
Regrets - Sasuke x Sakura

He had always regretted the way he left them. Left her. He was now face to face with her once again, how would he respond?

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3 Chs

Regrets - Chapter 1 - Sasuke x Sakura

Sasuke had related to Naruto, growing up an orphan himself. Through everything he had related to him. He had followed his dark path, in order to kill his brother, for murdering his family. Leaving him an orphan. His skills had grown in power, his sharingan evolving with him.

All he had cared about was killing his brother, joining forces with Orochimaru. His way of life becoming darker and darker. He knew they searched for him, Sakura, and Naruto. His friends. The only people he had chosen to give that title to, unknown to them.

He was hunted by others now though, believing him to be as dark as his path was heading. He had one goal, his brother. He wasn't interested in Orochimaru's games. His goals were his own, Orochimaru was just a convenience.

That's why he had left Konoha in the dead of night. He tried not to look back, but his departure, the way he left things with Sakura. He was left feeling empty, guilt, a sadness growing in him. He couldn't have involved them in his plight.

Now as he was, he remained in the shadows, keeping to himself. Following orders, keeping under the radar so they knew not of his agenda. His power was growing with each mission he was sent on, the darker he strayed, the more power he received.

They were getting closer to him, he knew that. Sakura and Naruto. How much closer he hadn't realised. Until he was once again, face to face with them.