
Regressor's Journal: Revenge Of Returnee

[ Wpc Entry ] His mother died when he was only 3 months old. His father died as a Low-rank Knight for the family that betrayed him when he was just 5 years old, an innocent kid who knew nothing about the world. At the age of 9 years, he was diagnosed with a brain tumour. Even so, he did not give up. His dream was to become a knight like his father and serve the family that his father worked for. But all of his dreams were shattered when he awakened his [Blessing]. His blessing was [Journal]. The family expelled him, and he started doing odd jobs to make a living. One day, out of curiosity, he began researching the family he had lived with until now. And all of their dark secrets were revealed. But he could do nothing because of his [Blessing—> Journal]. It seemed like a useless ability, right until the very end. That’s what] thought as he was dying at the hands of Aurelia. Among all the outcasts, he was the most insignificant, able to do nothing more than record. But then, with his return, the amplification of the Journal occurred. Not only recording and storing but also recalling memories. All the conditions were prepared. "Forget about serving Aurelia's family" “My future dream is to be a downfall of the Aurelia family.” Now, [Journal] is about to record their downfall from the closest place to his enemies. **** Note:- this book has entered in WPC this month so please kindly add it library and support it with Power Stone.

Ink_Weaver122 · Fantasi
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18 Chs

Elit Magic High School.

Sia, the enigmatic and ruthless figure I knew, had seemingly played an unexpected role in saving the orphanage and its children. However, the reasons behind her actions and her statement regarding me remained a puzzle.

In Sia's mind, there were likely several motives at play. First and foremost, it's possible that she saw value in preserving the orphanage for future use. This could serve as a front or cover for various activities or plans that the Aurelia family might have in the future.

Additionally, the Aurelia family may have wanted to maintain their reputation or image in the public eye. By assisting the orphanage, they could project an image of benevolence and charity, which might prove useful for their political or social standing.

However, what intrigued me the most was Sia's mention of me. It's possible that she saw some potential or utility in my presence or abilities. Perhaps she believed that my unique talents or experiences could be of use to the Aurelia family in some way, whether it be related to their goals or objectives.

But deciphering the exact nature of her intentions remained a challenge. Sia was known for her cunning and calculated manoeuvres, and her true motivations often lay hidden beneath layers of deception and intrigue.

In any case, the use of my abilities, my connection to the Aurelia family, and the role I would play in this new chapter of our lives remained shrouded in uncertainty, leaving me with more questions than answers.

Let's think about Sia's letter.

I thought as I looked at my surroundings.

We stood together on the playground of the orphanage, surrounded by a mix of emotions. Some of the children were getting ready to leave, their faces showing traces of sadness and apprehension as they prepared for a new chapter in their lives.

Meanwhile, Leo, the eldest son, had acted swiftly. Architects and technicians had already gathered to discuss the demolition process, indicating that the orphanage's closure was imminent.

Sonu and I sat in the stands, silently observing the preparations.

"The kids are coming out," I noted as small children began to emerge from the infant dormitory. They wore yellow hats on their heads and carried yellow bags on their backs.

Each child held another's hand, their heads bobbing as they walked, resembling a group of little penguins. Laughter filled the once-silent playground, and the youthful voices of the children were heartwarming.

Three large buses arrived at the entrance of the orphanage, signalling that the departure was near.

I watched the children with a sense of detachment and then, Sonu said something to me, holding out a piece of paper with a phone number scribbled on it.

"Hey, Kevin. Is this the right phone number?" he inquired.

I glanced at the number and nodded. "Yeah."

Sonu sighed in relief. "That's good. At least we can stay in touch with them."

It seemed Sonu was intent on maintaining a connection with the place that had been our home for so long.

"Are you going to do the same?" he asked.

I pondered his question briefly before shaking my head. "I'm busy. I have to go to college. I don't have time for things like keeping in touch."

I thought for a moment but soon shook my head.

"...What? Wow~ Really? You're fucking heartless.".

Sonu pouted and turned away, seemingly disappointed.

As the children boarded the bus, their excited chatter filled the air. Some of them sat at the back, turned around in their seats, and waved at me through the windows. Their lips moved rapidly as they mouthed their goodbyes.

"Bye," I whispered, waving back at them.

With the children safely inside, the bus closed its doors, and the cheerful atmosphere that had filled the playground vanished. The engine roared to life.


The bus began to move, carrying the children away. Fortunately, they wouldn't have to witness the demolition of the place they once called home, sparing them the painful goodbye.

In the quiet aftermath, I couldn't help but find the situation intriguing. It was a story entirely different from the future I had known. Today, Aurilia has preserved a fragment of its humanity. I wondered if this change had been brought about by my actions.

"Kevin Voss."

As the bus slowly pulled away, Roan then called out to me, his voice tinged with emotion. Tears streamed down his face as he watched the departing bus.

"You can become better than your father," he told me, his voice trembling.

His words held a glimmer of solace— not "like" my father, but "better."

I sat there, contemplating the future that lay ahead, knowing that I had played a part in shaping it.


Standing at the entrance of Elit Magic High School brought forth a rush of mixed emotions. It had been a while since I last set foot on this prestigious campus, and I couldn't help but reflect on how far I had come.

Elit Magic High School, often referred to as [Elit], was renowned for its rigorous admission requirements. While the elite children of powerful families had a smoother path to entry, commoners like me had to dedicate themselves to honing their magical skills and competing based on merit alone.

My admission there had been an anomaly, a result of the unconventional selection process. Being an orphan from a foster home had placed me in the social welfare category. Coupled with my secret aid from the Journal, I had managed to score exceptionally well in theory and essay writing, despite my lower-middle-tier practical skills.

The memory of passing the entrance exam had felt like holding the world in my hands, but reality had a different plan. In the elite society of Elit, I was regarded with disdain as an orphan from a foster home. Those from wealthier backgrounds looked down on me, while those from less privileged families saw me as an easy target.

Looking back, it seemed like I had become a human shield, absorbing the judgment and prejudices of others. My scar from the brain tumour surgery, my orphaned status, my small stature, and my timid personality all combined to make me an easy target for those who sought to elevate themselves by putting others down.

But despite the challenges and obstacles, I was here now, standing at the entrance of Elit once more. It was a testament to my determination and resilience, a reminder that I had defied the odds and earned my place in this prestigious institution.

As I gazed at the familiar surroundings, I couldn't help but wonder what awaited me in this new chapter of my life.