
Red Blood Century

Anastasia's visit to her grandmother's house takes an unexpected turn when her curiosity leads her to the long-forgotten forest nearby. Intrigued by its mysterious history, she embarks on an exploration that unravels a startling secret -the presence of a trapped demon within its depths. As Anastasia becomes entangled with this otherworldly being, she must summon her courage and unravel the forest's ancient enigma to protect herself and those she loves. A thrilling encounter that will test her resilience and reveal her true strength in the face of the unknown.

RomanceFanatic028 · Fantasi
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78 Chs

Who is Dahlia? (1)

"I don't understand what Larissa was saying. Why was she so sure that we will come?" Anastasia kept the glass on the table and stared at Ezen.

Right now they were in a restaurant. After their lectures were finished, they came here to talk about what happened before.

"Why are you still thinking about her? It's Larissa. Who knows what she might be planning? That whole party invitation seems like a scam." Staring at Larissa's face earlier he knew she hasn't changed a bit. There was definitely something going on in her mind at that time.

"I know. But still... I am suspicious. I don't know what... Oww!!" When she accidentally tapped on her purse, something hard hit her. "What the hell!" She took out the box from her purse and kept it on the table.

"What is this thing?" When Ezen's eyes fell on the box, he saw an alphabet carved on it. He thought he has seen this symbol somewhere. He took the box in his hand and started to examine it.

"Equinox gave it to me. She said it is a gift from Morana." She held her finger which was paining. "I tried to open it many times. But... no use."

"Memory box? Why did she give it to you? Do you own this?" Why would Anastasia need this? Is she reincarnated or what?

"I have no idea." Even she was curious to know what's inside it. "Can you open it? I think it needs a key."

"Key?" He glanced at the box. Maybe he knows where the key is.

In the forest, he found a mysterious key with the letter D carved on it. The same symbol is in this box. Maybe it belongs to this box only.

"Where the hell did you found this key? Is it just coincidence?"

"I don't think it's a coincidence." He tried to open the box with the key. And thankfully the lock came off. "I can't open this. Only the owners can open it." He gave it to Anastasia. "Try it yourself."

"Okay." She don't know why but when she held this box she felt shaky. Her hands were shivering. It didn't happen before when she held it. Then why now?

"I'll try." She tried to open the box but before she could open it. Her mind went blank. She could only hear one name.


She instantly shutted the box when she heard it. She wanted nothing to do with that name.

"I'll open this later. Who knows what might be inside it." She pushed the box away from herself. "I don't want to put others in danger."

"Okay. But why are you so tensed?" Ezen got confused. Anastasia was sweating. What was she so scared of?

"I just need to do something." Anastasia wiped the sweat off her face. "Excuse me for a moment." Saying that she got up and went towards the washroom.

Inside the bathroom, she splashed cold water on her face and sighed. She glanced at her face in the mirror and noticed she was still shaking.

"I don't understand why i am behaving like this. Who is Dahlia? Why is this happening with me, Mimi?" She tried to ask Mimi about it but she only heard a gentle whisper in return.

"Don't stress over it. You will soon find everything on your own."

"Then how long will it take?" She whispered slowly while connecting with Mimi through her mind.

"Sooner than you think."


"Stupid class. Thank god I ran away from school." During the recess, Emily ran from the school to bunk her classes. She always does this, but today the reason was different.

While she was walking on the road she heard her stomach growling. Because of the fight she had with her classmate all her lunch fell on the ground. She didn't have a chance to eat anything. Emily was feeling very hungry at the moment.

She was currently standing near aunt charlotte's restaurant. Maybe she can buy something to eat from there. She still had extra money in her pocket.

When she entered in the restaurant. There were many people in it. But the first person she saw was...

"Anna?" Emily got stunned. "What the hell is she doing here?" She quickly hid behind a table. Hoping she would not see her. If Anastasia found her here then she will snitch and tell Claudia about her bunking class. She can't let it happen.

She saw Anastasia coming out of the restroom. She was going in the other direction but suddenly... she stopped. She started to head towards her.

Emily got panicked. She thought Anastasia saw her but thankfully she didn't. She walked past her and went into the kitchen.

Emily sighed with relief. While running away from Anastasia, she didn't realised where she was going. That's why she accidentally got bumped into someone.

"Excuse me?"

"Alright. I'll excuse you." Emily stopped and looked at the person. "No need to say sorry. I understand. Sometimes people don't look while walking."

