
Reign of Worm

David was human. David is now a worm. David just wants to know what's going on. Now David eats humans. Poor David. Warning: MC is not strong, and will not grow within OP within 100 chapters. MC is also not going to look for stupid fights to satisfy the audience's thirst for blood. The MC just wants to live a good life. If you don't like that, ok. -0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0-0- Cover isn't mine, google-searched for a bit, if you want it taken down please just ask.

PyroButt · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
46 Chs

Here we go again.

Haa. Another day down here in the depths of the dungeon. Another day wallowing in the pit of despair that is my current life. Wow, today has started on a depressing note.

Alright, so what to do. Let's make a list. For one thing, I'm still kind of hungry, maybe it's because I slept a little but I am definitely a little hungry. So finding food is up there. Next, I honestly need to check my stats and upgrade because I haven't done that in a while. Then I guess I'll head back to the expanse since I need to get stronger. My monster instincts are beginning to surface and that's the main priority. The forest in the expanse seems to be the way to go.

Well, I guess that about sums up what I need to do, now how do I do it? I'm healed but I'm not sure if I can handle too much right now. I guess I'll start with food.

My mind made up after a really pointless checkup, I wiggle out of my temporary home and head back to the scene of my most recent hunt, what I aptly name centipede tunnel. Along the way I'm so bored I make an 's' shaped tunnel, not even bothering to re-use the old one. Not that I could anyway, my wounds ended up making that dirt really firm and I didn't bother to shift the dirt anywhere.

Oh! I'm here! Let's look for some delicious food! Some delectable foot cuisine. Some highly acidic juice. Okay, I'll stop before I throw up or make a bigger fool of myself. Speaking of, what do I spy with my little eye but a single acid centipede all by itself? I've learned my lesson this time so I'll go for a sneak attack. I don't want to leave anything to my terrible luck.


Not waiting for even a moment I quickly tunnel right under the lone acid centipede before jumping out of the ground and channeling a little bit of void mana into a bite, literally severing the lone long-footer in half with no chance to make even a squeak.

[Level 10 Acid Centipede defeated]

Yes! Things are starting to look positive. Alright! Time to feast! I quickly widen my mouth to a horrifying degree before straight swallowing the two halves of the dead acid centipede.

[8 Life Matter acquired]

Pretty good haul for a single prey. I head back to the temporary shelter in an even better mood than I left in, truly feeling bright for the first time in a long time. As soon as I get home, I'm so ecstatic that I even go on a worm dancing spree, that is to say I dug a whole bunch before passing out.


Wooh! I feel good now! What was I supposed to do next? Oh right, let's see if we can upgrade anything. Status please!


Status: David

Species Void Worm

Level: 1(11)

Title: Folly Magician

HP: 100/100

MP: 5/5

Core: Lesser Pure

Strength: 14

Speed: 10

Toughness: 15

Cunning: 42

Will: 37

Skills: Terraform(II), Bite(II), Void Sense, Elementary Void Control, Core Contamination, Crush

Life Matter: 37

Skill Points: 1

General: Efficient Void Gland, Efficient Digestive System, Toothed Mouth, Hardened Mandibles, strengthened Setae, Hyper Carbon-based Body, Explosive Muscles


Well, holy moly this new status looks wrong. I see a new thing and I have 37 life matter? Is this fake? Did I die and get released from this inevitable hell? Okay just kidding but this is still pretty cool. It lightens my mood to open my status to a new surprise, though I will need to go ever that new skill sooner or later. Core Contamination, what does it even do? Anyway, moving on, what should I upgrade?

Hmm. Honestly, most of my upgrades only cost six or seven life matter so it's not like I can make a completely wrong choice. You know what? I'll upgrade my body twice. I'm tired of being so vulnerable that one hit can screw me over.

[Confirm upgrade to Hyper Carbone-based Body(II) for 13 Life Matter?]

Yes but wait I still have more I'm pretty sure. Upgrading my body will cost 13 life matter which will leave me with 24. Hm. Okay, Let's upgrade explosive muscles twice and my void gland once. That should leave me with 5 life matter.

[Confirm all upgrades for 32 Life Matter?]

Hell yeah, hit me!

Oouucchh!!! Dear lord Jeremy why the fuck do you make it hurt so badly?!

Huff. Huff.

The end of this session leaves me panting for breath, but not quite near the level of passing out so I guess there's one good thing from all of that squirming around. My home hasn't suffered at least, I made sure to really pack the dirt while on my tunneling spree earlier.

Alright, one last thing before I head back to sleep. What was it again? Oh right, heading back to the forest. Honestly, I don't think I'm quite ready for it yet but I guess I can take a look. You know, a little scouting mission.

Still a little worn from the upgrades I tunnel my way back to the centipede tunnel before hooking a left and worming towards the main tunnel that leads to the forest. I don't get far before something alerts me though. One moment I'm tunneling along and then suddenly fifty or so signatures appear on my void sense. Like, really Jeremy, are you trying to kill me or something here? That's a whole pack of those wingless crawling mosquitos! I would be torn apart and divided into even portions of worm food in seconds!

Looks like I'm not doing any scouting today! Scared out of my mind I do a 180 and high-worm it right back to my little cave house where I curl up and fall asleep. Hopefully, tomorrow is good.

I'm not going to lie here, I didn't want to write this chapter at all. In fact, what you just read isn't even what I outlined the chapter to be about, I just had to get out a chapter today and change the whole mood of the book in this one chapter. I want this book to lean more towards comedy with a focus on plot, not a serious novel with ironic comedy breaking the mood. Still, it's here and I hope you enjoy it. New chapter should come out tomorrow as well.

Toodles, PyroTheWormCreator

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