
Records: of Those who Hides

When the night is dark and the full moon is shining brightly on the sky. Have you ever wondered what creatures hide behind the shadow of darkness. Now , image of creatures from the stories of your parents or grandparents may come to mind. You might think that it's all just urban legends and stories to scare little kids. But what if I tell you that not only are they real , they may be just close by. And they may appear a little different from what you imagine. Don't look around , you will not see them. But don't worry , I will compile a book of records for you. For not all is able to see in the dark. So then I allow me to shed light to the creatures hiding in the dark. -Peter Rubio

UnluckyFisher · Seram
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

Chapter 21: Capture(2)

" I still can't believe it!"

The elderly officer says with a shock face

" To think that a walking dead was the culprit for those death!"

After learning the background of the assailant, the professor contact the chief investigator immediately. They then check the grave of the of the culprit to check the truthfulness of the fact. They were shock to find a huge hole on the ground ok where should the coffin is, the ground was dug out and the coffin was missing,but this was enough to confirm the fact.

After a series of investigation,they was able to track the walking dead through the footage of CCTV cameras around the cemetery.

The dead was seen walking on the street in the middle of the night and was only seen attacking a victim when they are alone ,afterwards if will disappear.

"Have you found it?"

ask the elderly officer to his associates

"Sir! We found traces of the it around the third street in which it disappears, we then search around and found out the there's an open manhole hidden in the grass"

"Oh , so its hiding in the sewers?"

" It appears so sir"

" hm, Prepare a search team and wait for my orders"

" Yes sir"

he then take out his phone to call.

" We found it"

'good , bring it to my lab afterwards '

answer the professor

" Ah,about that-"

' what ?going back on your words!?'

" *sigh*alright but I demand to be present when you dissect it"

' sure~'

the professor then ended the call


a team of ten police officer enter the sewers They are prepared and was bringing different equipment to capture the walking dead. That's right , capture, the professor gave them the information about the assailant in exchange that they will bring him the walking dead for dissection ,in which the police chief agreed.

It was damp and dark in the sewers, droplets of water echoed through the place as it drop in the plowing dirty river. Rats and roaches cross around the place. The while place gave a felling of dirtiness, even the cool breeze brings a stench that will churn the gut of a weak person.

Holding flashlights and using infrared radars , they slowly walk deeper into the sewers.

There is no sound to be herd from them as they inch froward while in a formation. After walking for a few minutes, an extreme stench assaulted their noses. It was a smell of rotting corpses and make the air feels hot. The smells linger even if you cover your nose and it smelly that you can almost taste it. The officers was experience in making contact with corpses , which slow them to not vomit their whole breakfast right now.

With a signal from their leader , they walk closer and closer to the stench. After waking a few steps they was able to discern a figure on the river of dirty water.

They immediately point the light unto it and what appear to them was man. It body was already black due to decomposition and its bones was expose in some places ,including it which it teeth was expose.

The walking dead slowly turn around to look at them with it's full white eyes, the officers was stunned for a little while on what they are seeing.

Without any warning ,the corpse charge at them with abnormal speed and ferociousness ,this woke them from their daze.

" SHIELD!!!"

Shout the team leader as he seen the creature jump at them. The claws of the creature hit the fiberglass riot shield and made a muffled bang. The police who brunt the collision was the.n sent back a few steps.

They were shock to the unnatural strength of the creature. They then fired their tazer guns at it to incapacitate it.

The pins hit the body of the corpse but it was seem like it was not affected.

The creature then turn and brandish it claws to a officer close to it, in which the officer dodge closely but docking down, the claws then hit the wall and carking the cement.

" Arrghhh!!"

with a shout one of the officer then charge forward with a shield with an aim to bring down the creature but his strength was insufficient.

The creature was about to brandish it claws again but another shield hit it from the back. The two officer then push the creature to the side to make it fall in which they succeeded.

The Team leader then fired a net at it ,the net was infused with electricity but it was ineffective to the creature, but the net was sufficient was enough to restarting it .

The creature was struggling to rip the net. The net was made by titanium threads but the unnatural strength of the creature was making visible stretch on the threads. The other team member them shot more net on the creature restraining it body in a awkward position,making it unable to exert it full strength. With a few tumble , the team has successfully captured the walking dead.