"What? But you bumped me? Why should I be sorry?"

"It doesn't matter. Does it? You should always admit your mistake. You are an adult you should know it." Emily knew it was her fault, but she was too proud to admit it.

"Huh?" Kids these days are so bratty. Ezen thought. How easily this kid slammed her fault on his head. He glanced at the girl in front of him. He felt he has seen her somewhere.

"I am busy. I need to go. We'll continue this conversation on the next life. Bye." Before Anastasia comes outside she should run away from here.

"You are Emilia De Rossi, right? Anastasia's sister?" Ezen asked.

"How do you know that?" Emily looked horrified. "Are you a stalker?"

"No. Not at all. I am just your big fan."

"What!?" Her face turned more confused than before.


Inside the kitchen, Charlotte was busy preparing the food for the customers. When she saw Anastasia she apologised because she thought she was here to complain. "I am so sorry love. I'll give your order right away."

"Aunt Charlotte. I already had my order. I am not here for that." After the incident with Poppy, she didn't had the chance to meet with her. Who knows what she might be going through. "I am here to say sorry. Whatever happened with your daughter..."

"My daughter?" Charlotte looked confused. "I don't have any daughter. You might be mistaken."

"What? But Poppy?" Anastasia was stunned. "Aunt Charlotte do you not recognise me?"

"Uhh." Before she could answer the truth. Someone called her from behind.

"Aunty Charlotte."Venessa came from behind them. "My friend might be mistaken. Please excuse her." Saying that she dragged Anastasia away from Charlotte.

"Oh. Okay. Carry on." Aunt Charlotte laughed. She was caught off guard when the girl asked her that question.

"What is happening Venessa? Does Aunt Charlotte not remember me?" Anastasia asked. "What about Poppy? She was her daughter."

"Calm down. I'll tell you everything." Venessa tried to calm her. "Poppy stabbed herself with that dagger. Remember? In that dagger, there was a spell. If any person died by it then they would be forgotten by the world. Even their loved ones won't be able to recognise them." She shed a tear while remembering the incident. "All Poppy's things and pictures got burned after she died. It's like she never existed."

"But how can we still remember her? And why is aunt charlotte not recognising me?" It was too much to handle for her.

"In this whole world only we know her. This is because we were there when she died. Maybe her soul wanted us to remember her. Who knows?" Venessa wiped her tears. "About aunt charlotte not recognising you. You met her through Poppy. So if she doesn't remember Poppy then how will she remember you?"

"Ohh. So all this happened and you didn't tell me anything? Why Venessa? Why hide from me?" Anastasia was very hurt by it.

"I thought you were already grieving. I didn't wanted to put you in more pain. That's why I didn't tell you anything about it. I am sorry. I think we should move on. It's better for all of us." She tried to console Anastasia.

"Alright. But if you need anything then please tell me. I promised Poppy I would take care of you. I don't want to break it."

Venessa nodded. "Alright."

"Venessa! Give this plate to table no 24." Charlotte screamed from the kitchen.

"Yes, Aunty!" Venessa wiped her tears. "I'll be back. Take care."


"Who are you? And how do you know me?" Emily slammed her hands on the table while acting like she was some kind of lawyer. "I know I am smart, beautiful,

and talented. But that doesn't mean you have the right to stalk me."

"Calm down. Don't be so loud. If your sister heard you then she will know you bunked and ran away from your school." Ezen sipped his tea. He has dealt with 100 bratty kids like Emily in hell. It was nothing new for him.

"Uh.. how do you know so much about me? And where did you meet my sister? Are you by chance some kind of kidnapper?" Emily got scared. Mom always told her to stay away from people like that.

"Actually... Thanks to you I could meet your sister." If not for Emily. How could he call Anastasia inside the forest?

"Not gonna lie. You are very suspicious. I don't even want to sit here but why can't I move? What did you do to me? Who are you?" Emily gave him a threatening look.

Ezen chuckled at her intimidating look. It was quite funny. "I could tell you but you will be scared. That's why let's talk normally. Do you believe in demons?" He asked her gently.

"Demons? You are talking about them?" Emily laughed. "I am scared of no demons. They should be scared of me."

"Wow. To be honest I really admire your confidence. It's rare to meet people with the same personality as me. It's kinda refreshing." He didn't expected this kid to be this bold.

"By the way, you don't look like a demon." She looked at him up and down. Judging his appearance. Demons are supposed to look ugly. He was not that bad looking.

