
Regressor's Journal: Revenge Of Returnee

[ Wpc Entry ] His mother died when he was only 3 months old. His father died as a Low-rank Knight for the family that betrayed him when he was just 5 years old, an innocent kid who knew nothing about the world. At the age of 9 years, he was diagnosed with a brain tumour. Even so, he did not give up. His dream was to become a knight like his father and serve the family that his father worked for. But all of his dreams were shattered when he awakened his [Blessing]. His blessing was [Journal]. The family expelled him, and he started doing odd jobs to make a living. One day, out of curiosity, he began researching the family he had lived with until now. And all of their dark secrets were revealed. But he could do nothing because of his [Blessing—> Journal]. It seemed like a useless ability, right until the very end. That’s what] thought as he was dying at the hands of Aurelia. Among all the outcasts, he was the most insignificant, able to do nothing more than record. But then, with his return, the amplification of the Journal occurred. Not only recording and storing but also recalling memories. All the conditions were prepared. "Forget about serving Aurelia's family" “My future dream is to be a downfall of the Aurelia family.” Now, [Journal] is about to record their downfall from the closest place to his enemies. **** Note:- this book has entered in WPC this month so please kindly add it library and support it with Power Stone.

Ink_Weaver122 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
18 Chs

Camelia [ R-18 ]

As I ascended the staircase following the senior's lead, the lively ambience of the bar club intensified. The second floor unveiled itself, a realm adorned with neon lights and pulsating beats.

The area was an intricate labyrinth of entertainment, with various rooms branching off from the main corridor. The vibrant hues of the neon signs cast a kaleidoscope of colours, creating an atmosphere both exciting and disorienting.

As we traversed the second floor, I noted several rooms along the corridor. Each door held an air of mystery, hinting at diverse activities within.

Some were closed, others slightly ajar, revealing snippets of laughter, music, and perhaps the clinking of glasses.

The second floor seemed to be a hub of eclectic experiences, offering spaces for revelry, conversation, and maybe even a touch of mischief.

Men and women flowed in and out of the rooms, creating a dynamic ebb and flow of patrons.

Some were headed to the third floor, their laughter echoing in the stairwell.

The atmosphere was charged with excitement and anticipation. As my gaze wandered, I couldn't help but notice that the hallway harboured its fair share of inebriated women.

Their laughter, sometimes raucous, resonated against the walls, adding a layer of chaotic charm to the overall scene.

In this intricate web of lights, laughter, and indulgence, the second floor of the bar club unfolded as a realm where the night took on a life of its own.

The diverse rooms hinted at a myriad of experiences, inviting guests to immerse themselves in the intoxicating allure of the night.

At the end of the vibrant corridor on the second floor, Joe led me to a halt in front of a room that hummed with unmistakable energy.

The dim glow of neon signs cast an ephemeral ambience around us. Two men stood at the entrance, framed by the doorway's silhouette. Their appearances were distinct, each contributing a unique touch to the nocturnal tableau.

The first man, tall and broad-shouldered, sported a meticulously groomed beard that added a touch of rugged charm.

He exuded an air of confidence that seemed to dance with the rhythm of the night. This was Tom, the embodiment of suave masculinity.

Beside him, a man with an enigmatic smile leaned against the doorframe. His eyes held a glint of mischief, and his attire exuded an effortless coolness.

This was Alex, the kind who navigated the night with a charismatic allure that captivated without effort.

Joe proceeded with the introductions, "Kevin, meet Tom and Alex. They'll be your companions for the evening."

Tom extended a firm handshake, and Alex nodded in acknowledgement.

After the brief exchange, Joe directed his attention to me, emphasizing the importance of the upcoming encounter. "Inside this room, there are three women of high stature. Your task is simple—provide them with pleasure, but be respectful. They're accustomed to a certain standard."

Understanding the gravity of the situation, I met Joe's gaze and assured him, "I understand, Joe. I'll ensure everything goes smoothly."

