
{Chapter 4-Epilogue}

Chapter 4 {the truth of the troublemakers}

The lesson was finished with a very awkward atmosphere from all the students. "Oh yes, tomorrow we will learn to summon monsters," Leona-sensei said before returning home. Finally we went home to each other. Hmm, there seems to be no sign of Irisyviel. Hm, let it be. While on the road, suddenly there were 2 people approaching me. Hmm, maybe they are criminals. What a pity if you dare to make a problem with me. the two men approached me, and it turned out that they were both Aldeis and Dominica, what were they both here for? Is it possible that the two of them already know where I live, hmm surely Eleonora cih is told.

"Elusyan, there is something we want to talk to you about. Do you want to hear that? "Aldeis told me. "What do you want to talk about? It's best to quickly say, I want to go home quickly and get some rest soon. "I told them. Siaalll, I'm late to work on my night shift. "Hmm. We ask Elusyan, so our teacher, be our coach, we beg you. "Aldeis said prostrate before me with the Dominica. Hah, really, what's going on here is this?

"Why do you want to practice with me? Don't we go to school and study with the same teachers? Say the real reason, you should be honest, if not I will reject you, your chance is only one time. "I replied, this way they will answer with origin and so I can reject him then no need to deal with them both again.

"Before I beg you, do not tell anyone about me and Dominica to tell you Elusyan. actually I am the son of a Fantasya Ocean 7 alliance. And Dominica is the son of a former Paladin. You might not be too surprised because I'm sure you were a great person. As well as most likely you are used to great and important people in this world. And I'm sure you must be surprised, too, that I am such an important child, but I can only be like this, just like Dominica

But I beg Elusyan, because we are children of important people so we must be equal people and be able to pass on all the strength our family has. We must be able to boast the name of our family. But we realized we were too weak. I used to be very arrogant because I felt too great with my nobility and I was often praised by people around me. Same with me. Dominica also feels the same way with me. both of us have been blinded by status and arrogant so we don't realize that we are compared to the people in this world like insects. So we beg Elusyan, make us your students so we are more powerful and strong. "Explanation from Aldeis.

"Hm, how come I'm actually surprised too because you are children of important people." I said in an ordinary tone. damn. I don't think they are important people. Aldeis is the son of a head of state. If in the kingdom he is equal to prince, and Dominica is the son of a former member of the Paladin. How about this. How do I refuse them, they have the burden and hope of many on their shoulders.

Hmmm I should just accept it, and give me a very heavy training so they give up. OK. "I'll accept it as long as you agree to my terms. "I said to them. "What is that?" They both shouted. "You may not complain and accept all the exercises that I give and if something bad happens to you because you are too weak and unable to follow my direction. So I am not responsible and I will not train you two. How? "I replied to them. Ha.ha.ha this way they will reject it and leave. And give up. "That's great." Aldeis replied. Hah, what is great.

"You're right Aldeis all this time when I practiced with witches my father paid for was only the amount of money they wanted, and never seriously trained me. It is precisely people who seriously train us both to be stronger are people who do not give service rates but are free as long as we really mean it. Even though I think people like this don't exist anymore. "The Dominica said with tears in tears. Hah, damn it.

I thought they would reject it, instead they were happy and made him excited. "Okay so you guys agree with my requirements." I asked the two of them. "Of course we agree with the master. "They shouted. Hah master, are they not wrong. God damn it's fine there's no other choice. "Okay, we start practicing tomorrow when there is time, every time there is free time, come to me." I said to them "fine" they answered.

To the next day I was as usual going to school alone. Arriving at school I headed to my class. I saw Eleonora waiting in front of the class. I ignored it and walked past it. When passing by. she pulled my arm. and want to talk to me. I also agreed, we went together to go to the roof of the school building. "What is Eleonora-san?" I asked her "Elusyan-kun. actually there is something I say and ask you. "she said to me.

"What's the matter, just talk?" I replied to him. Oh yeah I just realized, didn't she usually call me by calling Elucchi. Then now why is the call different, lately why call me by Elusyan-kun's call, hmm, I'd better just ask her. "I beg you to make me your student like Aldeis-kun and Dominica-kun," he said with a bow. Hah, he knows where I made Aldeis and my Dominica student. "Hmm, beforehand did you know where they became my students? did they tell you? "I asked him. "Of course not, actually yesterday since I finished the test, I felt anxious and frustrated and depressed. I turned out to be nothing, no matter how much I practiced, I was nothing and only a loser.

I don't know what else to do. I see those who still have enthusiasm when after that event are only Aldeis and Dominica. I became curious and intentional for both of them, because before going home they were both planning something that really made me curious. Finally I followed her. And until they both meet you. I was very surprised that they both asked you to be their coach.

I always thought how could fellow students and contemporaries ask their friends to be students and coaches. Isn't that something unnatural. But after I thought calmly I also realized that it is true that you are different, your level with all of us is not like between students and other students, but like students and professors. So I think it's only natural if I want to be stronger like you I have to train hard with you. Therefore I beg Elusyan-kun, "she said to me begging.

"Hmm, I see. If so, just like the two of them, I will ask you a question, give me a reason that has to accept you? "I asked her. "I really am not an important person like the two of them, but I have something that I bear her life. If I'm weak like this, how can I protect them.

I am currently continuing to practice and try to be stronger, but after experiencing yesterday's incident I was very surprised. I beg Elusyan-kun, I will do anything. "she told me. Hmm, it is like that, it requires strength for others not for yourself, protecting the weak and becoming hope for the weak, like I have to accept it.

"You said there was something you were responsible for, try to explain to me what you mean." I asked her asking for an explanation to me. I say so because I am afraid there is an element of lies in her words. "Actually this is something that I keep secret to everyone, even including my parents. but because you ask, I will tell. Actually I have an orphanage in the small town where I used to live before moving here.

They are all little brothers and sisters who are very dear to me and I love. Therefore I protect them very much. I have to be stronger and more, more, more. "she said. I saw even she shed tears. "Oh, I see. Hmm alright. "Take a break later, come to the warehouse behind the school." I told her.