"Oh really? Then how are they supposed to look?"

"I don't know but i think they should have dirty teeth. Scary face. Red horns. A big scary tail. I heard they eat babies in their breakfast." She read this from a story book.

"What?" Ezen laughed. Humans had this perception about them? Whenever a demon comes into people's minds they imagine them looking hideous. But in reality, it's the opposite. "I don't know about others but the babies part is correct. You will find it out in the future. After all, you are our VIP guest in hell." He was joking there.

"Why me? What did i do to go there?"

"I mean... You were planning on burning the whole school down. I don't think normal people have that thought. A girl name Serena used to bully you that's why you added something in her shampoo and made her go bald. Am I right?"

"How did you?" Emily was shocked. Only she knew about this incident. How did he find it out? "Tell me. How much money you will take to shut your mouth?"

"You are bribing me? You know that's illegal right?"

"Yeah, whatever." Emily now slowly started to believe in his words. "If you really are a demon then prove it."

"How am I supposed to do it?"

"Umm.." She begin to think about what to do when a naughty idea came in her mind. Besides them, two grumpy teenagers were having lunch. They were so loud that it was disturbing people in the restaurant. They were even rude towards the waiters.

Pranking them would be fun. At least they will know how to behave. Emily thought. "Listen. You have to..." She whispered something in his ears and smiled. "Okay?"

One of the members of those teenager group was coming towards the table.

Emily smiled because she knew what was going to unfold.

The boy was about to sit, when Ezen used his telekinesis powers to subtly make his chair scoot back. Every time the boy tried to sit, he missed sitting repeatedly.

Because of his continuous falling. The other diner started laughing at him. Making him more embarrassed.

One of the boy's friends came foward to help him but while doing even he slipped and fell down on his friend.

Seeing people laughing at them. Both of their faces turned red. exchanged glances and made their way towards the exit. They didn't wanted to stay there and make a fool of themselves.

Emily laughed while watching them leave. Their faces were red with awkwardness. Their smug face from earlier was gone.

"That was cool." She had never seen someone use magic before. "I didn't expected you to be this fun." Other kids would have been creeped out if they saw a demon. But Emily was different. Now she was also dreaming on becoming one. "Where should I fill the form? I also wants powers like you. How to enter hell?"

"No way! Your sister will kill me if she found out you are planning on going there." Never in his entire life, he would ever do that. "Hell is not a joke. Only bad people go there. You stay here and study. Don't even think about going there. It's not a good place."

"Okay." Emily nodded. "I was joking anyway." She smiled again. "I was just too amazed to see someone doing magic. I really enjoyed it." She extended her hand forward. "Can we meet again please?"

Ezen shook her hands. "Okay. But don't run away from your school again. It's not good for your education."


While they were shaking hands they didn't realised Anastasia was standing right behind them. At the start, she was confused about who this little girl was. But seeing the girl wearing same clothes as Emily. She got the hint.


Emily got stunned when she heard Anastasia's voice. How could she be so stupid? She completely forgot she was here too? How is she supposed to hide now? She is exposed now.

"Help me." Emily whispered softly and looked at Ezen.

Only he can save her now.

Ezen knew what he needed to do. When he saw Anastasia coming towards them. He quickly made Emily disappear from the place where she was siting.

"Emily? What are you?" Anastasia came forward to check. But saw no one sitting there. How is this possible? She just saw Emily here. How can she disappear so far?

"Emily who? Who are you talking about? There is no one here." He tried to act innocent. "You might be imagining things. There was no one here."

"Stop lying. I just saw my sister here. Where did she go?" She started to get suspicious. "What did you do Ezen? Where did you made her disappear?"

"Me? No." Ezen was having hard time lying to her. "Your sister might be at her school, right? Check if you think I am lying."

"Okay." Anastasia quickly dialled Emily's class teacher's number in her phone to ask about her whereabouts. Thankfully, she confirmed Emily was there only. "Ohh. Thank you so much. I was just worried." She ended the call with relief. "She is in school. I was scared for nothing."

"I understand." When he saw Anastasia coming he quickly he transported Emily back in her school to avoid Anastasia's suspicions. Hopefully, she don't doubt him anymore.

"I should leave now. I am too stressed." She didn't slept last night because of her studies.  Maybe that's why she has been hallucinating.  "Let me know if you found anything about Larissa's plan. I'll come"

"Sure. Take care."