
Red Nara

I've got more interesting stuff on patreon patreon.com/Chill76 The protagonist is an accidental time traveler - he didn't wait, didn't guess, only dreamed, but ended up in history, which he didn't pay much attention to. He was just lucky with his lineage. Ryo is a new member of the Nara clan, from the Uzumaki lineage on his father's side, and it so happened that he was born not at the beginning of the known plot, but more than three decades and two world wars later. Now he has to figure out how to get out of this situation however he can. I've got more interesting stuff on patreon patreon.com/Chill76

l_legolas · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
282 Chs

Chapter 47

"Let's go," I nodded, "considering the end of the shift is approaching, I don't want to waste what little chakra I have left."

In the corridor, the blonde caught the first nurse she could find rushing around the floor and ordered her to take care of the patient, moving her to a separate room - despite the fact that the injuries were healed, the victim would still need at least another two weeks, if not a month, to recover.

Once in the empty break room, Tsunade brewed tea and offered homemade cookies for a snack. So, comfortably settled on the old couch together, we continued our conversation.

"Tell me, why do you have the same seal on your forehead as I do?" asked the Third's student and then quickly added, "If you don't want to answer, you don't have to, I'm not insisting."

Judging by the curious looks, she had wanted to ask about it since she recognized me, but hesitated. Among shinobi who value the secrecy of their techniques, such questions are considered impolite, and some might even resort to violence or challenge to a duel.

"A gift from Jii-san when I visited Uzushiogakure."

"You've been to the Village of Uzumaki?" the blonde was surprised.

"After Tō-san's funeral, we went for six months," I nodded affirmatively, feeling a bit down.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know," sympathetically, Senju hugged me by the shoulders, burying my face in her huge bosom (considering my size, it was indeed huge!).

Nodding, I sniffled slightly and frowned - no sniffing allowed! Unfortunately, at that moment heavy footsteps echoed in the corridor with the clacking of wooden sandals, and the door to the break room burst open with a crash.

"Tsunade-chan! Tsunade-sama is looking for you!" a tall blond guy in the standard jonin uniform and ridiculous wooden sandals stormed in.

Damn, is that Jiraiya himself? Judging by the kanji "oil" on his hitai-ate - it's him in the flesh! And he already has a toad summoning contract!

"Tsunade?" glancing around, the toad hermit noticed us and in the same second his serious shinobi expression turned into a downright smirk. "Oh, are you going to breastfeed? Dibs, I'm first in line!"

Damn, leave it to the pervert to ruin the atmosphere! And I had a decent chance to feel the princess's luxurious bosom... Yeah, hormones haven't fully kicked in yet, but they've definitely been stirring in the past couple of months. Along with the rapid growth of my body, which is quite telling.

Lost in my own thoughts, I missed the moment when Tsunade disappeared from the couch and ended up near her team member. There was a muffled sound of impact, and the whole room shook from its power, and the pervert mimicked the letter "O" with his mouth and slumped to the floor, held by Senju.

"Jiraiya-baka! Can you not flaunt your libido for a minute?" 

Yeah, another proof of the endurance of S-rank shinobi - an ordinary person would've been turned into a bloody mess by such a blow, judging by its impact.

"Is he okay?" I asked worriedly, observing the pervert's rolled back eyes.

"Don't worry, he'll be good as new in a few minutes," the blonde waved it off, "unfortunately, I have to go now, so you'll come to your curator tomorrow for the documents."

"Okay, Tsunade-sama."

"And also, keep in mind that not only ordinary shinobi and townsfolk will be watching you now, but also the clans."

"What do the clans have to do with it?"

"Clans always carefully watch anyone who shows even a hint of talent, wishing to strengthen their own positions by influencing strong personalities through marriage and future children," Tsunade explained, "and weaken the positions of everyone else, even by luring promising fighters away. So, as a distant relative, I consider it my duty to warn you - don't let just anyone approach you and always seek out who benefits from tying you with any bonds."

"Thank you!"

Yeah, if not for meeting her, I could've remained in the dark for a long time. No, eventually, I would've figured out what was going on, but it's better to know about the hunt set on you in advance.

"See you soon, Ryu-kun."

Tsunade approached me, leaned in, and hugged me. At that moment, my head ended up in her impressive cleavage, and feeling the velvety skin against my face, I slowly but surely started to blush. Damn, why now?!

Fortunately, she didn't notice it and, breaking the embrace, grabbed the shinobi lying on the floor by the collar and dragged him to the door. But Jiraiya had already come to and rewarded me with an envious glance.

Unable to contain his mischievous nature, I spread into a grin so similar to his own lustful smile and looked down at him condescendingly. And while they dragged the toad hermit across the floor, I watched two wet streaks run down his face and a grimace of black envy!

Yes, an eight-year-old did that to you! Bu-ga-ga! Hmm, got a bit carried away there.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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