"Eh backyard warehouse?" Why is there? "she asked me. "Just follow" I replied. "Eh alright." she replied. Finally I and he returned to class. The lesson began and everything was orderly as usual. "Well, let's go to the practice field, hurry up." Leona-sensei said. We went to the field "Okay, here Sensei will teach summon magic. Hmm but before that mom asked Drake-sensei to teach you summon monsters because sensei can't use summon magic. "Leona-sensei said. "HaaaaaaH?" Shouted the children.

Of course they are shocked, how can we learn something to teachers who do not understand the lessons taught. "Never mind you don't complain too much. Just do it. "Leona-sensei said. Everything also obeys.

"I signed the contract with you. You who have become a match for my contract come to fulfill my call in: Summon "Drake-sensei also uses his summon magic. Then suddenly there was a very large magic circle. And there appeared a very large monster. Everyone was surprised because monter in the summon was a giant dragon. And the dragon is a Black Dragon type dragon. Solid black dragon with red eyes.

The scales look shiny and like steel. It even looks very hard like giant steel. "This is a monster summon sensei. It used to be very small and very funny. But now it looks very manly. Oh yes if you have called him. You have to contract with him then give a name. Now you try it. "Drake-sensei said" okay everyone should try it in the test sequence yesterday. "Leona-sensei said.

All of them summon monsters summon and succeed all including Aldeis with its Slime, Dominica with Eagle and Eleonora with its Diamond Basilisk. Hmm monsters are all very useful. "Okay, it's Elusyan's turn." Drake-sensei told me. At first I doubted whether I could do it or not, because I already had my summon monster, but somehow its whereabouts after the incident 2 years ago.

"I signed the contract with you. You who have become a suitable binder of my contract have come to fulfill my call. Summon ". I report my spell. and the light of the magic circle appeared in my hand but did not come out the summon magic circle. Everywhere, "it's hot." Leona-sensei said suddenly. Everyone was shocked and everything turned towards Leona-sensei including me too.

I saw Leona-sensei's neck appear a magic bond. Impossible. Im very surprised. Suddenly Leona-sensei fainted. I hurriedly lifted Leona-sensei's body and carried her body to the nurse's room. I lowered her body and laid it down, I canceled my magic and waited for her to realize.

Finally he realized too. "Sensei. What happened? "I asked her. I want to be sure what she really is. "I didn't expect my happiness day to appear after I waited 2 years. Finally I found you El-sama, "she said, suddenly hugging my body and crying. "Could you be Leona?" I asked her. "Yes, I'm Leona." she said, suddenly kissing my lips accompanied by wet tears. I am surprised. But she is my summon animal. so I just let her do anything to me. "Leona. What happened.? How could you be transformed into a human? "I asked her. "This is it?" shee said by touching his whole body erotic. Oh shit. Why did she do that.

"I'm doing this so I can mix with the creatures here. At first I was very scared of how I could meet you again. I am very scared. So from that I tried to run and try to find you, but I don't know where to go, then I arrived here and tried to blend in here, "she said with tears. "Why aren't you going to where we live?" I asked her. "I do not know, I forget the memory of where we lived." she replied.

Oh right too, after the incident 2 years ago all of his memories have been cut a little. "Okay, the most important thing is that we have met again. Oh, yes. I hope we behave as usual at school, like teachers and students. and also just call my name with Elusyan without using an additional nickname. "I replied to her. "Eehh it is not possible, for a long time we have not met and after meeting we have to keep our distance.

I am indeed happy because I have been able to call you with that but still if I have to maintain such a distance I find it difficult "she replied by refusing" not that, I just said that only when I was at school, so that I did not become a striking student. If we are outside we do not need to maintain character. And also I want you to start moving to where I live now, "I told her. "Is it true.? Promise, "she asked me." Yes I promise. "I replied, actually it felt strange too, the last time I saw her as sensei his face was very flat and had no expression. But now it looks very spoiled.

I noticed why she had changed form in such a form. her face was like an adult Elf woman. Her body was very nice and beautiful. Slim, sexy waist. Big chest. And a very sexy adult face. God damn it. Just Viper, who is almost as beautiful as this person, I kicked out because I often didn't focus, even though he was a man. Especially this person. However, the type is different, if Viper is really cute and beautiful. But Leona is very mature and elegant in her beauty. And she is a woman. God damn it. Why do they change shape like humans and elves. After she entered and stayed with me. I have to bring the Viper too to be fair.

Finally we both returned to the field. Everything seems to have finished the contract binding ceremony. "Ah Leona-sensei, how is the situation?" Asked the students. "Sensei is now better. What about you guys. Is there something difficult to contract? "Leona-sensei asked. I'm finally back to normal. "Of course we all can do it easily." Said one student.

"That's great if that's the case. It seems like Elusyan-kun can't use summon magic. "Leona-sensei said. everyone was surprised to hear that. I see the most surprised are only 3 people. Aldeis, Dominica and Eleonora.

Chapter 5 {Elusyan becomes a coach}

Break time has also arrived, and according to my request to them to go to the back warehouse they have gathered in the back warehouse. "Master. Why is Eleonora here? "Asked Aldeis to me. "she will train with you. And also call me by a nickname. "I confirmed to them. "OK." They answered. "Now sit down and get ready." I told them. They followed my direction and sat down. "Illusion Mode. Dimension Lock. Illusion Cube. "

I use my magic and unconsciously we are all in the power of my illusion. they were confused because nothing had changed where they were sitting. "This way, no one will know of our existence. The three of you stand up and prepare, "I said to those who were confused.

"You try to use magic without cast a spell and say the magic name. How? "I asked them" fine "they answered. "Hmm, it starts from Aldeis by using hand-coated magic. But I want not just your fist to be coated. But all your arms. And I want you to be able to do it in 1 month. Then for Dominica, I want you to do a fire mode that covers the body and lasts for 6 hours.

I give you the time you control it in 1 month. As well as for Eleonora, I want you to use your light magic instead of enveloping you, but you become the light itself. I give you one month. And you do it here. No one should leave. Oh yes the key is only one to master this magic. Namely thinking and imagining. Then feel where your flow is and remove what you are in the shape you want. "I explained to the three of them. "Wait, Elusyan, is it not going to be too long for one month here?" And also what about school and our food later? "Asked Dominica to me.

