
Records: of Those who Hides

When the night is dark and the full moon is shining brightly on the sky. Have you ever wondered what creatures hide behind the shadow of darkness. Now , image of creatures from the stories of your parents or grandparents may come to mind. You might think that it's all just urban legends and stories to scare little kids. But what if I tell you that not only are they real , they may be just close by. And they may appear a little different from what you imagine. Don't look around , you will not see them. But don't worry , I will compile a book of records for you. For not all is able to see in the dark. So then I allow me to shed light to the creatures hiding in the dark. -Peter Rubio

UnluckyFisher · Seram
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31 Chs

Interlude : Records 1


Group: Spirit

Class: Malignant Spirit

Subclass: Bounded Ghost( Cursed Object )


Physical form: Non- Carbon based

Visible : Nil

Tangible: Nil

Frequency Form: Electromagnetic and Thermal

General Description:

Form from collection of hyper frequency such as Electromagnetic signal and thermal frequency resonating with a data form such as memory of a dying person.The resonance create a high energy life form that is a shade of a violent memory of the deceased. The life form (Or a dead form) follow a set of command like a computer program to perform action for it's consumption of sustenance such as absorbing energy that is emitted from the violent reaction of a brain to extreme traumatic experience.

The subclass 60003 Bounded Spirit used an object with the same memory frequency of the base and use it as an anchor to remain in physical universe.Physical contact or being in closed proximity of the anchor may lead to resonance of the brain frequency, this will lead to the spirit hijacking the consciousness of a person subject.

Containment Procedure:

1.Locate and secure the anchor used by the Bounded Spirit .

2. Using an electromagnetic isolation devices or material , isolate item . The lost of anchor will make the energy form to dissipate.

(WARNING: Most of the energy form have an anti kill switch command , the spirit will turn violent and rampage in a berserk state . It will disappear in a maximum of a minute.

WARNING 2: Incase of a third party resonance. Cut of the resonance from the third party first before the containment. This will be achieved through sedating the person , reducing their brain activity to minimal cutting of the energy supply of the spirit.)

Hey guys what's up

I will be putting this records every now and then every time a creature was introduced to better understand them so you can if your not on the interlude type of a reader you can just skip it . I will also put some note on the chapter pre interlude so,yah.

What do guys think does this ring fine to you

Comment and let me know.

Also please support my work .I need motivation to keep going on so send some in Kofi/UnluckyFisher ✌️

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