Daniel is stuck in a dead-end job with no direction in life, but he is given a second chance when he wakes up as a kid again. He realizes that there are subtle changes in the world around him, particularly in popular culture like movies, music, and technology. He decides to make use of this opportunity to the fullest The story is set in the modern family world, where the main character has only vague memories of the TV show. If you wish to support me check out my patreon.com/Illusiveone
[Haley's commentary]
"So, Daniel, the first I heard of him was through Alex years ago; he was all Alex could talk about 'Daniel Adler this, Daniel Adler that.'
"Honestly, it was so annoying."
"Then I actually met him, and... well, it's complicated. I thought he was a prick, you know, like some celebrities.
"I did't understand why Alex basically worshiped this guy."
"But then we met again in history class, and we talked, and I realized I was wrong. He's not at all what I expected. I mean, sure, he's a genius writer or whatever, but he's also kinda... cool? In a laid-back, doesn't-even-try kind of way."
"Then we started texting. It started off as just a way to, you know, pass the time during Ms. Thompson's lectures and to annoy him. But then, it became something I looked forward to. It's weird; he is funny and he doesn't try to impress, you know? It's just him being him, and I kinda... like that."
"I like how he's always there to listen, even if it's just me ranting about the latest drama with my friends or some random thought that popped into my head at 2 AM."
"I even read his book… okay, I skimmed through it; it's like reading, right?"
"I mean, he is kinda cute…."
Haley looks at the latest Teen Vogue cover with Daniel on it.
"Alright, I admit he is hot… uhhh, why is this so confusing?"
Haley's eyes narrowed. "I also need info on the other chick who's friends with him"
"And win this bet of course. Thankfully, I have a genius…"
[End Commentary]
"Heeeey…..Little sister," Haley said entering her shared room with Alex.
Haley knew she needed Alex's help to win the bet with Daniel she didn't even know what a renaissance was.
Alex looked up from her book "What" she asked.
"Heeeey, I need a huge favor," Haley began, her voice dripping with faux sweetness
Alex, ever the skeptic, looked up with narrowed eyes.
"What kind of favor? And why do I feel like I'm not going to like it?"
Haley took a seat next to her sister, laying on the charm. "So I have this project….."
"Save it, I'm not going to help you," Alex interrupted and returned to her book.
Haley wasn't deterred. She knew Alex was her best shot at not only completing the project but also making sure it was good enough to win the bet with Daniel.
"Come on, Alex. It's about the Renai …ummm…reaniessence. You love all that history stuff, right?"
Alex sighed, placing her book down with a resigned look. "You mean the Renaissance?"
"Yes that" Haley said happily.
"What's the project about?" Alex inquired.
"Well, we have to research an important figure from the uh…."
"The Renaissance" Alex finished for her.
"Exactly! So, will you help me?" Haley pleaded.
Alex's response was firm. "No. Maybe you should try opening a book for once. Do you even know where your books are?" she challenged.
"Wait....there's something else going on….," Alex continued.
"Alright, fine. I may have made a bet with Daniel..." Haley reluctantly confessed.
"Daniel? Who's Daniel?" Alex questioned, puzzled.
"Daniel Adler, the guy who writes those books you love," Haley explained.
"Daniel's not a freshman. Why would he even be doing a project with you?" Alex asked incredulously.
"Doesn't anyone listen to me? I told you I've been hanging out with him," Haley protested.
"Prove it," Alex demanded.
"Fine." Haley pulled out her phone to show Alex a photo of her with Daniel.
"This is real. You actually know him," Alex said, surprised, as she examined the phone.
"Yeah, he had some issues with homeschooling, so he's taking a class with us freshmen," Haley shared.
"Now we are partnered together on this project and I made a bet with him that I could do it alone," Haley explained.
"Plus, think about it. If Daniel thinks I can't handle this, he might doubt our entire family's intelligence. Including yours. Do you want Daniel Adler thinking less of you?" Haley argued, playing her final card.
Alex's eyes widened at the thought.
"I'll help you," Alex declared as she gathered up books from her desk.
"Oh, great, I'll just..." Haley's words trailed off as Alex interrupted.
"Oh no you are doing this with me," Alex insisted, pulling her sister downstairs much to her protests.