"About that you don't need to worry. You just do it. You will be surprised later, to eat, you only need to imagine what food you want, then call the name of the food and it will appear, I'll give an example. Hhmm calendar. Now, as you can see, suddenly there is a calendar, right, you have the date. Here I mark you start practicing. And it's finished on this date. How.? Have you understood? Remember there shouldn't be anyone coming out. "I told them. "OK," they replied.

I left leaving the three of them there and returned to class for lunch. Hmm, it's delicious to eat without any nuisance. After 1 hour I decided to go back to their place. after entering I saw them like they had succeeded "it seems like you have progress." I told them. They looked at me and rushed towards me. "Look at Elusyan, I have mastered it, now not only can all of my arms be as hard as steel, but my arms are covered in a thick red electricity. Then if the electricity flows over objects, then the object will be destroyed. This is something very extraordinary. "Aldeis said excitedly.

"I'm also Elusyan. Not only is my body covered in fire, the more I study it, it turns out that I can also make it protect me. And not only that, I continued to practice again and finally I felt like I was the fire itself. "The Dominican said with enthusiasm. "Hmm, that's great. I'll tell you something later. To you, what do you mean by the training that I gave, oh what about Eleonora? "I answered by asking Eleonora.

"About that, it seems like he is depressed. Because he hasn't perfected his magic. "Said Dominica. "I see, alright, you two wait for the two of you here and use your magic, I go to Eleonora's place and then come here again, but you have used your new magic." I told them. "OK," they replied.

I left them both and went to Eleonora. I saw she was lying exhausted. "What's wrong with Elenora?" Looks like you are very tired? "I asked her. "Eh Elusyan, hmm Elusyan, actually whether the blood of a noble and an important person will have a big influence on our strength?" she asked me. "What do you mean?" I asked her back "I am very different from the two of them, I know they are important people and blood flowing is very great in both of them.

Therefore they can master magic and even be able to create new magic, but I'm different, I'm not even enough to make new magic with this light magic, I'm only able to turn my body into light. I was sad and frustrated hwuaahh "he shouted with tears, I really hate if there is a woman crying before me, especially if the woman who has asked for my help then I agree to help and I see she is crying in front of me. I immediately hugged him. "Eh" he said surprised.

"It is okay. Cry all you want and take out all your emotions, after that, try to get excited again. I will hold all your sad feelings into encouragement to make you better. "I told her by hugging her body and rubbing her head. Shortly after she cried. she thanks me. "Hmm, Elenora, it seems like you misunderstood your magic power, huh?" "What's wrong, Elusyan?" shee asked back to me. "Hmm light element magic is very difficult to master, even I am sure that none of the teachers can master this magic element." I said to her.

"Eh? But still I'm a failure and a loser, you don't need to be nice to me. "she told me. "Hmm, I'm not trying to cheer you up, but it's true. Just so you know. Light magic should only be used by Angel Race. And you should have been very great because you can use the light element and even be able to change its shape. And if you can master this light element, you are in a dangerous state. Because anytime you can be targeted for kidnapping because of your special strength. And also I have a suggestion for you not to use your power carelessly, oh yes I'll give you a new exercise. "I told her by giving an explanation.

Finally he understood what I explained "oh what's the new practice?" Is there still a connection with this light magic. "she asked me" hmm, you are a very fast type of Warbeast, isn't it a move? "I asked her. "Yes, I'm the Cheetah type. Why? "she answered by asking me back.

"Okay, now it changes to its maximum shape and then changes your shape into a layer of light." I told her. "I'll try," she answered, standing up and turning into his maximum form. After changing, she enveloped her body with light magic and then changed his body into a layer of light.

"Okay, now you stay like that. Try running to that place as fast as that, then stop right there. "I told her. "OK, huh," she replied. Finally he got ready. And finally she ran quickly when I ordered her to stay in that mode. "impossible. This is like feeling. Teleportation Magic. Elusyan. "she replied in amazement at her strength. "It's not teleportation magic, it's even far more powerful than that.

Hmm, maybe a little can be said to approach Accel's magic. "I said" hah? Accel. Isn't that high-level magic that even gold-class adventurers can use it. Could you also use it Elusyan? "she asked curiously accompanied by her surprise. "I can do that, oh yeah. Before that I want you to run like that and hit the body of Dominica. How.? Do you want? "I asked her. "Well, I'll do everything in my power. "she replied.

Finally quickly ran as fast as he approached and hit Dominica's body, which was layered with fire. Then his body crashed Dominica into the wall. Aldeis was surprised and was really surprised what had happened. Why suddenly Dominica's body bounced. Then he saw that there was Eleonora in the form of light mode. "Eleonora. What is that.? It's beautiful and amazing. "Aldeis said, fascinated by Eleonora's magic.

"Oh this, this is the result of the combination of magic I learned and changes in the shape of my Warbeast's body. oh yes, I was asked to hit Dominica by Elusyan "he replied giving a reason. "impossible. How can you hit me. I should not be able to be touched in this situation. "Said Dominica. "I don't know either, I'm just asked to run as fast as possible and hit your body Dominica-san." Eleonora answered.

"Oh, that's how it turned out, it turned out to be a weakness that I couldn't know. Elusyan already knew it. Even though I haven't told myself the strength that I have now. It's really great. "Replied Dominica. "It doesn't need to be that Dominica. I know your weakness because I've been dealing with people who have strength like you. Ok, alright. Oh yes I asked you to ask Eleonora to beat you. I just want to see the results of your training alone. Okay, the next exercise. Are you ready? "I said, approaching the three of them. "Well prepared" they shouted.

"Okay, now the level of the match test for all three of you. Previously I will tell you. These tests are done for you to understand each other and help each other find solutions for your fellow colleagues here. 1 you have to learn how to make your reflex even more. For example the Dominica was hit by an attack because he did not know the direction of the attack at all.

And also for Aldeis you are the same. Your strength can also be moved from the arm to the place you want to protect but must use reflex as soon as possible. Then for Eleonora. I will make you a creature that has a very fast attack and even I will make you faster than the power of Accel. "I explained to them. "All right, get ready. "I told them.

