
Red Mark of Fate

"What's that smell?" Taiga asked her brusquely cutting her off. "What?" She could tell her brother was angry. This surprised her. He almost never got angry with her. What was his problem she thought. "Also where did you get this sweater. I don't remember ever seeing you wearing it." He asked again. Megumi could feel her heart beating out of her chest. She started to panic but quickly composed herself, putting on a poker face. "A friend let me borrow it okay, its not a big deal, get off my case." She said shrugging him off. But his grip on her arm got tighter. "No, that smell. It doesn't smell like Rin and I know you don't have any other friend's so who is it?" "What? Rude! I have other friends!" She said feeling offended, despite his words being the truth. " I swear to God Megumi, don't lie to me. Who gave this to you because the smell coming out of you is the scent of a prey, and a deer no less." Megumi cursed inwardly. She forgot how good her brother's sense of smell was. It almost rivalled her own. Megumi didn't bother trying to hide it, she couldn't lie to her brother anyway. "So what if it is? Where's the problem in that?" Her words seemed to anger her brother even more. "Where's the problem in that?! Megumi are you serious?" "Do you not realize how dangerous this is?" Megumi looked at him confused. Taira couldn't help sighing seeing how genuinely lost his sister was. "Having a deer's scent on you is a form of marking Megumi. It's a form of submission for wolves!" This revelation shocked Megumi almost beyond repair. "How can a wolf submit to its prey?!" In what world did that make sense? ************************************************************************************************** Megumi Ahane, born into a wealthy family and blessed with wolf genes resents the life she has to live. In a world where you are either prey or predator, Megumi finds herself in a conflicting position where she has to choose between rejecting the genes she was born with or giving in to fate. ************************************************************************************************** Note: This story takes place in a modern setting but has some fantastical elements to it. There are a couple of twists and turns as well as some betrayal but overall there's not too much toxicity between the protagonist and the male lead. This story is both short and sweet.

NSchan · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
54 Chs

45. Urayamu = To envy

"What was that about?" Beaux asked her during their free period. 

Megumi looked at him before looking away. "So you saw that?" She decided there was no point in hiding anything from Beaux considering how he was aware of her feelings for Kanae. 

"Kind of hard to miss." He shrugged. 

"He asked to meet once school ends." 

Beaux raised his right eyebrows at this. "Why? Aren't you guys done with your project?" 

Megumi sighed. "Yes we are...We have other things to discuss." 

"Oh? What could these other things be?" 

Megumi wasn't a 100% sure about the topic of discussion but only one thing came to mind. The imagine came to mind once again, and Megumi couldn't help but blush. 

Beaux who had been observing her notice her shy expression and pursed his lips. 

"Something happened between you two." He said it more as a statement than a question which startled Megumi a little. 

Since she hadn't answered, Beaux took her silence as a yes. 

"Dude. I know I am not in a position to judge you right now but do you really think its wise to start something you can't even finish?" He snapped.

Beaux didn't know why, but he felt a bit angry and annoyed. Both he and Megumi were surprised by his sudden outburst. 

Realizing that he sounded a little harsh just then, he quickly apologized. 

"Sorry, I didn't mean to..." 

"It's fine, and you're right. Despite my feelings, I know nothing will happen, and I'll make sure nothing does, don't worry." She assured him.

Beaux nodded his head slowly before excusing himself. The air around them was a little awkward and Beaux needed a moment of self reflexion. 

Megumi 100% didn't deserved to be lashed out like that. Even if he didn't want to admit it, he suspected the reason why anger overcame him was because of his past. 

Beaux took a little walk and found himself face-to-face with the infirmary room. 

He needed a place to cool off without making it look like he was trying to ditch class. He thought the best way to do that was using the infirmary as an excuse. 

He walked into the room that was opened ajar and pocked his head in. Seeing the back of a teacher's head, Beaux gave the door a light knock getting their attention. 

The person who turned to face the noise was a young teacher who looked like they could be in their later 20's possibly early 30's. 

He had a thick black hair tucked behind his ears and green eyes. 

Looking at Beaux, he stood up making his way towards him. 

"Hello. I'm not really feeling well and was hoping I could rest in here?" He said hoping the teacher would buy it.

The school nurse looked at him with a little concern and nodded his head gesturing towards the beds. 

"Your name?" He asked in a soft voice. 

"Uh, Kazekami." 

"I see. Kazekami-kun feel free to lie here until you feel better. You definitely look a little pale." He said before returning to his desk to write a note. 

"I'll be stepping out for a moment and I'll make sure to let your teacher know of your absence." He said before leaving. 

Beaux let out a huge sigh of relief but frowned a little. Did he really look sick? 

He made his way to the bed and laid down sighing heavily. 

Now that he was alone, Beaux let his mind wander. He thought back to what he had said to Megumi and he couldn't help but let out a frustrated groan. 

Why did I go and say that? Do I still have unresolved feelings left... am I envious of Megumi's relationship with that deer? 

All theses thoughts ran through his head and he unwillingly started to think about that person. 

The person who started to make him feel bitter and angry about love and relationships. 

He still remembers the day so clearly. The day he met him, a day he would never forget, for as long as he lives.