Satisfied with my response, Joe nodded. "Good. Remember, respect is paramount. Now, go ahead." He swung the door open, revealing the dimly lit room beyond. Tom, Alex, and I stepped inside.


As I stepped into the room, the subdued lighting revealed three distinct figures seated on the plush couch, their laughter resonating with the ambient music. Each woman possessed a unique aura, and their appearances hinted at a life accustomed to luxury.

The first woman, Camelia, sat with an air of sophistication. Her auburn hair cascaded in elegant waves, complementing her refined features. Dressed in a tailored outfit that exuded class, she seemed to carry the weight of experience. Camelia's age was a well-guarded secret, hinted at by the wisdom that danced in her expressive eyes.

Next to her, a vivacious brunette named Isabella radiated an infectious energy. Her laughter echoed through the room, and her vibrant personality seemed to bring life to the space. Isabella's age hinted at a youthful exuberance, but her eyes betrayed a depth that spoke of experiences beyond her years.

The third woman, Sophia, possessed an understated allure. Her dark, flowing locks framed an enigmatic smile. Clad in an ensemble that blended sophistication with a touch of mystery, Sophia emanated a quiet confidence. Her age remained elusive, adding an air of intrigue to her presence.

With a respectful bow of my head, I introduced myself, "Hello, my name is Kevin, and I'll be accompanying you today." Alex and Tom mirrored the gesture, acknowledging the unique charm each woman brought to the gathering.

"You said your name is Kevin right?"

Camelia asked me as she drank her beer.

"Yes, Mam," I said respectfully as I remembered Jeo's words.

"Don't tell me, Mam it feels like I'm old women. Call me by name instead."

Well, no one would be in their right mind to tell her old woman. Even though she is in her mid-forty, it feels like she is in her thirties instead.

"Ok, Camelia."

"Now come here and sit with me," she said to me pointing at the empty seat beside her.

Tom also goes and sits beside Isabella and Alex sits next to Sophia.

"OK," I said and sat beside her.

In front of me is a table where many types of alcohol are. Camelia gave me two glasses to feel some alcohol in it.

I took Botel in my hand and poured it into the glass.

"I did not see you before, are you new here?" she after taking the glass of wine in her hand.

"I'm new here, I just started working here today."

"Oh, so you are new huh?"

"Yup. I'm new and working for some money."

"Money? Do you need it urgently That's why you are working here."

Well, I do need some money, that's why I got this job first place, I have to cure my brain tumour cancer and have to get revenge on the Aurilia family.

But she doesn't need to know that.

"Yeah, I need some money. "

I said to her drink the third glass of wine.

Camila suddenly came next to me, put her hand on my chest and whispered in my ear.

"Well, I do know a few ways you can learn some money."

My heartbeats began to race at her soft voice, in my paint my small brother began to wake up.

"And what are those ways, tell me."

"How much ..." she said.

I frowned in confusion.


"How much is your price, Kevin?" she said shyly.

I just stare at her for a moment.

After a while I did not answer, she seemed to begin to realize that I was not a prostitute.

"I-I'm sorry if my words offended you," she said while looking down in embarrassment and almost leaving.

"1,000 Dollars $ per hour. That's my price," I said out of the blue. I mentioned that number randomly since I needed that amount of money to pay for my college fees and my living expenses.

She paused as she looked at me for a few moments.

"Okay, I agree," she replied.

Her answer surprised me.

"How about the third floor? I think there are many rooms" I said, pointing at the Floor above us.

"Okay," she replied.

I stood up from the bench and grabbed her hand. After taking her hand I turned to others.

Sophia and Isabella were drinking silently as they sent a teasing grin at Camelia.

Alex and Tom, give me a thumbs-up.

"Sorry guys we had to step out for a moment but please you can continue drinking."

I said to them and with Camelia in my hand I stepped out of the room.

My destination is the Third floor.