I began to get ready. "Eleonora come here." I told Eleonora. "OK," replied Eleonora. "Use all your strength and say the name of your spell we will test the fight" I told her "fine. Active Fight Mode. Light Strenght. "she also uttered her magic name. It's similar to me activating her fashion magic. Then her body becomes the body of the Warbeast which is layered with light. "Are you ready?" I asked her "yes ready" she replied very confidently. "OK before we start. Before that I had to take off my ballast bracelet. "I said while opening my ballast bracelet

"It's impossible for you to use the bracelet all this time?" Eleonora asked. "Yes that's right." I replied after I finished removing my bracelet. I asked Eleonora to attack me as hard as I could. And she attacked me very quickly. Your blow arrived at my face, but the attack didn't hit me at all. she was very surprised because his attack didn't hit me at all. Then he was surprised because suddenly something was pulled and threw it up until it was thrown, but the throw was not tight.

"Impossible, the very fast attack from Eleonora didn't hit him at all, even he could catch Eleonora easily. It doesn't make sense. "The Dominica said in surprise. "Elusyan. Are you very demeaning and belittling me? "Eleonora said who approached me with her face down. "What do you mean.? That is impossible, if I underestimate you I should not let go of the bracelet I was wearing earlier, "I replied" then why did you just catch and throw me, it was not as strong as you. " It seems like she is very angry. "That's very easy. Because I really hate if I have to hit a woman and especially if it's you. "I said to her.

Hearing the answer from me Eleonora was shocked and her face up very red and her eyes glowed looking at me. of course I won't hurt him, I'm training her if something happens to her, I feel guilty and it will be dangerous for me later, and also for what I hurt her if it doesn't benefit me from the "complaints" of Aldeis and Dominica. "What are you two?" I asked him.

"Now I understand why you love her so much Irisyviel-san." Eleonora spoke in a very small voice. "Eleonora, what's wrong?" I asked her. "Ah uh, nothing's wrong. He, he, he "she replied. "There is nothing Elusyan" replied Aldeis and Dominica. "Basically, insensitive men, Irisyviel. Now Eleonora had fallen into her arms. But naturally a man will have many women who like Dominica.? "Aldeis said to Dominica. "You are right. I'm just surprised that an Eleonora who doesn't like men can fall in love with Elusyan.

"Replied the Dominica. "Hey, you two hurry here." I told them both. They approached me. "Alright, now I will train you two full 2 ​​years here." I said to the three of them. "Hah?" They both shouted. "Just calm down don't need to worry. I will be responsible. "I said to them.

"Eh responsible" Eleonora suddenly said with a bowed face with a red face. "What is Eleonora?" Are you not feeling well? "I asked her. "Eh no, I'm just surprised when you say you will be responsible. That is it. He, he, he "she answered by lowering his head" oh so, if that's all it is fine we will seriously practice. But before that it seems like it's going to practice not here but somewhere very far from here. Are you ready? "I asked them. "Yes ready" they replied

Because they agreed that I also moved them all to where I used to practice using teleportation magic. "We have arrived" I said to them. "Where is this?" They asked. "This is the world of monsters. This is where we practice now. "I replied.

"hah? Heh is waiting for Wyvern, right? Uh, he's approaching here. Damn, "shouted Dominica. "Why are you panicking? do it with the results of your practice as you have learned. "I replied" fine. Fight Mode. Light Strenght "Eleonora said swiftly changing mode and with all her might attacked the Wyvern who was attacking us.

The Wyvern crashed. But the Wyvern came back to attack us. "Damn hwuaahh. Iron Thorn." Aldeis was angry and used Iron magic and his whole body was covered in electricity which was thick red. He jumped then attacked towards his Wyvern. The Wyvern was destroyed in the target section of the Aldeis attack.

Wow, it turned out to be quite strong and the power of the attack was destroyed. Suddenly there appeared giant monsters. They all want to attack us all. The three of them were very surprised and retreated and rushed to me. "Elusyan, what exactly is this place?" Asked Dominica to me. "Elusyan is right, this is not training but a place for suicide." said Aldeis.

"No, don't you two have agreed to do and agree to all the requirements of Elusyan?" Now why are you backing up? Elusyan, I am currently weak, but I beg you to help me become stronger again, "Eleonora said. "You're right Eleonora. Welcome to your graveyard. If it's not ready. whenever you will die instantly so get ready. And finally the hard training of the three of them began for the next 2 years.

Chapter 6 {Surprise from Elusyan for Irisyviel}

8 Days Before Training Starts.

As always school starts and students learn as usual. And since not together with Elusyan, there was very little enthusiasm in any activity including learning and activities in the academy. Akhh what should I do. Akhh El-kun. "Good morning Irisyviel-san." Krusya told me. "Oh good morning Krusya-san." I replied "why are you? Are you still not making up with El-kun? "she asked me

"Not yet, I'm confused about what to do and how to do it, it's because of my dishonest fault with him, even though I have made up later, I'm afraid if he still doesn't believe me. Ahhh, what is the use of a relationship if there is still a lie in it. Though always honest and never hid something from me. But I actually betrayed his trust. I have to have something that supports me and really can be trusted by him, and only my parents can convince him. "I replied very lethargically.

"That's him, haven't I told you to talk to your parents what happened to you. Then why until now you still haven't spoken to your parents? "Asked her to give me a solution. "I know it's the only way, but I'm confused where to start? If he finds out that my problem with El-kun is likely they won't bless my relationship with him anymore, haah, it's really annoying, "I said in a lethargic voice again. "What if I join?" And help explain to your parents? "Krusya said. "Really?" I asked excitedly. "Hmph yeah." "Thank you very much Krusya-san." I replied by hugging her.

The lesson begins. Braise-sensei comes. "Beat it all, here you get new friends. Because there are new transfer students. You please introduce yourself. "Introduce everything. My name is Viper. Please cooperate. Greetings, "Viper said with a smile. "It's cute." Shouted the children. It's why Viper-san is here. Finally after school time was over and I returned home with Krusya. "I'm home." I said greeting

"Sorry to disturb" said Krusya. "Welcome. Oh you have gone home Irisyviel? "My mother answered. "Yes, Mother. Oh, i'm invited my friend. "I told my mother. "Good evening Vallery-san introduced my name to Krusya Astoria. Greetings and apologies for interfering. "Said Krusya by introducing herself. "I'll never need to be formal. You can call me with my aunty call. Um Astoria. Hmm oh yes you are from the famous Astoria Clan huh? The big family with that extraordinary trade.

