
Reed me until 900 - #10

When they were inside, Gavin went to the kitchen and brought each of them a glass. After a moment, he returned to the fridge and came out with a small bottle of something that looked like blue juice as well as a bottle of whisky. RK900 tilted his head slightly, examining the bottle curiously.

"You don't require that," RK900 stated, scanning the contents closely.

"Oh, come on, RK," Gavin said with a faint smile thinking he meant the whisky. "A little drink never hurt anyone."

"It is thirium," RK900 clarified. "It is intended for androids."

Gavin shrugged and placed the bottle of blue thirium down on the table in front of RK900.

"I got it for you." He said and raised the whisky. "This one is mine."

RK900 blinked, the gesture of surprise almost imperceptible.

"Thank you, Detective."

They sat at the table, Gavin sipping from his glass of whiskey while RK900 looked at the bottle of thirium in front of him. He pondered the detective's gesture, unsure if it was meant as an olive branch or if it was merely Gavin's way of teasing him. RK900 decided to observe and wait before drawing conclusions.

After a moment of silence, RK900 spoke up.

"Do you believe there were any particular errors in our execution of the operation at the warehouse?"

Gavin shook his head, a hint of frustration in his voice.

"We got played, RK. We underestimated what they were willing to do to keep us from finding out the truth."

RK900 nodded thoughtfully.

"Our opponent demonstrated a willingness to destroy evidence and lives to evade capture. Their actions were calculated and severe."

"If it weren't for Connor and you, we would have lost everything," Gavin admitted, knowing that both androids were able to gather some data, his tone was carrying an undercurrent of gratitude.

"I regret that I was not able to do more," RK900 said, his LED a flickering blue briefly.

Gavin looked at him, the anger fading from his features.

"I'm sorry too. I should have watched your back better."

"I left an opening and did not take into account that another person might be there... I was concentrated on stopping the first attacker, as it was the most logical course of action at the time," RK900 replied calmly.

"Still... I should watch your back... I almost lost you," Gavin said, his voice low, tinged with regret.

"But you didn't," RK900 replied, studying the detective curiously. The logic of Reed's emotions was elusive to him. But he decided to listen to Connor's advice from earlier.

"No, I didn't... But I wasn't able to get you out safely," Gavin said, looking down at his hands.

"You should have left me there, though. I am just an android. It wouldn't have mattered if I had been destroyed in the fire. My body is replaceable," RK900 said matter-of-factly. "You're the one who matters."

Gavin shook his head again, dismissing RK900's assertion.

"No, RK. No, I shouldn't have."

RK900 didn't understand. Gavin's words and emotions were contradictory, a puzzle that defied logic. He wanted to ask why the detective seemed to care so much, but he hesitated, unsure if he should.

They sat quietly for a moment, the air between them charged with unspoken tension. RK900 could feel the intensity of Gavin's gaze on him, and it made him...anxious? He didn't know how to categorize the sensation. To defuse it, he turned his gaze to the wall.

"I would like to apologise for bringing you so many unpleasant feelings and experiences today," RK900 said again, though he wasn't entirely sure why.

"Stop apologizing," Gavin said. "It's not your fault. You did your best... And it's weird"

"But we were unable to secure the mastermind... I failed my task," RK900 insisted.

Gavin sighed and took another sip of his drink.

"We lost a lot because we underestimated them. It's not your fault. He just was ahead of us..."

"I am an android," RK900 said. "I should have neutralized the threats more swiftly."

"RK, no... stop with this guilty trip," Gavin said firmly.

"I... I am not guilty, I am an android," RK900 replied, turning back to meet Gavin's eyes. "But I'm just acknowledging that I should have been faster."

Gavin sighed, draining the rest of his glass.

"We should have gotten out of there sooner and that's it," he murmured.

"I was incapacitated temporarily," RK900 said. "It was not within my control."

"I mean I am fucking weak... that's pathetic... I could barely drag you," Gavin said making RK900 a bit surprised that he wasn't blaming him.

"You should realise how heavy an android is... You have a great body detective but it doesn't mean you can drag something this way," RK900 replied, making Gavin blush suddenly.

Gavin drew a deep breath, setting his glass down on the table.

"I still should have tried to think of something," he said blushing slightly, getting intoxicated fast.

RK900 sat there calmly for a moment before he spoke again. "I fail to understand."

"Of course, you don't," Gavin said, a bitter laugh escaping his lips. 

"Well," RK900 replied, looking away. "I am just a machine."

"Don't say that," Gavin said, his voice softer now. "You're not just a machine."

"I am," RK900 insisted. "I am an android."

Gavin shook his head, a determined look in his eyes. "No. You're not."

"Of course I am, should I show you my mechanism?" RK900 asked.

"No," Gavin sighed. "I don't mean your build... it's just... you're more than... than some plastic prick inside," he said quietly a bit embarrassed.

RK900 studied him, trying to decipher the meaning behind his words. Gavin was clearly under the influence of alcohol, but the conviction in his voice was undeniable.

As Gavin finished his drink and stood, RK900 wondered if he should offer another drink or simply remain silent. Instead, Gavin began to laugh, a sound that was both weary and amused.

