
(144) Through the Eyes of Albus (Part 1)

Albus raised both of his hands to his forehead. His fingers pressed together to form the shape of a diamond.

Traces of Mana seeped in from the area around them, pulling into Albus' hands as if he were holding a small funnel. Geth looked on curiously while a thin stream of light filtered out from Albus' head and mixed with the Mana.

The old man sat this way for a few moments as Geth watched on. One second, he was looking at Albus. 

The next...


"Darling, do you really think that we should take those threats so seriously?"

Geth was startled by the sudden voice. He tried to look around but couldn't seem to control his own body.

His eyes slowly opened. Geth found himself lying down, a stunning woman leaning over him.

The smell of jasmine filled his senses. The feel of velvet sheets brushed against his exposed skin.