In fact, almost all the areas of luxury homes for aristocrats living and visiting that provide all of them are Astoria Clan Families right. Oh yes, maybe you are the daughter of the head of the Astoria family? "Asked my mother, praising the family Krusya" Yes, I am the daughter. "Answer Krusya. "Wow, I'm very honored to get this important guest," my mother said. "I'm not so much auntie, I'm also very honored to be able to visit a place of nobility that is very famous for its kindness."

Finally we arrived at the living room "Mother, I want to talk about my relationship with El-kun." I opened the conversation. "Oh the problem about marriage?" You and he have determined the date of his marriage and his future life. Maybe it's 3 days ago because he came here and wanted to talk something important with your father.

Even Mother was surprised to see him curl up and plead with your Father Mother did not know what was being discussed by both of them, but what was clear after Mother noticed more clearly there seemed to be the word 'Married' but you better hear it directly from your father directly. Wait, Mother, will calling your father first. "My mother said giving an explanation.

Eh marriage. Hwuaahh I'm very happy, oh no, no I have to focus on what I want to talk about. My father came with my mother. "Do you want to talk about Elusyan-kun?" in fact your father doesn't want to talk about it because he promised Elusyan-kun, but because this is good news, so you should talk directly to you. You better listen carefully and carefully, "my father said seriously.

Everything was heard calmly, the atmosphere was very awkward. "Irisyviel." Father yelled at me. "Yes, what's wrong, Father?" I asked in surprise. "You have to start practicing to become a wife from now on, and don't let you make Elusyan-kun disappointed with you.

And do your best when you are alone with him while going on vacation to his hometown. "My father shouted" heeehhh "shouted everyone who was listening. "Wh-What do you mean by Father?" I really don't understand. "I answered with confusion. "Oh sorry, because you are too enthusiastic and happy Father is too carried away. Ekhm. Your father will explain to you and your mother. This happened 3 days ago.

Elusyan-kun came here and was eager to talk to Father. Then Daddy approached him and finally talked to each other. Your father saw him very seriously on his face. "Father, I want to ask about the Prince of this kingdom who said he had come and asked for his blessing and asked to arrange the marriage of him and Irisyviel." Elusyan-kun asked Father.

Hmm, actually my father was very surprised to hear it, but my father must be able to master the atmosphere and not be defeated by pressure. "Oh yeah, why is it why Elusyan-kun? are you jealous.? You should propose more and talk about marriage with Irisyviel, but what I see is that you just want to have an ordinary relationship and I don't see you being serious about it, so you shouldn't be surprised if someone else will steal her from you. Now what do you want to say.? Do we want to refuse the wishes of someone who is serious about having a serious relationship with her," said your father to him.

"Haaaahh" everyone was surprised "W-what is your father saying? Father Father can say something like that. Doesn't that put pressure on El-kun, even to make our names tarnished in his eyes. Akhhh now how can I be with him again ... "I shouted irritably and whined.

"Stupid" my mother said by hitting my father's head. "Ouch hurt" my father replied in pain. "Why did you use your old habits like that" my mother shouted. "I'm sorry dear, but I have to look high in authority. So I let go. "My father answered.

"Wait for Irisyviel-san, right your father said, if he is serious about you he should do what your father said, and you don't blame your father too much and we should be calm to hear it. We hear what follows. Isn't that right, bro? "Said Krusya who calmed us. "That's right, haven't you told me to listen carefully until it's finished. Ha.ha.ha "my father said, feeling victorious against us. Everyone saw him in disgust. "Then what did El-kun say?" I asked my father.

"This is what will surprise you. He said. '" I beg you very much Father, I beg you not to give Irisyviel to another man. I beg you very much. Maybe I really seemed to be playing with her heart and like not being serious with her, but I really wanted to be serious with and eager to marry her.

But please forgive me because I have not been able for now or forwards before this very important matter for me is over, I have not been able to marry Irisyviel. So I really beg your father to be patient.

I'm very pleading. I swear I will continue to be with her, and always protect her. I will continue to try to make her happy, but I am very sorry that I cannot get married because there are still matters that are very important for me to solve. I hope you and Irisyviel can be patient. I beg you once again. Please be patient. I'll pick it up for sure. And I have 1 more request.

Can you trust me to protect and protect my father and mother? I want her to stay with me from tomorrow onwards. I want her to know me better, and if he wants to reject me or break my relationship with her. I want her to decide. I also requested that Irisyviel be allowed to come with me to go on vacation to my hometown? I beg you, "shouted, bowing to my father.

Then Father asked him "Is the matter more important than Irisyviel?" Then he answered "yes. Even the business is number 1 that I prioritize in my life. "Then my father asked. "What's the sequence in your life?" He answered. "3rd order. Because 2nd place is my whole family." Finally Father allowed it.

By hearing all that everyone who was listening was silent. I myself had very heavy tears running down my cheeks. I cried happily, and so many times made me cry happily because of El-kun. "It is impossible for an Elusyan-kun to bow to asking others. It's impossible, right? "Krusya said as if she didn't believe what she heard.

I then remembered El-kun's words when talking about Viper. "Viper is one of my family, I will never leave him. I will look for all my family that has disappeared. I will never make a mistake to lose them all. "When I heard it. I saw he was very depressed and was guilty of extraordinary guilt, but he endured with all his might.

Remembering that, I could no longer hold back my love for El-kun. now he needs me. I ran out of the house to El-kun's residence and apologized profusely. "Wait for Irisyviel." Krusya shouted trying to stop me. "Let her go alone Astoria-chan. If i become a Irisyviel, i will do something like that, don't you, honey? "My mother said to Krusya and to my father. "It is true. After all, I have allowed them to love each other. "My father said. "if so. I said goodbye to go home, aunt, "said Krusya asking to leave. I kept running but suddenly someone shouted and chased me.

I stopped. And what I saw was Krusya. "Wait for Irisyviel-san." she shouted at me. "What's wrong Krusya-san? Don't prevent me from releasing longing for El-kun "I said in a tone that was annoyed" calm down Irisyviel-san. I don't want to banish you, but try to calm your mind first.

