
(265) New Life

The young Slime ventured out of the cave after burying the Elf-Wolf Hybrid. It had sat and waited for the other two Elves, but there had been no sign of them following.

During the few days it waited in the cave, it had time to ponder the scenes it had witnessed. Before seeing Shar lying dead, and the darts he'd been holding, the Slime hadn't realized the Doctor was a bad person.

Shar had told him that they weren't good people, but the Slime didn't understand the concept. It hadn't had any consciousness before, and it was born in the lab as far as it was aware.

"First Shar, and then Ra-Zek..." The Slime mumbled. 

Geth could feel a deep-seated hatred forming in the Slime's aura. The thoughts of the Slime were so blatant that he could almost see them.

What made Geth frown wasn't that it was hatred toward the Doctor. No... it was hatred toward all Humans.