
Recreating My Clan In My Own Way

When someone reincarnates into a cultivated world with bad talent, and his parents die. The fate to recreate the Li clan falls in his hands. See how he takes wives, makes babies, and reaches the peak of the cultivation world. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First of all, I wanna say that while this has the r18 tag and it seems that it would basically be every chapter filled with smut. It isn't, I wanna mainly focus on the plot and only say the banged and only do once every while r18 chapter. Besides that, If you have any ideas, please tell me because I truly wanna make this something nice.

Whatever_Be_Dever · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
27 Chs

Chapter 21

Year 206, and month 2 Of The Emperor Wu calendar.

A Few Hours Later

I was cultivating next to the twin sisters till they finally woke up.

"Erg, sister, where are we". Said Yu Mei. She looked around the room and saw her sister sleeping in a bed that they could never buy.

She just realized she wasn't alone in this room.

"Who are you". She asked, she felt that he was familiar but her head was too scrambled to remember.

"My name is Li Wei, and I am the one that saved you".

"Ah, I now remember you". She wasn't very confident and almost looked like a little wolf.

"Thank you for helping us". She tried to stand up from the bed and bow but suddenly her body started hurting a lot and she was forced to remain laying in the bed.

"Don't worry about it and just rest in bed. You and your sister can stay here for as long as you need". I tucked her in and brought my handsome face close to hers which made her embarrassed.

And a few minutes after Yu Mei fell asleep again, Yu Lan woke up.

"Are you the one that saved us"? Unlike Yu Mei who was confused about the situation, Yu Lan was much calmer.

"Yes, my name is Li Wei, but for now, you need to remain in bed and rest".

"Wa*Cough**Cough*Wait, are you that Li Wei".

"If you're talking about Li Wei, the owner of Li Shop, then yes".

"I know this is disrespectful, especially after all you have done for us. But can you please save my sister? She has an illness and will soon die. I can give you my life if you want, please just save her". Yu Lan left her bed and bowed on the ground. She was very determined.

I took her by the arms and helped her up from the ground. "Let's do it like this, I will save your sister's life and in turn, both of you can become my servants".

While I had formed it in a way that it seemed that we were making a deal. We both know that I was just fully helping them. To become the servant of a cultivator like me was a lifetime opportunity for them.

"Thank you". She sat back on the bed, her eyes filled with gratefulness.

"Don't worry about it and just rest, I will take care of both of you". I tucked her in just like I did with Yu Lan and remained in the room for a while.

While I now had gratefulness from both of them. I needed more, I needed to change that into loyalty, submission, and love. Which wasn't very easy. Because I not only needed to create but also destroy the barrier of mortal and cultivator between us.

In one way, I wanted them to feel that I was this amazing existence untouchable by no one. But I also wanted them to feel that they could love me.

So I brought the one person who was most submissive to me, Li RongRong.

3 Days later

In these 3 days, I bathed the girls, healed them, dressed them and just fully seduced them. And while I wasn't with them, Li RongRong was teaching them under the guise of making them good servants.

I also enjoyed the teaching Li RongRogn gave them, making them do extreme and sexy things. Like they were currently massaging my thighs. And while I felt close to making them my yandere, I needed to do 1 more thing.

My last step. Step 3, Stap Speration. I needed to show them how the world was bad when they weren't with me. I wanted them to feel unsafe when they were alone, and only safe when they were with me.

Therefore, I had said I needed to do something for business and they would be alone on the manor for a few days.

And in those days, I would make them feel like hell. Not physically, but mentally.

Day 1

"Sister, what are those sounds". Said Yu Mei who was lying in her bed.

"It's just the wind, don't worry". And while she tried to sound as confident as possible for her sisters, the sounds also scared her.

"Did you think we would leave you alone"? A ghostly voice spread through the room.

"You killed us, and soon we will kill you". Another ghostly voice sounded through the room.

"Now that your master isn't here, you just prey soon to be killed". This time, the voice came from somewhere clearer. It came from above.

And when they looked above, they saw the head of the boss of the shark loans in a spiritual form. They could only see his head that came through the ceiling and it looked very disfigured through burn scars.

The head's mouth moved. "But before the preys become the hunted, you shall experience hell".

