
Regartha the Scarlet eyes

A young dragon was told that he's apart of an ancient clan who mysteriously disappears and the only way to find them is if he learns and master the six primary elements.

Kvng_Khatyal · Fantasi
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12 Chs

Regartha Act 1: The New Age Begins The destruction of the School of Shards

Narrator: In the beginning of time there was only one element known as Cosmic. It is also known as the beginning and the end and as such there are those who wish to possess such power that they had no comprehension of. Those who tried end up destroying themselves within the process in completing such a feat. Only those who were born with such a gift are able to harness the Cosmics unlimited power. Those who are born with such a gift are known as Celestials. However just like there is a Night and Day there are those in the Celestial race who possess the negative and positive sides of this great power. Those who have the power of Cosmic positive power are known as the "Holy Celestials" while as for their opposites. They are known as the "Horizon Celestials". Both sides were always in constant conflict with one another. Even though both sides are equal in power, that is until two Celestial beings were brought in the comics. The epic battle between the two Celestials always happen in one planet the center planet also known as the "Didymokatida"(Didymo; Twin, Kataigida; Storm) before it was change to "Stoi'monia"(Stocheio`dis; Elemental, Armonia; Harmony). However a mysterious force had suddenly ended the war between the two Celestials and every single last one of them disappeared without a trace….

Silver: Then after approxly 1.3 million years later new life began to take over this land such as…

Wrath: Such as us Dragons, Angels, Demons, Fairies, Stonefolks, Djinns, Beastfolks, and Griffins. In which are the only ones who inherit an element ,right?

Silver: Yes Wrath, but can you break it into more detail about the elements. Since it seems you know our history.

Wrath grunts in anger

Silver: Well how about you Sapphire? Can you please explain in more detail about our people's elemental history?

Sapphire stands up

Sapphire: Of course.(Clear throat) Our ancestors were only able to use six elements; Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Dark, and Light. They are also known as the primary elements. But later on in the years they discovered that our elemental connection is hereditary and can also mutate into new elements such as; Ice, Dreams, Crystal, Spirits, and Illusion or also known as the second generation elements. Oh while also discovering…

Silver: Okay, okay Sapphire.(Laughs) Like always you exceeded my expectations for your hunger for knowledge.

Sapphire: Well learning as much as I can is the only way I follow my mothers footsteps.

Wrath (Soft Chuckle): Why it doesn't make any sense.

Sapphire: Huh?!

(Someone walks up behind Wrath and hits him on the back of the head.)


Sapphire (Glares): What did you say!?

Ashura (Yawns): Can you guys keep it down?

Wrath (Laugh): Ashura I forgot you were still here. If I'm being honest I thought you skipped today's class?

Ashura: Normally I would but you know how it is.

Sapphire: How can the two of you be this dense? Even though you're a part of one of the most highly respectable schools in the entire world, Stoi'monia!

Wrath: Maybe if you shut up once while you could…

Bell rings

Silver: Alright, everyone I'll see you in the fall have a great vacation. Oh Wrath, hang back a minute we need to talk.

Students Ooh'ing and laughing

Wrath: Yeah whatever you bunch of bitches.

Narrator: Everyone except Wrath had left the classroom. When the two are alone they stare at each other with serious expressions on their faces and have not said a word yet.

Wrath: So. What do you want to talk about Silver?

Silver: Where to begin with you? I guess I should start with the conflict with you, Sapphire, and Ashura are always in each other's faces as always and also…

Wrath: You don't have to say anything. If I'm being honest with you I would rather you not finish that sentence.

Silver groans under his breath

Wrath: If that's all what you wanted to say then I'm going to the woods.

Silver: And why is that?

Wrath: You already know why. The quiet and also the animals in the woods are far more harmonice than all of you. So see ya at the training ground.

Wrath walks over to the window, opens it, and leaps out

Info (As Sapphire mentions the school they attend is one of the most pristine schools in the entire world. The school they attend is ranked 3rd out of the top 5 schools in all of Stoi'monia. Not only does it hold students in the ages 130 to 18,000 and for having the best elemental master, studying, and creativity. It is also approximately 10 stories high. 340miles in diameter which includes the length of the woods in which it takes up at least ⅓ overall. The name of the school is Porovaita(Portare: Bring, Nuova: New, Vita: Life).

