hypothesis that we may actually able to walk thanks to this skill." Happy was all over his face as now he could walk around,he then walk slowly across the room until his mother see it,she who have been focus on reading a historical book was left speechless by what she saw.Matteo was making happy sound as he slowly walk to his mom,she wait patiently until he reach her arm.She kiss him in the forehead and tell him that "You will really become one of the strongest mage." Mateo didn't really interested in becoming strongest mage but he still make a happy cry for his mother.After that she take Mateo out and brought him to living room,she then let Mateo walk around while she follow him from behind.Mateo who really want to explore this world for such a long time didn't waste anymore seconds and explore the house.He explore the kitchen, bathroom, living room, guestroom and the rest of the house.Thanks to all this walking,a window appear and said...


Your stamina has increase by 1

Your dexterity has increase by 1


Mateo ignore it as he want to enjoy this feeling,he finally stop at a library.He was about to turn away before Deigo stop him.He tell him to stay there and keep watching at the library door,Mateo didn't understand what Deigo trying to do but he still do it.It was a few seconds later that their mother interupt them and said "This is library,a place where we keep some useful book.Do you want to enter it?" Seeing the opportunity to learn more about this world, Deigo ask Mateo to switch place as exchange he will let Mateo take control over the body for much more longer tomorrow.Mateo then agree and switch place with Diego,Diego then make a happy sound towards her mother to tell her that he was interested to go in there. Deigo's mom then open the door and let him in.Deigo then explore the room while she explain "This room was filled with many different books,there are spell books, history books, forbidden spells books,books about the God and Goddess in this world,general stuff like classes,rules,and adventure."There are many that things that Deigo was curious about but one that catch his attention is the book about the history of Towerryk.The world that he live in right now.He try to grab the book to tell his mother that he interested in this book.She then take the hint and pull the book for Deigo before saying "History about Towerryk huh,I didn't expect you to pick this one but how do you want to read this?You don't know reading yet right?". Deigo then point his finger towards her and make a happy sound.She understand what he trying to say and tell him " Alright but I will only read it for you when I'm free ok?" Deigo make another happy sound.