"AAAAAAAAAA". Both the sister screamed terrified. They couldn't believe the shark loans had come back to haunt them.

They could only hope Li Wei would soon come home. He could protect them.

Day 2

Yu Lan and Yu Mei tried to escape, but every time they tried to go to a door or window, it quickly shut on them.

When they tried to sit, the chair would move, leaving them to fall on the ground.

When they cooked food, it disappeared before it could enter their mouth.

And when they touched water or a glass with water inside it. The water would turn black, then suddenly started boiling before fully evaporating.

And when they tried to sleep, the ghost would come back, haunting them, making them not able to sleep.

Day 3

The torturing continued. They couldn't eat, drink, nor sit. They felt scared at any moment and were so sleepy they could almost fall asleep standing.

Day 4

They felt broken. They were so hungry, thirsty, and sleepy. They just wanted Li Wei to come back. They were kneeling on the ground, begging them to come back.

Because if it was him, he could save them. He was amazing after all. He could do anything. Even if he couldn't do everything, he could save them.

And worst of all, the ghost had become more prominent. They now had full bodes and would fly above them.

Day 5

They couldn't do anything, they were borking, only hoping for anyone to save them.

"Please, Someone please, save us". Yu Lan begged, to no one particularly, she just begged.

And when it was night, and the ghosts came back, it seemed that everything would end.

"Hihihi, tonight is your last night, we shall end your lives". The ghosts started flying towards the sisters. But they didn't have the energy to fight back. They were just weak mortals after all.

"Don't touch them". A voice, unlike the ghosts, spread in the room. They remembered the voice, it belonged to their savior, Li Wei.

"I thought I had killed you all, but I will make sure today you will truly die". Suddenly the ghost was caught in blue fire.

"AAAAAAAHH. The pain". The ghost screamed in agony, disappearing after a while.

"I apologize, Yu Lan and Yu Wei, because of me, both of you got hurt again". I went to the sisters lying on the ground, leaning against the bed.

"Please, never leave us again, please please". Both of them hugged his legs. Not wanting to let go. And while they knew they were being selfish, they just wanted to feel safe again in his embrace.

"Don't worry, I will never leave you again". I patter both their heads and when I did it. I received a system notification.

[Congratulations on finding a hidden function. Fanatic Position. A Fanatic is someone who has 100% loyalty to you. They would search for you even after you betrayed them, and if they died. Their soul would still love you. A Fanatic also counts as Clan Member. You can identify Fanatics through a golden halo above their head. Fanatics do not provide family Fortune.A Fanatics goal is to spread the greatness of their lord, savior and master. Therefor they have the ability to persuade someone easier]

He looked at his status and saw some changes.

[Name: Li Wei

Age: 23

Realm: Empty Golden Core stage

Women: 5

Descendants: 11 (Guards: 1)

Fanatics: 2

Family Fortune: 61

System upgrade: 19/50 clan members, 5/25 clan cultivators, Official Clan Manor 130Km2/50Km2, Clan Treasury 2,2M/100K spirit stones


Earthly-Rank Fire Root: 39822/50000 Mortal-Rank Wood Root: 8072/10000

Mortal-Rank Wind Root: 8082/10000 Peak-Rank Water Root: 25166/50000

Mortal-Rank Metal Root: 8070/10000 No Sword Talent: 3/10

Earthly Formation Talent: 6495/50000 Earthly Alchemy Talent: 10422/50000

Low Spell Talent: 9/100 No Body Refinement Talent: 8/10

Earthly Talisman Talent: 12966/50000 Earthly Divine Sense Talent: 3286/50000

No Technique Drawing Talent: 5/10 Low Forging Talent: 39/100] (I'm too lazy to add like 20 points or so. So il keep the talents the same.)


Hey, I hoped you liked this chapter like always. Athor-Chan here btw. Secondly, I have a question.

What would you think about for the next upgrade, that instead of girls having their own specialized talent, he will receive like 5 points every time he fucks one of his women. And then he can choose to use those Talent Points on whatever he wants.

Besides that, I also want to thank everyone that has collected the novel. Because it currently has 100 collections which I find very cool. So thanks everyone for that.

And if you don't wanna miss out on the party here, please also collect. A review or novel is also nice.