
Reign of Evil: Tales of Villainy

I have no intention of establishing premium contracts for this book, so readers can rest assured! Your satisfaction in reading will not incur any costs!!!! I simply ask that you spread the word to your friends so we can embark on this journey together!!!!!! Embark on an unforgettable journey with Johnny, a brilliant young scientist mysteriously transported to a medieval world filled with intrigue and charm. With his sister Cecilia by his side, Johnny navigates a tumultuous society divided into three classes: aristocracy, devout clergy, and humble peasants. Beneath their humble façade lies a dark secret marked by a mysterious symbol they all share. As Johnny faces the challenges of this new realm, his insatiable curiosity fuels an unrelenting quest for knowledge and discovery. Interwoven with the history of this medieval world, Johnny brings with him memories of a distant past where he was a talented scientist in a technologically advanced world. In this previous world, heroes with incredible abilities, similar to those in comic books, protected society and fought monstrous threats. However, a groundbreaking scientific discovery led him to an experiment that transcended the barriers of space and time, leading him to his current fate. Now, he must balance his thirst for knowledge with his survival in this new world filled with surprises, mysteries, and dangers. As his journey unfolds, Johnny faces difficult choices, often prioritizing the pursuit of truth over ethical concerns. His burning ambition leads him to commit controversial acts, challenging conventional notions of right and wrong. Johnny demonstrates an insatiable thirst for knowledge, willing to sacrifice ethical principles and traditional values in his quest for truth. This dark aspect of his character makes him a profoundly intriguing character, leading him to explore uncharted territories and question morality in the name of science and discovery. The character is cold and calculating, and does everything to achieve his goals. The chapter release frequency will be 3-4 chapters per week! My mother tongue is not English, I think this work will need a proofreader in the future.

Jonas321 · Fantasi
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52 Chs

Beautiful night

In response, the boy maintained his impassive expression, seeming unshaken in the face of the witch's sinister aura. With an enigmatic aura of his own, he countered with a question of his own, which surprised everyone: "Which one do you want?"

This enigmatic response intrigued the witch and momentarily left her speechless.

"As I expected, it was a satisfactory response. The only way to deal with this crazy situation is to keep the witch curious," Johnny thought, maintaining an impassive face as he stared at the witch's shadow. At the same time, he remembered the pre-incarnation moment when he met Anubis, who provided similar answers.

Luiz felt a shiver run down his spine as the words came out of the child's mouth. The witch's sinister aura was almost palpable, filling the air with a sense of oppression and malice.

Luiz, nervously stuttering, leaned towards the witch and whispered, "His name is Alexander, the leader of the bandits." His eyes gleamed with hope to ease the tension caused by Johnny's mysterious response. Luiz trembled anxiously, awaiting the witch's reaction, while silence hung in the air, laden with anticipation and uncertainty.

The witch exclaimed in surprise, "He's your leader? How unusual!" Her sinister eyes analyzed Alexander with a touch of curiosity. It was as if she were trying to understand the strange dynamic between the bandits and the boy. The situation had become even more mysterious and complex, and the witch seemed determined to learn more about the boy.

Luiz explained, "Yes, he killed the former leader of the bandits! And, as the bandits' code goes, 'What you kill and steal is yours!'" He tried to provide a justification for Alexander's leadership, hoping that it would somehow appease the witch.

"I understand! Forgive my lack of manners! Welcome to the world, child of darkness! Or rather, prince of darkness!" said the witch, inclining herself with an air of respect and reverence.

Johnny was stunned by the turn of events, not quite understanding what was happening. He was about to launch a massive attack against the witch, but hesitated when he noticed her sudden change of attitude.

Johnny was bewildered by the turn of the conversation but decided to go along with the witch's game and embrace the role of the "prince of darkness" with a majestic and confident attitude. He held his head high, his eyes took on a mysterious and threatening gleam, and his posture became upright and dominant, reminiscent of the days when he was used to commanding and intimidating in his previous world.

The witch, with a voice that sounded like a sinister and melodic whisper, began reciting an enigmatic prophecy: "In the most harmless form of all, the prince of darkness will emerge in this world. It will be the day when all destinies intertwine."

Johnny remained still, assimilating the witch's words as if he felt a weight on his shoulders, a destiny he barely understood but seemed inescapable.

Luiz, still stunned by the strange turn of events, dared to ask the witch, his trembling voice betraying his confusion, "How do you know he's the child of darkness? Isn't he the one who will fight the child of light in the apocalypse?"

The witch, maintaining her enigmatic smile, replied, "The apocalypse is a cosmic dance where pieces move to the music of destiny. Sometimes, prophecies are woven with subtle threads of duality, and the truth is more complex than our eyes can see. The prince of darkness is a key on a cosmic chessboard, and his role will unfold as the stars dictate."

The witch, with her supernatural ability, observed Alexander's soul. What she found left her in awe and, at the same time, frightened. The child's soul shone with a beauty that transcended insanity, death, destruction, and chaos. It was as if that soul had already witnessed countless acts of genocide and carnage, and all that dark and necrotic energy was contained and imprisoned, waiting for the right moment to be released into the world.

The witch recognized that only the child of darkness could have something so terrible contained within. That sinister and powerful aura was a secret the child carried, something that transcended human understanding. The witch knew that Alexander's fate was intertwined with dark forces that he himself barely comprehended.

Johnny felt as though the witch, with her sinister gaze, was probing the depths of his inner self, exposing every dark thought, every hidden secret, every trace of darkness within him. It was as if the witch had the ability to see through his mask and know his true nature. He felt naked, vulnerable, at the mercy of that piercing gaze that delved into the darkest corners of his mind.

The witch cast an enigmatic gaze upon Johnny, her red and curious eyes glowing with profound and dark knowledge. She began to speak with a sinister and captivating voice: "Boy, pay very close attention! There are two forms of energy that shape the world, one is called mana, and the other is necroenergy."

As she spoke, the witch began to make hand gestures, and ancient runes began to materialize in the air around her. These runes seemed to pulse with unfathomable darkness, as if they were portals to a dark and sinister realm. As the witch's words echoed, the runes began to attract the corpses of the dead, which rose from the ground and were drawn toward the runes as if they were black magnets.

As the corpses were absorbed by the runes, something macabre happened. Each body was transformed into small, dark, and sinister objects that seemed to vibrate with malevolent energy. The objects had a grotesque appearance but also an intriguing quality, emitting an aura of forbidden power. It was as if the witch was manipulating the very essence of death.

The witch stared at Johnny with her red and curious eyes, as if she were seeking to teach the boy. She inquired, "Boy, why are there different sizes of spheres?"