
Redefining Destiny; A Tensura Fanfic

A what-if story if Rimuru was replaced with a young adult who had read too much fiction rather than a middle-aged man also he's a tiefling now

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27 Chs

chapter 8

Morning came.

And of course, I had come up with the same conclusion as the original had did; Let the goblins take care of the direwolves

Er... well, that should have been the case.

I could feel beads of sweat forming at the back of my neck as I stared at the staggering amount of direwolves that were a grand total of 112 and the goblins who were only 72 in numbers.

Well there are the kids but... yeah, they're kids I don't trust a fully grown wolf to take care of them.

Beside me was the goblin chief, happily accepting his side of the agreement which was the same as the goblins who eagerly looked at me as if they were waiting whatever it was I was about to say.

"Well, since the battle is behind all of us already. I reckon it's time for all of us to move on and look at the future." I paused for a moment to gauge their reactions before nodding in satisfaction as no one made a sound.

"That being said, I'll pair each and every one of you up."

They all stared at me as if waiting for me to continue, it was then I realized that they probably didn't understand what I meant.

"By that, I mean each goblin should at least have 1 direwolf friend. But since there's a lot of wolves, I'll permit some goblins to have more."

I clapped my hand and immediately the goblins and wolves ran around one another, scampering to pair up as if they were playing a party game called "the ship is sinking"

I don't know if that's the actual name but oh well.

Once they were done, those fortunate enough to have multiple wolves stood proudly in front while those who were content with one settled at the back.

But the important thing was that it seemed like they got along with one another which is important.



"It's very uncomfortable for me to just regard all of you as my people, so I'll just go ahead and give you guys names."

At the mere mention of the word name, everyone froze and stared at me in disbelief.

"A-are you sure?"

Of course I am, this is a very important event in the novel.

I heaved a sigh and nodded,"of course, you are my people so naturally I'll have the need to address you guys."

It was as if I'd simultaneously blown the minds of every goblin on the premises. Each one erupted into enthusiastic cheering.

Good, good. Everyone be happy so we can hurry up with meeting the girls.

I started with the elder.

"Your name from now on will be Rigurd, taken from your late son. You should do well to live up to the name."

Of course I followed the course of the novel, I didn't have a knack for making names and if I were to make my own I'd probably just name them silly names like Kevin or Peanut butter sandwich.

I wanna rename testarossa to something beautiful like Snow. Or a white demon name

Of course there's always exceptions but we'll get there when we get there.

I… I cannot express my gratitude enough," he blubbered, "for being granted permission to take on my son's name!"

I get it bud, stop making me feel guilty for just giving you names I didn't come up on my own.

The goblin scout leader, meanwhile, I named Rigur. I was tempted to add a "II" at the end or maybe a Jr but I felt like it'll just complicate things and confuse the goblins so I stopped myself from doing so.

So on I went, down the whole line. I also did the rest of the onlookers while I was at it, having families figure out their names together and coming up with whatever for the orphans and singles in the village.

I really feel sorry for the goblin I named peanut butter. I'm really sorry, you won't be the last.

The novel didn't mention all of the names that Rimuru had given them so I just went with the goblin theme and went with names such as Goblinus, Goblirk, Gobla, and my proudest name was Peanut butter.

Again, sorry.

I can already feel the weird stares Yuuki and Hinata would give me but forgive me, I'm not really good at naming things. Expect a lot of monsters named something like Porkchop or Disgaea.

"Sir Rimuru," the newly christened Rigurd plaintively asked, "we are so, so appreciative of this, but…are… Are you sure?"

"About what?"

"I mean, I am fully aware of the extent of your magical powers, Sir Rimuru, but…providing all of these names in one go… Will you be all right?"

"Nope, I'm aware I'd pass out the more I give out names but you're all my precious people. If the leader doesn't serve his men then why should he expect his men to serve him."

This... this is definitely manipulation. This isn't even my own magic, I'm using Veldora's

My words seemed to have stunned everyone that had heard it. Probably because they weren't accustomed to the strong giving out so much to the weak.

I mean, if I knew you guys would back stab me I wouldn't have done this but I know for a fact you'll worship me more so just bear with it.

With Luminous' way of gathering faith to strengthen myself, the more faith I gather much early on would mean more power for me.

I basically started this world with an even worse cheat code than when Rimuru did.

The original Rimuru started the world with the great sage in tow, and that already paved the way for his ascent in power.

Then what about me?

Not only do I have the great sage, I have the knowledge that Rimuru didn't have until later on in the series.

Things like Hinata's spiritual armor, the primordials, guy's skills, Chloe's existence, and even the faith system that Luminous used.

The result was?

A one way ticket to have Guy's wrath rain down on me, so I need to get strong fast.

<>Reporting. Your body's remaining store of magic has gone below its acceptable threshold. Entering sleep mode. Expected to fully recover in three days.

Ah there it is, well good night everyone!