
(143) Skeleton Crew

Geth watched as the Formations in his mental sphere stopped warping. He spun around and looked out across the dome.

At the moment, he and Albus were standing atop the ocean of liquid Mana contained in the sphere. Geth was amazed at the amount of space in the dome after it expanded.

"Yes, you have a lot of growing left to do," Albus stated while smiling at him.

"For now, you should focus on your Skeletons' growth. Once they have their first Class, you can leave the upgrades to them if you wish."

Geth gave Albus a thumbs up. The older man snapped his fingers and the two were suddenly on the outer edge of the dome. 

Geth blinked rapidly at the sudden transition. One of his nearby selves looked slightly startled at the sudden appearance of the two.

Looking at his surroundings, Geth found that four small hallways were leading out of the inner dome. He glanced out and saw four smaller mental spheres between the inner and outer walls of his own.