Wrath approached the window and opened without any hesitation when he was half way of the building he spread his wings and flew towards the direction of the woods without any sort of knowledge of what's about to everyone in the school of Porovaita.

Scene 2: Porovaita Falls

As Wrath is flying towards the woods. Ashura and Sapphire are walking in the hallway with Sapphire still pissed about what happened during class.

Everyone chats

Sapphire: Ugh. I mean he just pisses me so fucking much!

Ashura: Calm down Saph, you and I both know Wrath may be smart but he's always a willful dragon and we just have to accept that.

Rex (Laughs): Are you seriously trying to justify(Baby talk) Little Dijon.

Guys laughing

Ashura: Rex "pissed pants" Daguchi. How are you, you venomous snake.

Rex (Hissess): Watch it! You little…

Jack: Easy boss, he's just jealous of how superior you are. That's all.

Rex: Yeah, you're right. I shouldn't let myself get distracted by such filth as he is.

Sapphire: Ha! What a load of crap.

Rex: What was that?!

Sapphire: Everyone in school knows that the only reason you act like this is because of your father.

Rex: (scoffs) This has nothing to do with my father. Everything that I have done, and won is with my own two hands you pest with wings and don't think I don't have realistic information on the two of you.

Sapphire: Oh yeah like what?

Rex: For one Ashura he is nothing more than a….

Loud explosion, everyone screams

Out of nowhere a huge explosion came from the entrance of the school. Everyone was screaming and coughing due to all of the smoke. Then suddenly…

Student 10a: What's going on?(coughing)

(A monster hidden in the explosion snarls softly then roars towards the students.)

Out of nowhere something unnatural had run past everyone and those who have been touched by it had insteadly been turned to a crystal like statute.

(As Wrath lands the explosion happens in the distance, shaking the ground and the trees of the forest.)

Wrath: What the hell was that?

Footsteps approaching

Rachel: Ahh? Wrath, what are you doing here?

Wrath: Oh Rachel. What's up?

Rachel: What's up, is for you to answer my question Wrath.

Wrath: That's because you already know the answer to your own question.

Racheal:(sighs) Wrath why do you insist on going there every single day?

Wrath: Look. Being in the woods is very important to me. It's… it's…

Everyone Screaming in distance

Rachel: What's going on in there?

Wrath: I don't know and I don't care. If you want to go and check it out then be my guest.

Rachel: And you?

Wrath (Scoffs): I don't belong there Rachel. You and I know that.

Rachel: Wrath…

Before Rachel could finish Wrath spread his wings and flew into the woods leaving Rachel alone. She wanted to go after him but she turned towards the school and ran as fast as she could not knowing what awaits her as for Ahura and Sapphire.

Ashura (Coughing): What's going on?

Sapphire: I don't know but we should go check it out.

Ashura: Yeah let's go.

Sapphire and Ashura ran as fast as they could to see what was going on but once they were close enough.

Everyone screaming

Sapphire: I can't see anything!

Ashura: Is the smoke spreading somehow?!

(The monster roars and everyone is still screaming in a panic)

Sapphire: Ashura can't you manifest something to help clear the smoke?

Ashura: I don't "manifest" Sapph, I create. With my Dream Element I can create almost anything I want but--

Sapphire: But what?

Ashura: I need my special item to do it.

Sapphire: You're what!!

Ashura: My---

(The monster roars and charges at Sapphire and Ashura. They cower before the impact but are only met with a chilling silence afterwards.)

With no warning everyone that was in the smoke had suddenly gone silent. Sapphire and Ashura slowly looked from each to the smoke and saw some strange figure and out of nowhere it vanished along with the smoke.

Footsteps approaching

Asami: What in the world of elements is going on here!?

Ashura and Silver: Ancestor Asami?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Kvng_Khatyalcreators' thoughts