Remember that tomorrow we have important assignments and also class F there are important assignments too, so don't bother. We must also be ready for tomorrow. For today you just stay in my house first. "How come you and then just stay at El-kun's house." Krusya asked me. "Hmm, okay." I agreed, because it was too late now.

We went home to Krusya's residence. I was surprised because the house was huge. Hmm, maybe El-kun won't like it too much when he lives in this place. We went inside, the big thing. "Welcome, princess. We will prepare hot water for bathing. Please wait. "We were welcomed by Krusya's maid. "Oh I'm home, oh yeah. Please send Irisyviel to the bathhouse. I want to get ready first for tomorrow's" Krusya said to the waiter.

Whuaahh, she is very different from Krusya that I know. It turns out he is like this if at home. Hmm, I just found out. Very mature and wise, like a princess. I was escorted to the bathhouse. What is this? This is a shower. Hugh. "Oh Crucially, you're home." Someone suddenly said that surprised me. "You ... Viper!" I yelled at the person. "Heh, you damn woman. Because you, i got kicked out by Elusyan-kun. damn it. "shouted from the person.

"hah.? Are you not the one who made El-kun uncomfortable because he always teased him, even though he himself was never interested in you. "I replied. "hah.? Damn ... hurry and return me to Elusyan-kun. "Whined from him. When both of us were fighting came Krusya. "Oh you guys are already familiar huh?" Said Krusya.

"hah.? There's no way I'm familiar with this person, "we both shouted. "Stop it. Do not fight anymore. "The crucial word is trying to calm us down. "Wait for Krusya-san. Are you okay, pervert, like he's taking a shower with us? He is a man, "I said.

" take it easy. In a sense he only has Elusyan-kun. Her love even forgot everything. All she talked about was that guy continued. Oh I forgot. You two really like and love Elusyan-kun right? Well I want to know more, what really makes you crazy about it, even though out there are many men who are more handsome and cooler than that guy. Now try to explain to me while you are taking a bath with me. "Said Krusya curiously.

Hmmm, it seems like Viper wants to tell it. If so, I will tell you too. "I want to know why you love Irisyviel so much." Viper said "uh you call your name in front" I replied. "Just answer it. I'm serious. "He replied. "Hmm, I also forgot why I really love her, but there is one thing that really makes a cause that makes me really love her. He who always makes me cry happily.

I have never felt anything like this before. Either every time with him my heart is calm my heart feels like I want to feel like that forever. Even when I talk about it is enough to make me cry. I want to continue with him. I want to hear his voice, I want him to touch me, touch me. hugging my body tightly. And I want to live with him for as long as he has. "I finally cried.

all of it pays attention to me with a glowing gaze. "Hmm, it turns out that your feelings are very real and not mere illusions. Akkhh. I'd better just give up letting you chase him. Because I know how it feels to love someone with all my heart. And all your heart and mind is only him. I can feel it. "Viper said. "Oh yes what about you Viper? Why do you love him so much, you know yourself, you are a man, why do you love someone of the same sex as you? "Asked Krusya-san.

"Have you ever felt the loss of someone you love so much? And when your mental state is unstable due to depression, you lose someone you love, does anyone care so much about you? Even if anyone wants to get close to you, you might be angry and destroy everything. What do you think? "Asked back from Viper.

"I think it's back to the person. I myself might find it difficult to calm people who are severely depressed because I have never experienced it myself. But I was once severely depressed when I was kidnapped by a child who calmed me down. Hehe, maybe he was a little rude too in his words to calm me down. But only he wanted to calm me down when I was kidnapped 5 years ago. "I replied.

"Irisyviel, do you remember about the kidnapping?" Viper asked "yes i-yes, what is it?" "Er name Galius, he was killed." I replied. "Eh Galius? Killed.? Oh, that's how it is. I understand now. "Viper answered. "What's wrong, Viper?" I asked. "it is okay. Oh yes, may I tell you a little, even though this story is a bit forbidden. "Asked Viper. "Oh of course" answered Krusya.

Epilogue {behind the Viper cuteness}

There used to be a lonely child. Then he had just lived alone. Suddenly there was a child who approached this lonely child. Then this child invited him to play. This lonely child is happy because he gets his peers. These two children continue to play. The life that was full of boredom and solitude, now someone always accompanied him to play. But all of that doesn't last long.

Because only a few years later. There was an incident, namely a war that occurred in the kingdom and empire. then the village where the child is always accompanying the lonely child is also attacked by the enemy. Everyone in the village was all slaughtered. Including this lonely child friend.

The lonely child also goes to the village where his playmates live. But tragic things happened. The child who accompanied him to play lay in lifeless land. Surprised the lonely child cried loudly and then went berserk. Everyone who only contained enemy forces was very cruelly eliminated. Not let one survive and live. The lonely child cries unceasingly and rages continuously by raising the body of his playmate.

Then suddenly there was a light of darkness covering the body of the raging child. This light made the lonely child's tantrum subside until it finally fainted. After waking up from fainting, the boy was surprised to be in a large room and above the very comfortable mattress. "Oh you're awake. Sorry to wake you up. You must be hungry right? Here I bring you warm food for you. There is bread and wheat soup, "said this unknown child.

This child pays attention to the person who is bringing food for him. It turns out that people are bringing adult food. Out of fear. this child attacks the person who saved him by biting and kicking the person who saved him. "Ouch. You must be scared. Sorry if so. OK. I keep the food here, "said the person. The child ate very heartily because he was very hungry and also the food he ate was very delicious. After eating he lay down on the soft mattress then slept.

While sleeping he felt someone was in his room. He also woke up and prepared to attack the person. "I'm sorry. Did I wake you up again? Sorry, "said the person with a smile. This child is paying close attention to the activities that the person is doing, there is little suspicious movement from that person. Then the child will immediately attack him. "Oh yes you should take a shower I have prepared water for you. "Said the person.

The child nodded his head. happily the person approached and wanted to lift the child's body. But the child bit him so hard that a lot of blood came out of the person's arm. The person left after showing the bathroom. The child goes to the bathroom then takes a shower, this child. After she finished taking a shower she went to her room and she wore new clothes.

A month like this continues until finally when the adult gives food to his little child, a small child starts talking to the person "thank you" the first word that is heard today. "Funny thing. Come on here, "said the person, but still he was attacked by this child.

