
Red Mark of Fate

"What's that smell?" Taiga asked her brusquely cutting her off. "What?" She could tell her brother was angry. This surprised her. He almost never got angry with her. What was his problem she thought. "Also where did you get this sweater. I don't remember ever seeing you wearing it." He asked again. Megumi could feel her heart beating out of her chest. She started to panic but quickly composed herself, putting on a poker face. "A friend let me borrow it okay, its not a big deal, get off my case." She said shrugging him off. But his grip on her arm got tighter. "No, that smell. It doesn't smell like Rin and I know you don't have any other friend's so who is it?" "What? Rude! I have other friends!" She said feeling offended, despite his words being the truth. " I swear to God Megumi, don't lie to me. Who gave this to you because the smell coming out of you is the scent of a prey, and a deer no less." Megumi cursed inwardly. She forgot how good her brother's sense of smell was. It almost rivalled her own. Megumi didn't bother trying to hide it, she couldn't lie to her brother anyway. "So what if it is? Where's the problem in that?" Her words seemed to anger her brother even more. "Where's the problem in that?! Megumi are you serious?" "Do you not realize how dangerous this is?" Megumi looked at him confused. Taira couldn't help sighing seeing how genuinely lost his sister was. "Having a deer's scent on you is a form of marking Megumi. It's a form of submission for wolves!" This revelation shocked Megumi almost beyond repair. "How can a wolf submit to its prey?!" In what world did that make sense? ************************************************************************************************** Megumi Ahane, born into a wealthy family and blessed with wolf genes resents the life she has to live. In a world where you are either prey or predator, Megumi finds herself in a conflicting position where she has to choose between rejecting the genes she was born with or giving in to fate. ************************************************************************************************** Note: This story takes place in a modern setting but has some fantastical elements to it. There are a couple of twists and turns as well as some betrayal but overall there's not too much toxicity between the protagonist and the male lead. This story is both short and sweet.

NSchan · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
54 Chs

37. Shoushin = Heartbreak

"Have you ever heard of stories about witches?" He asked her all of a sudden.

Megumi was taken aback by the random question but nodded her head anyway.

"Then you know that witches form these sort of covenants right?"

Megumi didn't know where he was going with this but answered him anyway. "Yes I do."

"Well wolves essentially have the same thing but they call them factions or packs. It's especially common for the big families. They form their own inner circles and lavish parties catered to other big families. If your family is well-known than no matter what species you're from as long as you were a predator then you were invited."


"The first day I entered my high school, I was approached by a popular guy who was from a wolf family and they handed me this invitation. They said it was a sort of orientation for wolves only."

Megumi nodded her head, urging for him to continue.

"...I was curious and new to the school so I decided to go. I thought there wouldn't be any harm in going and if the party sucked or I got bad vibes from it I would leave. So I went."

"The orientation was unlike any orientation I had ever seen. It was my first time seeing that many wolves gathered in one place. So naturally I was nervous."

"Yeah I would be too." Megumi commented.

"Right. Everything was fine until we were asked to introduce ourselves. We had to give our names as well as which family we were from. I didn't understand why that was necessary but I still gave my name and the energy around the room shifted. One minute everyone was pretty indifferent about me, the next, everyone wanted to be my friend."

"...I could instantly tell these people didn't want to be friends nor did they want to welcome the freshman's like ordinary upperclassmen's would. I was disgusted by the sudden favouritism and decided to leave. "

"Anyway, every wolf needed to start attending these mandatory meetings, parties and things of the like. Not only that, but they treated predators that they deemed beneath them like trash and treated prey's even harshly. There wasn't a singular decent wolf in that place. Luckily for me, since my parents had a lot of influence, I was exempt from those tedious things but most people weren't so lucky. I quickly became fed up with the system there and decided to change schools."

"And how was the new school?"

"It was much better. But they still showed favouritism to wolves. That's something you can never escape. Things weren't so bad there though. I got to make some good friends...friends I'll miss." He said with a sad smile on his face.

Megumi could tell having to move had a great impact on Beaux. Not only did he have to leave the place he grew up in and leave the people he cared about behind, but he was now being forced to be with someone he didn't like. She couldn't help but feel sorry for him.

"Did you have someone you liked back home?" Megumi asked him hesitantly.

Megumi wasn't someone who was sharp when it came to things like love and feelings considering how she'd never experienced love herself. She wasn't one of those girls who liked to gossip about boys and who liked who, she was actually quite dense. But even her dense self could tell that Beaux was in love with someone.

There was clearly someone he cared for back home, so she couldn't but ask. She could clearly see the love in his eyes when he reminisced about his "friends". She was curious to know who had captured his heart and wether or not the love he felt for this person was similar to the feelings she felt for Kanae.

"Yes, I did." He said after a while.

Megumi looked up at him surprised. She never expected him to answer her and so honestly too. Wait... "Did?"

Beaux had a bleak expression on his face but nodded.

"Hm. Did."

"W-why, what happened? Is it because you had to move?"

"That is partly the reason but not entirely. Even if I had stayed, it would've been impossible for us to be together. I never even confessed my feelings because it would've felt like a waste. What kind of future would we even have..."

Megumi didn't know what to say. She didn't know how to comfort Beaux mostly because she couldn't understand his feelings at all.

What was the point of even liking someone if you couldn't even be with them?

"You're probably wondering why I even liked them in the first place." Beaux then laughed after seeing the look on Megumi's face.

She was slack-jawed.

"Can you read minds or something?"

"Haha, no but its pretty obvious what you're thinking though. I feel like most people at some point in there life have wondered the same thing. It's a pretty simple-minded way of thinking for someone who's never experienced love."

Megumi bowed her head in shame. She didn't like how inferior she felt compared to Beaux at that moment. The wolf in her hated the fact that she being looked-down on.

"It's not my fault I'm so inexperienced." She grumbled.

"Hmm. Maybe not."


"Looks like your brother's preschool is up ahead."

Megumi looked up and could in fact see the school that was only a few blocks away from them. The two made their way inside of the school is silence.

"Hello, may I help you?" A friendly looking lady approached them looking between the two.

"Uh, yes, I am here to pick up my brother Reo."

Upon looking at Megumi closer, she could see a resemblance with Reo.

"Ah you must be the older sister. Please come in, I'll go fetch Reo." She said while bowing. She then scurried away.

Megumi shot her a confused look and Beaux sighed.

"She probably thought you and I were husband and wife here to pick up a kid or something."

Megumi's expression turned sour. "Hey what's that look for?"

"You'd be lucky to have such an amazing guy such as myself for a husband."

"Delusion can become a mental illness if left untreated you know?" She spat back.


Megumi has some pretty good comebacks lmao

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