
Red Guitar String

A love story between two boys with dreams and a painful past: One who is carefree and a music lover and the other is an intelligent boy with passion for art but feels trapped in a life determined for him. These two boys started to get along all because of one red guitar string.

seanred795 · Realistis
Peringkat tidak cukup
7 Chs

Chapter 6

Beau's POV

The bell rang for the second time today, which means that it is lunch time. An hour after lunch means we get to go home. Usually I have lunch at eleven o'clock but lunch at twelve o'clock doesn't really bother me. I wasn't really hungry right now to be honest, but Marvin will probably scold me again for skipping my meals. He keeps telling me to fatten up because I'm a bit skinny than most people but I blame my high metabolism.

I stopped by another map of the campus to find the cafeteria. Its seems there are two. One is on the lower ground floor, where it seems like a food court that sells well known fast food chains. Sounds pretty convenient for people craving their favorite fast food and not stepping out of the campus. The second cafeteria is on the top floor, just a floor above the roof. The closest I am is on the lower ground so I decided to head down there. Maybe eat something familiar.

I walked down the stairs and immediately saw the cafeteria. Just standing outside I can see that the seats are full, but I'm not going to sit anyways. I walked inside and it was loud, the air filled with chatter and crunching. I shyly walked inside and felt something, as if someone is calling me. I looked up and saw Evan waving at me with a big smile. I was a bit embarrassed but I returned that happy wave with a small wave. He continued waving but I became a bit shy. He was doing it on public and I felt a few eyes staring at me. Saving myself from attention I turned back, feeling guilty of being rude to Evan. I'll just get something to drink at a nearby vending machine. Drinking is still part of eating, right? Marvin won't be able to scold me.

I decided to wait in my classroom since it was empty. I walked back upstairs and stopped in front of my classroom. I opened the door and heard a familiar voice call out to me.


I turned around and saw Evan in front of the classroom across from mine. He walked towards me with a smile on his face. I looked down a bit, feeling shy.

"Hello, Evan." I said.

His smile turned into a frown.

"What happened back there?" Evan asked. "I was trying to call you back at the cafeteria so you can eat with us, but you just waved back and walked out. What was that all about?"

"Oh, sorry." I said. "Its because I'm… I'm…"


I nodded.

"I understand." He said. "New student in new school, not easy."

"Its not just because I'm a new student." I said. "I only have a few school experiences."

Evan looked at me weirdly.

"Whats that suppose to mean?"

"I've been home schooled for half of my school life." I explained.

Evan's eyes widened in interest.

"Oh? I've never met a person who is home schooled before." He said. "Sounds cool!"

"It is?"

"Yup." He said with a grin. "Getting to stay at home all day sounds easy. The only downside is that it sounds lonely."

"It is, but I'm used to it." I said, with a shrug.

"Well you shouldn't." He said. "Its nice to have a group of friends, even if its only few."

"I had a group." I said, sad of the memory.

"That good." He said, then realizes something. "Wait, what do you mean by 'had'? Did something bad happen?"

"Um, I don't wanna talk about it, please." I said.

"Oh, sorry for prying." He said quickly, scratching his neck with a guilty smile.

"No need, I was the one who said it out loud. I tend to ramble when meeting someone new."

He shook his head and chuckled. He smiled warmly at me.

"Well I hope I won't be someone new to you soon because I'm gonna talk to you with every chance you got." He said.

"Why would you do that?" I asked. "Surely there's more interesting people here than I am."

"Are you kidding?" He said, looking at me as if I'm some kind of alien. "You're the most interesting kid here. Its not everyday we got to have an new student from abroad, let alone someone who is born and raised in Europe. Your outfit can catch anyone's attention because none of the people I know don't wear sweater vests and slacks as casual wear. On top of that, your the only one who goes to my secret spot here at school."

"I'm sorry, I won't go there again." I said.

"No, no." He said quickly, waving both of his hands in front of me. "Please come back there if you like, but only you and I know 'bout that place, okay?"

He grabbed a pen from his back pocket and coughed as if he's clearing his throat. He straightened his posture and gave me a funny, serious look that almost made me laugh.

"Kneel." He said in a English accent that made me chuckle.

Clueless, I got down on one knee while looking around me, seeing if anyone saw. Luckily no one is around. If someone saw me this would be embarrassing.

Evan then tapped both of my shoulders with his pen.

"I hereby use my last pen to grant you exclusive access to the rooftop." He said, still talking in a English accent.

Evan gave me his pen as I stood up, chuckling.

"You're so weird." I said, chuckling.

"Thank you." He said. "Normal is boring."

The bell rang again, meaning class is about to start.

"I better go." He said. "I have somewhere to be after school. Meet you tomorrow?"

"Yeah, sure." I said.

He walked back to his classroom door. He enters and before he closed the door he winks at me. I feel myself blush after he disappeared from his classroom.

That Evan is so weird, yet makes me flutter.

I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a while. I've been so busy with a lot of things, like school, preparation for college and other personal reasons. I hope you undertsand. I'll try to update as soon as I can.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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