2 months later this child wants to be bathed by an adult then tells his name. Let's just say by the name V. Then this guy just called his name. 4 months later this child just wanted to talk to the L. Until 6 months later, their relationship was very close. Even the happiness of playing with a friend first is comparable to the happiness felt when with that man. They continued like that until a very irony happened.

When it comes rain is very heavy. At that time this child was being asked to buy ingredients for the L. because the rain of this child was sheltering in a shop. "I'm getting wet. But that's okay. Hmm, I can't wait to meet L heheh, especially when he rubs my head. I'm happy. Hehe "said this child. When he is waiting for rain. Come is a child who approaches him. This child was very surprised too.

Because the one who approached him was someone who should have died a year ago. The child is a playmate. "I haven't seen V. for a long time," said the child. "You have not been killed a year ago, why are you still alive and here?" Said the child V "very bad you. I'm still alive. What they killed was my substitute magic. Don't you feel happy I'm here? "Asked his friend.

"It is impossible. I am very grateful and happy that you are still alive. Oh, yes. The rain has subsided. Let's come with me to L.'s place? there we can play to our heart's content. Come on. "Invite V's son to his friend. "Forgive me, but I can't go anywhere," said his friend, rejecting V's invitation. "Why is that?" Asked V's to his friend. "Because of this" his friend answered by showing a magic circle attached to his neck.

"Actually I have been caught by the enemy and if only I left then ran away without completing the task given by the enemy. Then I will cut my neck. so I have a request for you, can you V? "said his friend while asking for help to the child V." eh alright, I'll help, I will definitely help you calm down. "replied the V's son.

"I was given a mission to finish this person and then take him to their base." His friend showed a picture. And it turned out that the picture was the L. The V boy was very surprised. In order to save his friend he had to kill his life savior. He finally returned home with an overwhelming sense of indecision. He must choose his old friend or life savior.

Finally he arrived "I go home" he said feeling very nervous. "Oh welcome" said the man with a smile that was so beautiful. "Oh L, this is the food you ordered," said the child to L by giving the ordered item. "why, thank you. Come sit. I prepare food, "L said with a smile. "Eh alright." Not long after the food was ready.

Then they prepare for it. "I see L. I want to ask." Ask the child "oh yes please. I'll answer. "L replied with a smile. "Why did you save me then take care of me then?" Asked the child. "Oh that, hmm, how come, the problem is I can't give the reason. Because according to me helping people who are in trouble is something that is obligatory to do.

And also you are a very funny child. So where can I let you torment, right? Oh yeah, what's wrong? "L said with a smile again. "Then are you not afraid of being killed or betrayed by the people you saved?" Asked the child again.

"Hmmm betrayed. Hmmm, I thought I was sad. However. Don't we better do something good first as much as we can compared to just being able to think badly in the future without doing anything "replied L." I see. So you feel nothing and forgive those who have betrayed you? And also, are you willing to sacrifice your life to save the lives of others? "Asked the child.

"Hmm how is that? If you are asked to forgive or not, maybe I will think about it when that happens. Heheh. And whether it's possible or not. I am not willing but I will try not to sacrifice my life to save others. Hehe "he replied with a smile and a small laugh.

"Hmm, I see. I thought you were a very stupid person, "said the boy in a very small voice. Then the child approached L. "eh you did not eat?" Asked L. "Forgive me L. I thought you would think like that, but in this world. If you think like that, then the pain and suffering that will happen to you, therefore I will save you from your pain and suffering, "said the boy with a piercing right in the heart of L and destroying his heart.

"Uh. V. What are you doing? "L said, surprised by what had happened. He also felt lethargic and then began to lose his consciousness, before losing all his consciousness, he saw V crying and continued to apologize.

Carrying the body of L. V's body ran towards his friend's place. "Oh V welcome, did you come to bring it," said his friend. "Yes, I brought it. This "answered V by giving L's body to give to his friend. "Oh, it's great you saved me, thank you very much," said his friend, thanking V. "When will you be released?" If possible as soon as possible. We can use L's house to stay. Come on, hurry up. The most important thing is that we fulfill your duty right? "Said by forcing his friend to come with him. "I'm sorry V, but I can't do it. "His friend said suddenly.

"hah.? Why "V asked curiously. "Because I'm not your friend. hwuahahahah. You stupid idiot who is very stupid ahahah "said a friend who turned into a figure that should rarely appear in this world. That creature is the Angel Race. "It's impossible, then where is my friend?" Asked V feeling full of depression ... "hah? your friend? Have you forgotten? Didn't you yourself see your friend die before your own eyes, you stupid creature? Haha. Alright now your task is done. Now you're no longer useful. Please die and meet your friend then this person. This is a gift for you. High level magic. Shinning Javier, "said the angel using his magic.

Come out the spear of light. Then the spear of light was right in the direction of V's heart. "Impossible, so far I've been tricked. Akh is right too, isn't this a punishment for me for doing something bad to my savior. Heh. It's tragic. Even though I know all this will not atone for my sin, "said V with a very sorry feeling. When his body was very weak, suddenly there was a protective wall protecting it.

"High level magic. Healing Cube "suddenly someone has used magic. After he realized what had happened. It turned out that the one who used the magic was L. he used high-level healing magic. "No way, you're dead, aren't you? half human damn, "shouted the Angel. "Hhahah there's no way I just died. Didn't you know if I wasn't allowed to die. Hahah "L shouted happily" there's no way this can't happen. You should have died because your heart was broken. "The Angel shouted in disbelief.

"Already the talk, it's time for me to finish the damn angel. Hwueeekk "L shouted suddenly with a lot of blood coming out of his mouth. "I told you not to move L-sama first. You must be healed first. But you even put out a high level of magic. Now you have felt the impact of it, L-sama. "Someone said but where was the one who said that.

