
Reigned in Freedom

An arranged marriage tears Christine from the only family she knows and into the arms of a masked Stranger

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130 Chs

Chapter 76

Bastard!" Erik hissed, taking a lunge for him. Both Raoul and Anthony held him back, both men very much aware of the pistol still pointed at Christine's head. They could not forget the fact that Christine's life was in danger and their actions would decide her fate.

"We were just getting to know each other when you barged in...now I will have the pleasure of killing you and then taking what I want from your pretty wife," Leroy hissed. Erik had to clench his fists to keep from lunging for the man; he had to keep his temper in if he wished to save Christine.

"I promise you that you will wish you had never touched her," Anthony hissed before Erik could say a word. This was his sister that was in trouble, he would not let any man get away with hurting her. Leroy smirked at the handsome young man.

"Ah, my handsome young nephew," Leroy said, his voice laced with sarcasm.

"I am no family or yours," Anthony spat.

"Perhaps that is truer than you think, you being the bastard son of a foreigner," Leroy growled. Anthony was obviously taken back in surprise by the statement. What the hell was the man talking about?

"Monsieur, my father is a Frenchman, and I will ask you only once to watch how you talk about him," Anthony growled. Erik knew what Leroy was doing, he was goading Anthony into an attack, he wanted a confrontation so he would have reason to kill Erik and then use Christine. Leroy met Erik's gaze.

"You did not tell him?" he asked. Anthony turned toward Erik with his question in his eyes, not sure if he really wanted to know what was going on.

"Now is not the time, Anthony," Erik growled. But Anthony, who had always been a persistent man, was determined to find out what was going on.

"Do not talk to me as if I were a child, Desslar. Tell me what this man is talking about," he said, impatient.

"You and Christine do not share the same father," Erik said, never once looking away from Christine. It was probably better to just get straight to the point. Anthony's face remained expressionless, obviously not believing what he was being told.

"You both are bastards to suggest such a thing," Anthony said, angry. Sienna looked on helplessly, wanting to comfort the man she loved.

"I am not lying, Anthony. Gustave Daae is not your father," Erik said softly. Anthony's eyes searched Erik's face, trying to find some proof that what he said was a lie. He knew that Erik would not say such a thing at a time like this if it were not true.

"He is my father..." Anthony insisted, his voice losing some of its gusto. Leroy was enjoying it, he was slowly destroying this family and nothing could get any better.

"No, he took you as his own when he married your mother," Erik said, wishing they were not talking about this right now, it was not the time or the place. Anthony did not want to hear this. Gustave had always been there for him as he was growing up. He had been his father and Anthony had never doubted it.

"Then who is my father?" Anthony demanded, doubt still lingering in his heart.

"Nadir Khan."

Anthony could not answer because Erik's eyes were suddenly looking straight at Christine. He could see Christine's eyelids flickering and he could not look away, needing desperately to know that she was alright. Leroy heard the slight moan that came from Christine's lips and his eyes landed on her face. He hated to admit it, but she truly looked like an angel, awake and asleep. An angel that belonged to a masked devil...who could think of anything more ironic?

"The sleeping beauty has decided to join us," Leroy muttered. He continued to hold her against his chest and a slight frown furrowed her perfect brow.

"Erik..." she whispered. Erik could not help but take great pride in the fact that he was the first thing she thought about upon waking, even in these circumstances. He was glad to know that he was not the only one completely obsessed with another person, at least he feeling was mutual. Leroy, obviously, did not like the idea that Christine had said Desslar's name. When Christine's eyes finally focused and she saw who it was that was holding her she began to struggle, even though her body was beyond that point.No! Let me go! Please!" she cried, struggling. She knew he had a gun pointed at her head but she knew she could no longer do anything about it.

"Tell her to stop struggling or I will shoot you where you stand," Leroy hissed. Christine's head snapped around to look directly into Erik's eyes and tears flooded the beautiful blue of his beloved.

"Erik!" she sobbed, desperately wishing his arms were around her. She was trying to still be strong but it was becoming to much. Erik put on his best forced smile, trying to reassure her that he would get her out of this hell hole if it was the last thing that he did.

"Shh, my love, it is alright," he whispered. Leroy dug the pistol into the tender flesh of her bruised cheek, causing Christine to cry out.

"Nothing is alright, I am going to make you pay for what you did to my brother," Leroy growled at Erik.

"Your quarrel is between the two of us. She has nothing to do with this. Let her go," Erik said gritted teeth. Even the simple fact that this man was touching her, even when it was not intimate, caused Erik's insides to turn.

"If she were to die, Erik, what would that do to you?" Leroy demanded. Erik froze inside, knowing that Leroy knew all too well what he was talking about. He could not answer because words simply would not express what would happen to him if anything happened to her. Christine's eyes found his and for a moment he could not look away, realizing that though he had realized that he loved her he had never realized how much she was a part of him. He could not contemplate not having her with him each morning he woke up and each evening he went to sleep...it was too much to think about.

He had had nothing to live for after Emma's death, no reason to go on, and then he had married his little spit-fire and all of that had changed. She represented all of the hope and love he had thought that he would never have again. She was pregnant with his son or daughter...she promised him and a family where someone would love him despite what he looked like on the outside and despite the fact that he had a very short temper. She was the only reason he was still alive...she was everything.