
Regartha the Scarlet eyes

A young dragon was told that he's apart of an ancient clan who mysteriously disappears and the only way to find them is if he learns and master the six primary elements.

Kvng_Khatyal · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
12 Chs

Regartha Act 4: What are you doing here?! Get the Students to Safety!

Narrator: Previously on Regartha. With everything starting to calm down from further escalating. The young dragon headed towards the gate's entrance and was surprised by Ashura.

Wrath: Ashura? What are you doing here?!

Ashura Gasp

Without hesitation Ashura jumped towards Wrath and knocked him out with one strike. Then picks him up and ran as fast as he could back to the school. Before things get any more dangerous…

Ashura(pants): Don't worry bro, I'll be sure to apologize once we get back to…

Racheal: Ashura?

Ashura: Racheal? Sapphire? Wh… what the hell are you doing here?

Racheal: We were looking for Wrath but…

Sapphire: But it seems like you already did.

Ashura: Yeah and I need to get him back to the school before he…

Wrath groans in pain

Wrath slowly started moving and groaning.

Wrath: What… What the hell happened? Ashura?

Ashura: Ah shit

Wrath (Weakly): Ashura? W...Where are we? What happened?

Ashura had put Wrath down and gave him a minute to get his thoughts together. However, once he did…

Wrath: Ashura…

Ashura: Huh?


Wrath had punched Ashura in the face and for some strange reason his eyes changed bright red. Before he went in for another hit…

Racheal: Wrath?

Wrath (Gasp): Ra(stuttering)Racheal what are you doing here?

Racheal(blushed): Oh ah. Well you see. Here's the thing…

Sapphire: Look, both me and Racheal were basically looking for you Wrath.

Wrath and Racheal began blushing while they were staring at each other.

Wrath(clear throat): So why are all of you looking for me so badly?

Ashura, Sapphire, and Racheal talking at once

Wrath: Hey. Hey. HEYYYY!!!

Everyone got silence

Wrath: Now please one at a time. Please.

Sapphire: The school was attacked

Racheal: We were making sure that you was ok (blushing)

Ashura: And Ancestor Silver wanted me to bring you back to the school even if it meant I had to knock you out.

Wrath(sarcastically): Oh is that all.

Wrath was completely annoyed by all the information he just received from the others. But he knows one thing.

Wrath: Well anyway from what y'all kinda told me. We need to get back now so let's go.

With that Wrath and the others started heading back to the school. Sadly someone was there waiting to give everyone a little surprise.

Young man1(Over the radio): Gravestone, remember you have only one objective.

Gravestone: Yes. Master.

Night approaches and both sides are gearing up for what maybe the end of Porovaita both staff and students alike.

Scene 2: Let's see what you got!

Wrath and the others are heading as fast as they can to get to Porovaita. While the very beast that had invaded the school was getting ready for it's final invasion.

Wrath: This better not be some kind of bullshit. Cause if it is I'll fucking end all of you. YOU GOT THAT!!!


Wrath growls low

Ashura: Before the two of you start trying to kill each other. Why don't we try and STOP THAT DAMN THING THAT IS TRYING TO KILL EVERYONE AT THE DAMN SCHOOL!!!!

everyone arguing

Racheal(panting): Ahh guys?

Still arguing


Still arguing


Everyone: WHAT!?

Everyone smacked into the school walls.

Racheal: Never mind.

Everyone groans

Sapphire(groans): At least we made it, despite things concerting.

Ashura: Yeah, we'll need to go and talk to Ancestor Silver.

Wrath: Let's get this over with.

Everyone walked in the nearest door to find and talk to Sliver. ON what to do for the creature that is coming back to the school looking for something or someone.

It's about to be night in approximately 2 hours.

Wrath: Sliver! Silver get your ass up out here right now or I'll rip out your!!!

Sapphire: Wrath, you need to calm down. For the strength of the great giants, you're acting like a damn child.

Wrath: You think I'm being a child. Then let me show you how childish I can be.

Wrath slowly turned towards Sapphire with his hands drawn in the nearby flames from the torches and anything that had any sought of heat.

Info ( Every student and low level Elemental users will have to draw from nature itself and must use various fighting styles that were cultivated through the eons and maybe other types of ways to use the elements they were brown with until they reach a higher level of mastery.)

Silver(Off-Screen): That's enough Wrath!

Wrath(Gasp): So that's where you're hiding Uncle.

Racheal gasp in shock

Wrath and the others looked up towards one of the pillars and saw Silver there sitting looking through papers while eating a gemstone with his tail. Without a single hesitation Wrath spread his wings and flew towards Silver with a furiest expression on his face.

Racheal: So Ancestor Silver is Wrath's uncle.

Ashura: Yeah and he's also Wrath's legal guardian.

Sapphire: What are you talking about Ashura?

Ashura: Well you see…

Loud explosion

Without warning Wrath attacked Silver. However Silver had appeared right next to Racheal and the others.

Silver: Great job, bring him here Ashura.

Ashura:Ahh, no problem but you may want to–

Wrath Roars

Wrath's hands just burst in flames as he slowly floats down.

Wrath: So mind telling me why you sent them after me?! Huh?!

Ashura: Well…

Silver: Come and you'll see.

Silver walks past Wrath and the other's. Wrath was still pissed but he put out his flames and followed Silver along with the others who were kinda uneasy about what's to come when Wrath sees what has happened when he was away.

What the hell is this?!

Wrath and the others continued to follow Silver through the hallway. Without saying a single word.

Sapphire: Ancestor is it possible for us to…

Silver: We're here.

They end up in the infirmary. Silver reached down in his pocket and took out a pocket watch with the school's insignia. His pocket watch and the door began glowing and the door opened up.

Silver: You want to know why we need you back here. Well here's your answer.

Wrath was the first one to walk in. However once he saw the horror of seeing all but a few of the students and facilities who were turned to crystals.

Wrath: Tell me everything.

They told Wrath everything that has transpired. At first Wrath was completely shocked but then later got extremely angry to the point that his hands caught fire. Ashura walked up to him and placed his hand on Wrath's shoulder to calm him down.

Wrath snarling angrily

Ashura: Hey come on now. Wrath do me a favor…

Wrath: What?

Ashura: Please… listen and help us kill this bastard who did this.

Wrath heard the angriest tone in Ashura's voice and he slowly turned to face him. The tears and anger coming from Ashura's face. At first Wrath wouldn't care if anyone was crying but since it was Ashura. He calmed down and hugged him whispering in his ear saying that everything will be alright. Then he backed away and looked towards Silver.

Wrath: What we got to do Unc..

Silver: We need you to use your true power, Wrath.

Wrath: What the hell are you talking about?

Info( In the next Act, Silver will explain on the matter of what Wrath's true powers and maybe even more. Only time will tell.)