
Red heart pink soul

Born with a red heart, Jenny is deemed different from the rest of the society who all have pink hearts. Despite facing discrimination, abuse and isolation. Jenny's red heart leads her on a journey of self discovery and acceptance.

FavyEmma · perkotaan
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19 Chs


Jenny was overwhelmed so was Adams, madam catherine studied their faces for a while and mistook the expression on their faces for displeasure.

"if you don't like any of these,i can have them get you something else". She said worriedly. Adams was quick to speak, Jenny was still in a state of shock.

"Oh no Madam catherine, this is too much,we really don't know what to say anymore". Adams said holding Jenny's hand. Madam catherine laughed satisfactorily.

"A 'thank you' will do mr Adams, besides Jenny here deserves to receive a princess treatment".

"Am short of words ma'am, thank you so much for your generosity, you are really amazing,i can't thank you enough". Jenny couldn't hold back the tears which already blurred her vision. If wishes were horses, she wouldn't mind having this woman as her mother. The sound of madam catherine's ringing phone, startled Jenny.

"Let me take this call, excuse me". She said moving towards the door.

"Yes Alfred, what is it?". She asked as soon as she picked the call.

"Hello madam,mr marshall Gregory is here, your scheduled meeting is today by 10:00am." A voice came clearly through the phone speaker. Madam catherine glanced at her wrist watch,it was 9:30 already,she had totally forgotten about the meeting.

"Umm.. okay, I will be right there". She said putting down the phone.

"I really have go now mr Adams". she said turning around to face them.

"Thank you for making out time to visit us,we appreciate it". Adams said smiling.

"Don't mention it please, Jenny get well soon,am rooting for you always". She said walking up to the bedside, and grabbing Jenny's hand

"Thank you ma'am for all your kind words,they really mean so much". Jenny replied squeezing her hand slightly.

"Alright I have to run along now,are you sure this is okay for you Jenny?". Madam catherine asked pointing at the cart.

"Of course ma'am,i promise to enjoy every bit of it".

Madam catherine left hurriedly with Dennis and the other men following her closely behind, her cars were parked just outside the hospital, Madam catherine took the back seat while Dennis took the passenger's seat.

The other men rode in the other car. By the time they got to cocoa oasis,it was 10 o'clock already. Alfred, Madam catherine's secretary was waiting frantically for her at the entrance.

"Give me the updates Alfred". Madam catherine said immediately she entered the building.

"Ma'am we don't have much time but I think we have everything under control". Alfred said trying to keep up with Madam catherine's pace.

"What about the proposal,i hope it's ready",she said entering the elevator, Alfred followed suit.

"Of course ma'am, everything is ready".

The elevator door opened on the tenth floor, revealing a very long passage.

"Where is he?". Madam catherine asked stepping out of the elevator.

"In your office ma'am".

"Why did you take him there, what happened to the board room?".

"He said i should take him to your office, even though I clearly told him you weren't there".

The door leading to madam catherine's office was quite different from the others, 'chief executive officer'was boldly inscribed into the gigantic door. Madam catherine took a deep breath before opening the door gently. Mr marshall Gregory was standing at the window, sipping a cup of coffee.

"Thank goodness you were sensible enough to get him a cup of coffee". Madam catherine muttered beneath her breath.

"Oh Madam catherine, it's you". Marshall said when he turned to the sound of foot steps behind him.

"Am so sorry to have kept you waiting sir welcome to cocoa oasis". Catherine said shaking hands with him warmly, before leading him to a chair.

"No need to apologize, madam,i was actually enjoying this exquisitely made coffee". Marshall said pointing to the cup in his hand.

"Am glad you like it". Madam catherine said smiling generously.

"Oh, this is my secretary, Alfred,am sure you too have met already". Catherine added when she realized that Alfred was still in the office.

"Yes,we have indeed met,i must admit madam catherine that you've built yourself quite an empire here,am really impressed". Marshall Gregory complimented.

"Am flattered sir".

"Before we get down to business, I've been meaning to ask about the lady who had a crisis at the party you hosted,i hope she's ok". Marshall Gregory said adjusting his spectacles.

"Oh yes! she's very much alive, though she underwent surgery but she's okay now,as a matter of fact am just coming from the hospital were she's receiving treatment".

"That's alright let's move on to business shall we then". Mr marshall said studying catherine's face.

"What are we waiting for!". Madam catherine laughed nervously before stretching forth her hand to collect the papers in Alfred's hands.

Alfred soundlessly left the office afterwards.

Madam catherine observed the papers for a while then handed them over to mr marshall Gregory,his eyes moved in all directions as he looked at the papers, shaking his head occasionally and adjusting his spectacles for a clearer veiw, were enough signs for Madam catherine to know that cocoa oasis was beyond saving.

She knew it beforehand but she just wanted to give it a trial, maybe just maybe a miracle can happen, but looking at mr marshall's expression now, she was convinced that there's definitely no hope in sight for cocoa oasis.

She unquestionably put up a good fight for cocoa oasis but it wasn't enough so it's fair enough to say she really tried all the possible ways to redeem her company,mr marshall Gregory was her one and only last hope but it seems like that last hope is about to be dashed.

After what seemed like forever, mr marshall laid the papers slowly on the table and cleared his throat, the uneasiness madam catherine felt in her stomach skyrocketed as she waited for mr marshall's final decision.

"What do you think mr Greg any hope at all?". Madam catherine asked eagerly.