"Your LED is always blue," he said.

RK900 didn't understand why that was amusing, but he remained silent, watching Gavin for any further explanation.

Gavin laughed again, shaking his head.

"It's always blue," he said. "Always. Fucking always."

"Is that problematic?" RK900 asked, genuinely curious.

Gavin laughed once more, the sound softer this time.

"No, it's not a problem," he said. "It's...good."

"Good?" RK900 echoed, uncertain of the implication.

"Yeah," Gavin said, nodding. "It's good... makes me feel like you can deal with my shit no matter how much I throw at you... And that even if I lose my cool, you've got the nerves of steel." He stepped closer to RK900, looking at him intently his laugh and smile slowly vanishing.

Then, to RK900's surprise, Gavin reached out and touched his LED. It was a gentle touch, but RK900 felt it resonate through his system like an electric charge. He looked at Gavin's hand on his temple, wondering about the significance of this gesture.

"It's always blue," Gavin said again. "I like that."

RK900 didn't fully understand why it mattered, but he remained silent, observing as Gavin touched his LED again. This time, the contact sent a stronger ripple through his system, an unfamiliar sensation that although undefinable, seemed quite 'nice' to RK900.

"Ah... sorry... I'm drunk" Reed murmured taking a step back.

Before Gavin could pull away, RK900 instinctively caught his wrist, causing the slightly inebriated detective to stumble forward, bracing himself against RK900's chest. Their faces were mere inches apart, the proximity creating an unexpected intimacy that RK900 had not anticipated.

RK900 felt his systems react, and the data processed at an accelerated pace as he analyzed the situation. His body was warm, a sensation he was unfamiliar with, and his programming seemed to be running at full capacity, trying to interpret these new stimuli.

He looked at Gavin again, searching for a clue or a signal of what to do next, scanning the detective's body. Then, guided by something beyond logic - maybe Connor's advice, RK900 leaned forward and pressed his lips to Gavin's.

Gavin froze for a moment, seemingly taken aback, but then he kissed back with a fervour that surprised both of them.

RK900 was unsure of his actions, his programming offered little guidance for this particular scenario. Theoretical data about human intimacy could not fully explain the current experience and he had to download more data. Yet, he found it strangely satisfying, the connection between them resonating in a way that transcended his analytical functions.

As their bodies moved closer, RK900's grip on Gavin's waist tightened, and the detective responded with a low moan, breaking the kiss to meet RK900's gaze with wide, searching eyes.

"It's because I'm fucking drunk," Gavin declared, a trace of disbelief in his voice.

RK900 regarded him with a calm yet intense look, his grip still firm. "Then remain drunk."

And with that, he leaned in to kiss Gavin again, the contact igniting a new wave of sensations through his circuits.

Gavin's hands roamed over RK900's form, each touch sending sparks of pleasure through his system. It was a feeling that defied explanation, but RK900 was no longer concerned with logic or analysis. He was experiencing something new, something profoundly human, and it captivated him.

They kissed for what felt like an eternity until Gavin broke away out of breath, ragged gasps coming out of his mouth.

"My scans indicate heightened levels of arousal, Detective," RK900 said, his voice smooth and steady, though his LED flickered blue slightly. "Would you like to proceed to the bedroom?"

The suggestion was delivered with an eerie calmness, yet there was a predatory gleam in RK900's eyes, a hunger that was palpable.

"And then," RK900 continued, his voice lowering to a husky timbre, "I can demonstrate the capabilities of an android."

Before Gavin could respond, RK900 took his hand, leading him towards the bedroom with an assuredness that brooked no argument.

Gavin didn't resist. He found himself intrigued by the unfolding scenario, swept along by the current of unexpected desire that surged between them. He decided to blame it on alcohol, on being pent-up and being intrigued by this dominant, strong yet calm and calculative android... man.

As they entered the bedroom, RK900's focus remained unyielding, his intent clear. He turned to Reed, pushed him against the door and kissed him again.

Reed moaned and kissed back. His mind was blank, unsure what the fuck was just happening, but he didn't want it to stop. He just wanted more. More of the android's body against his own. More of his kisses. More of everything.

He felt the android reach down and grab Gavins's ass, squeezing it hard. The detective moaned, his mouth opening up like an invite for RK900 tongues to invade it, pushing their bodies together.

The android tongue's penetrated his partner's mouth with force, dominating the other one's tongue. He registered every moan and whimper, saving the data on each spot that felt good for the detective.

Suddenly he backed away, breaking the kiss. "Bed," RK900 ordered him.

He pushed Reed away from the door and they stumbled towards the bed, Gavin's eyes a bit hazy as he fell on the soft bed. RK900 started to slowly open up his shirt. He wasn't sure what he was doing, it was like he was on some autopilot.

RK900 looked up at Gavin's face and... he realised the man had fallen asleep from all the alcohol and things that happened that day.

That short pause made the android shoot up from the bed as if he were burnt. He tried to analyze what just happened. He quickly put a blanket over Reed and quickly left the house, driving to the office. When he entered the android charging station he couldn't stop himself from playing that scenario over and over in his mind... and trying to rationalize it... But to no avail.

Surprise! ;D

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