
Reencarnation Battle Royal (Multiverse)

This is the story of a group of powerful beings who, in their boredom, have created the ultimate entertainment, a Battle Royal! But it consists of reincarnated humans. Watch our protagonist struggle to survive, live his life between each instance of this interesting program, and watch him travel to different worlds to find ways to improve his power, accompanied by his partner. ----- A world where he was reborn: Avatar: The Last Airbender. Worlds to travel: High School DxD, Marvel(MCU), Jojos Bizarre Adventure, Dark Souls, SCP. The cover photo was made for an AI. The characters that belong to other franchises are not mine, the mythological creatures are public domain. I only have my protagonist and the other reincarnated characters that will appear in the story. NO HAREM.

Sir_Traverse · Komik
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87 Chs

XX: Second-month recap, the mighty discuss.

Now we return to the place where these powerful people were gathered, and we will only return to them when necessary or every ten chapters, something incredible, I don't know how this show has so many viewers, maybe there is something about seeing 10,000 ordinary people trying to survive that attracts the attention of many powerful existences.

And remember, Plumbus Inc sponsors our show, you can't live without them!

Watching one of the screens with interest was a handsome boy with black hair and eyes, his royal aura like a monarch, full of energy but also overwhelming. It was like standing in front of a sinful beast capable of devouring everything, and well, knowing who he was, this feeling was easy to understand. 

Leylin Farlier was someone who could identify with the reincarnates he now enjoyed seeing on the screen, they had it easy compared to him, of course, if they managed to survive their first Battle Royal. The level 9 Magus was quietly enjoying his drink, cider made from the fruit of Eden, one of the most expensive drinks sold here, obviously made by BIG G.

Suddenly, a strange presence sat beside the Magus, a young man with brown skin, white hair, and purple robes adorned with gold, representing his position as king. In his hands were ten delicate rings, and whoever knew him knew who he was, King Solomon.

"What brings Your Respectable Highness here?" asked Leylin curiously, knowing that King Solomon was a wizard like himself, which impressed the Magus at the time, but in the omniverse, things can happen and he quickly adapted.

"Oh, I just wanted to be with someone who valued knowledge, not those horny gods, eldritch abominations, or certain individuals who represent concepts," Solomon replied matter-of-factly, his wisdom not only making him a good ruler but also an excellent conversationalist. 

"I suppose, like them, you have some reincarnates that interest you," Leylin pointed to the screen in front of him, and Solomon nodded.

"There's an interesting young lady who received a succubus bloodline, one from a world I experimented with in my early years and left to her own devices, I didn't expect this simple bloodline to grow so much and hold so much potential. Lord Referee has a good eye for talent, no doubt," with Solomon's words, the screen showed Susie preparing with her team to continue their adventure in this strange dungeon.

"Oh, I'm an expert in bloodlines and I've come across succubi before, nothing special of course, though I never expected to see such a... strange variant, the paths of evolution are strange, especially when there's a being embodying that concept roaming around," with that answer from the Magus, the two equally intelligent men began to discuss some promising reincarnates they might want to sponsor.

In the distance, a being that embodied the very concept of fire was jealously watching a screen on which Seone stood out; this being had no fixed appearance it looked more like a piece of flame floating on the table than anything else.

"What an interesting boy, he's not the most similar to fire, that other reincarnate with the Fire Dragon Slayer heritage is much better than him, but this young man has an interesting ambition... conque a star, eh? Maybe you should talk to Sauelsuesor, she would love to have a new brother. 

Should I bother that annoying emperor? His flames are special too....

"Oh oh, I could talk to the Phoenix, the reincarnator who got a cheat related to her has gone crazy as usual, maybe he wants to lend me some of his flame" In a very excited way, the incarnation of fire started to gestate an idea, although it had to go through the reviews of the show's managers, if at least 1% of what he wanted to achieve was achieved, the interesting guy would have an even more peculiar development.

At a somewhat crowded table of figures, two beings were arguing while the others watched with laughter on their faces, of course, if one had a face, sometimes there are very strange abominations in the omniverse, there is something strange.

"I told you stupid, blood is fleeting, mazes are eternal," said a strange being called one of the four Chaos Gods in Warhammer 40K, Tzeentch, with a mocking tone. 

Khorne, another of the Chaos Gods, stood before him and shook his head, how could a stupid labyrinth compare to BLOOD? And he, as the God of BLOOD, could not allow such a vile heresy to go unchallenged, not to mention that all the Chaos Gods are incarnations of the most terrible heresies, but the devil is in the details~.

"Labyrinths are not fun, they are not rewarding, nothing like slaughtering planets, bathing in the blood of your enemies, drinking the nectar of the innocent, and reveling in the feast of guts and carnage while lying on a bed of skulls," the god argued persuasively, causing Tzeentch to snort in derision.

"Tell him, Silent King, tell him how cool labyrinths are," Tzeentch gently tapped the Necron next to him, who remained silent, but several people around him began to nod.

"NO, how can building 9-dimensional pyramids be better than my labyrinth? I thought we were friends, you know, we're both smart and stuff," Tzeentch replied angrily, not expecting this betrayal from his silent 'friend'.