[Daniel POV]
"Hey, Daniel, I almost forgot to tell you, I finished those art pieces you commissioned," Matt mentioned as we were leaving school.
"Great, then let's head to your place. I have something important to discuss with you," I said.
"What's up?" inquired Matt.
"I'll tell you after I've seen the art," I assured him.
We arrived at his house, and after exchanging greetings with Mrs. Gates, I followed Matt into his room.
"These pieces took quite a bit of time, and to tell the truth, this has been the weirdest request I've ever received," Matt revealed as he unveiled the artwork.
"Really the weirdest. I have seen your works before, man," I replied, remembering the porn Matt has drawn for me and others.
"Yes, this was a bit weird, Danny," Matt said, standing his ground.
"Here we go," he continued, referencing the notes I had provided. "You asked me to draw a superhero similar to Superman but more mature-looking and with a mustache. He has a red and white costume with a cape."
I took the artwork from him and was struck by its resemblance to Omni-Man as depicted in the Invincible comics; it was nearly perfect.
"What about the other one?" I queried.
"That one proved more challenging. You wanted a depiction of this character in a violent conflict with a character of my choice," Matt explained.
I nodded. "Yes, and I asked you to make it as violent as possible."
Matt took out the other artwork, and it was glorious. It was Matt's version of Omni-Man fighting the core members of the Justice League. I had only asked him to draw it with one character, but Matt had completely knocked it out of the park.
"So, what do you think?" Matt looked at me, eager for my reaction.
"It's great, wow, this is… just wow," I replied.
"Now, Daniel, as your friend, I must ask: why this?" Matt inquired.
I looked at him confused.
"It's a weird commission. When you first told me to draw this character, you asked me to draw J. Jonah Jameson's face on Superman... What's the point of all this? Now, it is none of my business, but I am very confused," Matt confessed.
"Okay, this has something to do with what I had to talk to you about... Wait, this has everything to do with it actually," I revealed.
"I have an idea for a comic book series. I have the whole story planned out. The only piece missing is a talented artist to bring it to life," I added.
"So are you asking…" Matt began.
"Yes, I am asking you to be my partner in starting a whole new comic series," I proposed.
Matt sat down on his bed. "Wow, that is unexpected."
I sat down next to him.
"You're serious about this? You want me to help create a comic book series with you?" Matt asked after a few minutes of silence.
"Yes, I think if both of us put our minds to it, we can make something amazing," I explained.
"So, you're in?" I asked, hopeful.
Matt extended his hand. "I'm in. Oh, this is great, thank you, Danny."
We shook on it, sealing our new partnership.
"Wait, you said you had the story planned out. What's it about?" Matt asked eagerly.
"Ok, I will give you a quick barebones summary of it. We can discuss it in length later," I said.
Matt nodded, and I began explaining the plot of the comic.
"The story revolves around Mark Grayson, a seemingly typical teenager, except for the fact that his father, Nolan, is the most powerful superhero on the planet called Omniman."
"As Mark develops powers of his own, he adopts the superhero identity of 'Invincible.'"
"Now this is the title of our comic," I said.
"Invincible," Matt repeated. "I like it."
"It is an exploration of several tropes in superhero comics.It's like a love letter to the genre.It might sound like a deconstruction but it's not" I emphasized.
Matt nodded.
"Invincible, or Mark, discovers the truth about his father."
"What?" Matt asked eagerly.
"Nolan is actually part of a more advanced alien race known as the Viltrumites who have a large empire, and Nolan was sent to Earth to prepare it to be added into it."
"So, it's about Mark dealing with the truth about his father?" Matt asked.
"Yes, but it's more than that," I emphasized. "It's about Mark's journey, grappling with his identity and his place in the world. He has to make hard choices, questioning what it means to be a hero and if he can forge a different path from his father."
"Of course...I want it to be more violent and mature," I added.
"Ah, that makes sense now," Matt said, connecting the dots.
"Alright, when do we start?" he asked.
"I'm thinking we pace ourselves; there's no need to rush this," I suggested.
"Got it, got it. Man, I'm so excited. Can you give me more details about Invincible? I want to start sketching some concepts," he said, pulling out his drawing pad.
We spent the night sketching different characters. It was the beginning of something great.
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