
(283) Enther's Plight

Enther slowly got up from the corner he'd been kicked into. He walked back to his place at the table, ignoring the amused glare from Colonel.

He turned his attention to the map, shaking his head at what he saw. Most of their supplies had been stolen, and they would have to take this city out in just a few weeks if they planned on being successful.

Half of their assault items had been destroyed as well. Some of the men had received these for being the first to initiate war on a City.

Enther didn't like this at all. Colonel was too gripped by the fact that someone dared defy him to realize that that party of ten had slaughtered a group of twenty while only losing two.

He sighed but didn't point out this fact. It would only cause the seal to flare up again, and he'd had enough of that pain for one day.

The ones Enther really felt terrible for were those on the front line. They were just soldiers following orders.