"Anyway, a bloody fool, a maze lover and an Egyptian space pharaoh won't have refined tastes, apparently inflicting pain and pleasure on your enemies until they die and then 'sucking' their souls is the way to go. Look at those human reincarnates, some have huge butts, some have huge breasts, some have thighs that can break, not watermelons, diamonds~. 

Why argue about stupid things when we can just fuck each other?" and the conversation got weird when Slaneesh, annoyed... annoyed... I don't know, complained about the absurdity of it all.

The excesses were the best, he was in his title for a reason and was born of them, didn't that mean it was superior to simple blood, mazes, or dimensional pyramids? 

The table fell silent, then a serious debate was reignited among everyone as to what was superior, breasts, asses, legs, some Eldritch and Nurgle aberrations mentioned feet, but they were ignored none of them had any interest in what was happening on the screens, not yet of course, this show never disappoints.

Now for a few messages from our sponsors.

"Have you ever felt sad, lonely, misunderstood? Like you don't fit into the universe or dimension you live in. Maybe you are missing out on a great vacation. 

With Rick&Morty Inc. you can vacation where you want, when you want, how you want. Want to see the miracles of Jesus up close, watch Waterloo, gaze at the Big Bang from a balcony, or just go to the end of time for a relaxing picnic? Call the number on the screen and make a reservation.


"If your limb, tentacle, or antenna isn't as strong as it used to be, a little fairy dust will solve your problems. Naturally grown and harvested in Alfheim, you will soon feel the strength returning to you. 

Some restrictions apply, do not use on beings of draconic nature due to adverse effects.


Even though they were still locked in this dungeon, things had already begun to turn around on the continent, the Flower Kingdom, named after the city-states that make it up, as they were generally named after flowers, was rallying for an unprecedented war campaign.

They are the largest kingdom in the south, but the elves and dwarves were interfering with their expansion. Therefore, Sunflower City served as a bridgehead for this campaign, and some important figures had already begun to arrive in this city.

Among them was a princess, the only daughter of the king and queen, a very powerful sorceress who inspired both fear and respect among those who knew of her power. Her arrival was discreet, but she quickly met with the lord of the city and gathered available information.

She wanted capable people at her side, and since they were already in that era where certain geniuses would appear out of nowhere for a year at a time, she wanted to get some for herself. It's just that there had been several Battle Royals on this continent, and it was recorded, and the people in charge of the show didn't bother to hide the fact that there were suddenly people with strange abilities, which created a strange culture here.

Every few years, these great powers waited for these special individuals to appear and recruited them, even though many refused, they didn't make things difficult for them unless they violated their rules, like that strange young man with the peculiar eyes who suddenly started sucking souls in Tulip City and then had to flee like a dog to the north. 

Waiting in the Lord's office, the Princess, a white-skinned, crimson-haired woman with a strange line on her forehead that represented a closed eye, looked at various files in her hands. She was examining the promising individuals who had appeared in the past month. Never doubt the intelligence that an empire can muster where its most powerful beings can, and indeed, they have destroyed the moon as if it were nothing.

Oh yes, it was common for a battle to destroy the moon only to have it repaired as if nothing had happened, something that became folklore on this continent, giving rise to phrases like "If your attack cannot destroy the moon, you are not truly powerful" or "The moon is an excellent testing ground for new techniques and spells.

The princess then focused on seven special records, there was not much connection between them except that they first met every weekend, then every few days, and became intimate. Previously there were other individuals close to them, but they disappeared, probably killed. 

Marie, with a draconic aura that she could freely generate and control to empower herself, with a strange artifact attached to her soul of an equally draconic nature. The high command of the city's army had chosen her as a focus for training and had devised a way for her to become stronger. 

Ron lived with an alchemist, the woman had vast knowledge in refining potions, divination, and to a lesser extent, making magic items. 

Axel, son of the best hunters in town, his archery skills were constantly growing.

Susie, with a strange ancestry and horns on her head, wizard, normal except that she seemed to have a lascivious nature, but never got dates, a talent of the wizard association.

John is a handsome boy known to all the widows and noble ladies of the town, a talent of the Wizarding Association, eyes that change with another golden pair, and highly destructive magic. 

Jessica, is a strange woman with special eyes, a talent of the Wizards' Association, but her magic is strange and unique, making the high command of the Association interested in her and currently helping her to better understand her abilities.

Finally, the princess looked at the file of Seone, a young son of an executioner, in the path of the fighter, whose vitality was a bloody red resembling flames. His impulse was as silent as death, and he had access to an energy derived from the phenomenon of rotation. 

The files were very extensive, almost representing the lives of the young men up to the exact moment they entered the dungeon, that's how closely they were guarded, but it wasn't for anything bad, it was just a common measure they had to take.

"Well, that's them, let's see how they answer me, boys," the princess wanted to surprise them, not knowing that she would be the one surprised when the young men returned from the dungeon, although that is a story we will read later.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Sir_Traversecreators' thoughts