
Records: of Those who Hides

When the night is dark and the full moon is shining brightly on the sky. Have you ever wondered what creatures hide behind the shadow of darkness. Now , image of creatures from the stories of your parents or grandparents may come to mind. You might think that it's all just urban legends and stories to scare little kids. But what if I tell you that not only are they real , they may be just close by. And they may appear a little different from what you imagine. Don't look around , you will not see them. But don't worry , I will compile a book of records for you. For not all is able to see in the dark. So then I allow me to shed light to the creatures hiding in the dark. -Peter Rubio

UnluckyFisher · Seram
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31 Chs

Chapter 19: Killings

" Together with this last case ,there are now 3 murder case in total. All of the victims was in the same state when witnesses found them , police are now considering a possibilities of a serial murder, we implore everyone to keep safe. And onto the next news....."

Dr.Rubio watched the news with his on his chin. He have heard of this case earlier this week but have concluded that it was a accidental attack of a wild beast and pass the thought behind his mind, but now, three cases have already appeared with only a couple of days interval.More suspiciously , they have died on the same way.

All the corpse was found on the roadside, their chest cavity was hollowed and the organs was turn into mush of mix flesh. They have huge cuts done something that is not so sharp but sharp enough , forensic describe them as claw marks and bite marks of a beast.

After contemplating the facts given by the news , he conclude that there must be something suspicious on this case. He cannot be sure but for the police to not catch or for people to not witness a beast predator roaming around was the most suspicious for there are already been more than a week.

" Interesting.."

The professor got up and turned off the tv ,he then walk out his office and into the lab , inside the lab was a girl wearing a white lab coat and she was cleaning the tools and equipment around the lab. She seems to be really tired.

" Finish it up and prepare the tools, we are going on a field study"

The girl was startled and look at the professor

" A field study? Have you found another ghost professor?"

" No .not a ghost "

" Oh , then what is it?"

" I don't know yet , that's why we are going in the scene to check for clues. Ready your self"

" Ok professor!"

The girl then wipe the rest and then wash up. After a few minutes she have already prepared the needed tools to do a field study like tubes for samples and some measuring and scanning tools that they can used to find traces of the creature. She have learned it in her whole month of studying under the professor, and being the only student the professor can focus and explained the different procedure to her.

The professor then come out wearing a normal people clothes of pants and and a leather coat on his shoulder.

The two then brought their equipment on the car and left the university campus. After about thirty minutes drive they have reach a community of streets with lines of houses on the sides, it a normal residential area. Tye professor enter the street and slowly drive into a group of people surrounding a scene with lines of police tape around it . There are a few officer and some people on hazmat taking some evidence around while some passerby watch. He pulled up and walk out of his car.

"Let's go" He said to the girl which then follow him with visible confusion ,as he walk to the crowd.

Without any hesitation the professor pull up the tape and walk inside while the Marissa slowly walk forward not knowing if she should enter the crime scene without invitation, but she divided that she should follow the professor.

"Stop!" You guys should not get near here!"

Shout an officer as the professor walk fearlessly forward. He then raised his ID showing his name and his position as a researcher.

" I dont-"

" stop , let him through"

A officer with a clear mark of time on his face stop the officer after seeing the professor.

" Dr.Rubio , What brings you in my crime scene" He said in a stoic fashion.

" Nothing much , I just need to see this case. it may be useful on my research"

" Right , this case is really for a biologist , maybe you can shed a light on it and help us out" said the elder officer

" Im just taking some samples and checking traces. I'm not here to investigate,that your job" Said the professor flatly.

The elder look with meaningful smile, he just let the professor though.

After getting near, the very first thing that the professor saw was a large blood stain the is left on the pavement. It was already dry and black but still give scene of a fresh bloodshed.

The corpse has already been transfer out to the forensic lab and only the stain was left but a human shape mark cam still be trace out from it.

The Professor kneel down and check the blood. He then raised hi hand like he was asking for something.

After a short paused , Marissa look around to check what is professor is asking . The professor then trump his head and look at her

"The collection tools"


She then turned red in embarrassment, she then run to the car to get the sample collection tools such as pipette and test tubes that is inside a handheld case. She then run back and gave the tools to the professor.

The professor taken a few blood clot and some and then stand up he then walk around and check the surrounding. He sometimes pick something up which he throw away after wards after circling around the scene he then stop and walk back

" Let go back "

Marissa then fix up the tools and follow the professor.

The elder officer then appear on their front

" Have you found something?"

The professor then look at him and then said

" Nothing much , the mark was already been desecrated by you lot"

The elder then gave the professor a meaningful look

" oh , then you did found something ,care to share it to me?"

* Sigh*

" The one your looking for might not be a wild animal at all"

"Hm? Not an animal? why is that.?"

" There are no scratch marks on the pavements"


" Even if the wild animal is a bear or lion the victim will still struggled out which will make the attacker to push more attack to the victims . A wild animals use their claws for traction , especially when hunting which mean that they will be scratching left and right to maintain a footing while they push the victim down , but as I check around there's none."

" Oh , then if it not an animal ,what is it?"

Asked the elder officer with a serious face.

"I don't know yet !"

The professor and his student then walk back the car and drove off.