
Not Just A Future Wife

The tea was dark and sweet. Lucia drained the last of it and placed the cup on its saucer. Queen… correction, Auntie Mirie, was not saying anything just yet. She had asked Lucia to have breakfast with her since both of them had not eaten yet. Now that she was done, she dabbed at her mouth with her napkin and placed it beside her plate on the table. She looked up to see that Aunt Mirie was doing the same. Queen Mirie looked at her and smiled. Lucia smiled back, hoping none of the nerves she felt showed.

"Let us go and sit in my library," Queen Miriam said to the younger woman as she got up.

Lucia got up after the Queen and waited for her to round the table before following her out of the room. When they got to the Queen's library, they sat on the love seats set up between the towering bookshelves. Lucia idly noticed that a file binder had been left on the coffee table between the couches.

"Did you and Michael finally discuss a wedding date?" Queen Miriam asked.