"Are you stupid Homunculus. If I don't help, then V will die. So I better just move. But it's better for us to get ready and think about how to finish it. Honestly, I have run out of mana to use magic and use healing after you fix my heart. "Said L who was in trouble. "Hoohh, how come you don't have any more?" Well, stupid, don't pretend to be a half-hearted, great human base. Hahah Prepare to die really. Hahah "the angel shouted arrogantly

Finally the Angel released his high level magic again. "Come is the magic that is only permitted for the Angels with their permission. Holy Light, "said the angel by raising his arms up. Then a giant halo appeared. The light is really dazzling. "With this you will all die because only Angels are allowed to live if exposed to this light. Even a high-level devil will disappear. After the dazzling light was over. The Angel was very surprised. "Impossible, this is impossible right? H-how do you still live after being hit by the light of my magic. shouldn't only the Angels be allowed to live. "Said the Angel who was very surprised. "Hahah. You stupid angel. What are you using all of you just to use useless magic like this? "L laughed. "How can you still live?" Asked the Angel.

"You idiot, don't you yourself say I am half human? You should have understood that I would not work with the attack. "Replied L." Wait a minute. Oh right. God damn it. I should know. But it's useless. We both lost all of us, then how could you beat me. haha "replied the Angel. "It's very easy. "L said with great confidence.

"Hah?" Said the angel. "V close your eyes, you better not open your eyes before I say to open them." Said L asking V to close his eyes. V closed his eyes tightly. "Okay, my contract is coming. I want to tie a contract again with you, THE DEVOTION. Giving Punishment. "Lamented L." Wait a minute L-sama, you don't need to be so much, "said another unknown person.

Then there was a very frightening sound. "Hooh, it turns out you are L. What else do you want now and what can you give as a reward?" Said that very frightening voice. "Oh you really came. I haven't heard your voice for a long time. Hmm, your voice is a little heavier. Are you fat now? "L asked" hah? W-What are you saying, you fool. If you just say like that then I will go back. "Said that terrifying voice.

"Eeeh wait. Do not say that. Later you will get old if you continue like that. "L said" I will go. "Said the frightening voice. "OK. I want you to lend me a spear of destruction of all Race from the Demon Race. Longinus spear. "L said very seriously. "Oh so, like your opponent is strong. Okay, then what do you offer? "He replied

"I offer my left eyes." L replied. Interesting. OK. I accept. Come to the Longinus Destruction Spear, "said the terrifying voice. Then the spear appeared and approached L. L took it. "Impossible, how could you know and be able to ask for permission and even be able to bind a contract with the Divine God?" Asked the Angel with a very depressed aura.

"Hmm, how do I explain it, the point is very long story. Well, let's go back to our problems, prepare the basics of foolish angels who dare to fight me and dare to do cruel things to innocent people. Now accept the sin you have committed. "Reply L who is preparing to throw the Spear. "Wait a minute, I was only ordered by one of the King of Angels, this is not my wish. please forgive and understand. "Said the Angel asking for forgiveness.

"I face all my sins, so you should be the same. Now vanished with your pride. "L shouted by throwing the Spear at the Angel. The spear pierced the Angel's heart and the Angel vanished with his Spear pierced in his heart.

Because of that big incident. Making this stupid kid faint. When he woke up, he was already in the room he normally slept in. Then he remembered what happened and he cried very loudly. Because he had just met his old friend who was dead and he had to feel the same pain again by having to know the truth of his friend's death. L actually wanted to enter the room to give breakfast.

But he felt very guilty about what happened to that stupid child. He just left his breakfast at the door. After hearing a long cry, L finally heard the child's room door open. L also felt a little relieved. Then suddenly the child ran over to L. "I'm sorry, I'm not. Please forgive me. I don't want to lose someone who is very valuable. "The boy shouted. "Hehem. You are not wrong. And also everyone must have made a big mistake. The most important thing is that the person tries not to make that mistake again. "Said L with a smile.

"Eh no. I feel very guilty. Why is your left eye? "Asked the child to L." Oh this. Hmmm I use very large magic even though I don't have a big one. And this is the result. Heheh, "said L, scratching his back head. "Eh, no—" said V, who was suddenly hugged tightly by L, feeling a sense of wetness about it. After he looked at L. then he was surprised because L was crying too.

"It's V, don't blame yourself too much. It is enough. I want you not to suffer anymore. And also I'm very grateful that I can still see you safely and be fine. (Hugging while crying) Neee V. I'm sorry for not saving the people in the village especially your friend. I wish I could save at least your friend. Maybe you won't suffer this much. Forgive me. All of this is my fault. "L said, crying. And apologize. Finally they both cried.

Not long after they cried. L invites V to eat together. V agreed. after eating L asked V to take a shower first. "Nee L. I swear. I will always be your follower. So please tell me anything, "V said suddenly. "Eh what do you mean?" L asked, surprised. "Actually I'm a very scary monster. You are the first human to know this. Changed. "Said V by changing its original form.

Big snake. "How.? Are you afraid? I can actually make my body even bigger. But I don't want to destroy your house. So hurry up and tie a contract with me. Then I will do whatever you say. "Said V with enthusiasm. "It's great. So this is your real form. I don't think that this very cute little kid is this giant creature. Ha ha ha. "L replied happily. "Eh? You're not afraid? "V asked in confusion.

"Hehem. Why am I afraid of cute little kids. For me you will continue to be like a cute little kid that I will always protect, not a scary monster that I have to fear as you said earlier. And also the matter of contract. Hmmm I don't want you to be my follower who will carry out all my orders. But I want you to be my family who will always help me and accept my selfish requests. "L said with a happy smile and then hugged V's body in that creepy form.

Finally V changed to the shape of his little boy. Then he happily kissed L's lips. "Eh. W-What are you doing? "L asked in surprise. "Think of it as my thank you with my happiness right now." V replied with a happy smile. "Uh, but you are a man. And you shouldn't kiss someone who is the same as your type. "L said commemorating. "Ah, if I will be the form of the woman you like," said V, preparing to change form.

"Eh no need. I prefer what you are. Isn't it better for us to be ourselves than to be someone else For the sake of the people we care about. Because in my opinion. If we are so. So what people love is not us as we are. But we are only a substitute for the person he loves, "L said with a smile. "Hemk, alright. Then what if I become your left eye? So that I can continue with you? "Tanya V" eh are you serious? Hem, alright. Actually Homunculus is making my left eye. Hehe. But if you don't mind, okay. "L. said they finally tied the contract.

in this volume series, in my opinion, it has become an interesting part because Elusyan has shown some real strength. he also found members of his new family back. keep following the series story because the next volume series will have more action Elusyan uses magic and his strength

Mr_L30creators' thoughts