
Records of Ascension : The Dead King

After Someone Took My Life, I Felt Something or Someone Pulling My Whole Being Together With My Memories and Putting Them Somewhere Where They Were Cold and Hollow. And Just When I Thought My Life Had Come Back to Me. I Realized That My New Life As The Living Dead Had Already Begun ... ''Who am I?''

Alcohol_Overdose · Komik
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6 Chs

Chapter 2 - Cosmic Gluttony. 

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and artwork, so if you recognize it from elsewhere, surprise! That's not mine. Enjoy ~.

A/N : Just to make one thing clear. Mr. Skeleton can't smell or touch and feel or some of the emotions. I'm just describing them to you so it doesn't get boring and monotonous. <3

Chapter 2 - Underground Sewers and Cosmic Gluttony.


''Good Luck Mr. Skeleton!'' Said Lucy, her voice laden with excitement echoing through the air.

Mr. Skeleton, like an undead, The lack of identity bothered him, and he longed to be called by something more than just 'Mr. Skeleton'.

He raised his empty eye sockets to observe Lucy,

He was unhappy that he didn't have a clear identity and decided to ask Lucy to choose a name for him.

After several names he didn't like, he finally found a name he liked, ''King Hassan''. He liked the powerful and majestic sound of the name and felt that it went well with his new identity as an undead.

While he may have taken a somewhat 'gentle' approach to make Lucy choose a name for him, this may have been a way to find an identity and feel more complete as an undead.

King Hassan looked with fascination at the large door in front of him.

It was imposing, several meters high, and covered with intricate symbols that seemed to be from a language he had never seen before.

King Hassan hesitated for a moment, but his curiosity did not stop him from going through the door. As he passed through the doorway, a sense of energy enveloped him, causing him to feel an involuntary chill.

King Hassan was now in a completely different place: He advanced through the narrow corridors of the underground sewage system with firm and determined steps. Dirty water flowed around his feet, filling the air with an unpleasant smell. The darkness was dense, but his undead vision allowed him to orient himself easily.

The sounds of the constant dripping and murmuring of the surrounding water were his only company as he ventured deeper into the shadowy corridors. He was attentive to every movement and sound, ready to meet any challenge that might come his way.

''It's a bit... unpleasant here,.'' said King Hassan.

King Hassan looked at the mist in the air and the murky waters seemed to reflect his confused and uncertain mental state.

However, he decided he had nothing to lose and held out his skeletal hand.

King Hassan watched with fascination as his skeletal hand transformed before his eyes. What was once a collection of bones was now metamorphosing into a shiny, glistening, metallic liquid form.

He had never seen anything like this before and was amazed at the metamorphosis his own body seemed to be able to handle.

It was only capable of this because of its ability:


Skill Rank: F

Skill Effect: Amorphism is the power to have a body composed of an amorphous, flexible substance

Passive Skill Effect: +10 Endurance.

He noticed that his Amorphism skill also had a passive effect on his endurance, increasing his endurance by +10. This meant that his ability to resist damage and withstand challenging situations was enhanced, making him more resilient in his endeavors.

Aware that his Amorphism skill had growth potential, King Hassan decided to dedicate himself to training and improving his skills even further.

With his new metal claws, King Hassan made his way through the murky waters and fog with ease, creating a path to follow.

As he progressed, he began to hear strange noises. The strange noises echoed through the narrow corridors of the underground sewer system. King Hassan sharpened his senses, and despite his lack of direction, he tried to identify the source of the noises.

As he advanced further, King Hassan approached a faint glow on the horizon. It seemed to be a comforting and welcoming light, and Mr. Skeleton felt his being filled with fury.

Mr. Skeleton was faced with an unexpected challenge: He encountered a giant rat. The creature was the size of a medium-sized dog and had sharp teeth and glowing eyes and covered its body with a slimy plague. The smell was unbearable and the rat seemed ready to attack him.

King Hassan used his agility to move quickly, narrowly avoiding the rat's claws and teeth, while Mr. Skeleton used his metal claw to await the rat's next attack.

Mr. Skeleton used his assessment skill on the rat. He concentrated and activated his special evaluation skill, which allowed him to analyze objects and creatures accurately.

[Juvenile Plague Rat]

[Level - 3]

[Life: 200/200]

[Mana: 1/1]

[Talents] : [Minion] [Cry for Help] [Infection] [Dark Sight]

King Hassan watched the juvenile plague rat carefully, recognizing that despite its youthful appearance, the creature had dangerous abilities. He knew that he could not underestimate his enemy, even if it was only a mouse.

The juvenile rat advanced toward him, using its infected claws and infected bite to try to hurt him. King Hassan defended himself by using his Amorphism abilities to adapt to the attacks, making his body even more flexible and avoiding the mouse's blows.

In response, King Hassan counterattacked with his metal claws, trying to injure the juvenile rat and end the threat.

The battle was intense, with the rat using its infection skills to try to weaken King Hassan, while he used his strength and agility to defend himself.

King Hassan also took advantage of his dark vision ability to move deftly through the dark sewer environment, avoiding obstacles and staying agile in battle.

After an intense cat and dog battle, the rat finally managed to escape through the hole in the wall, disappearing into the shadows. Mr. Skeleton stopped, his metal claw still raised, ready for combat. He looked around the room, the shadows dancing around him, but the rat was gone.

The battle was fierce, with both sides trying their hardest. King Hassan managed to wound the rat with his metal claws, but he was also hit by some infected attacks. However, the Undead are immune to poisons. So he felt nothing.

With a determined expression on his skeletal face, Mr. Skeleton knew that the battle was not over. Mr. Skeleton, or King Hassan, was aware of Lucy's words about the underground sewer system being like a maze full of monsters. He knew that he still had a lot ahead of him and that he needed to be prepared to face more challenges.

He was ready to face the next challenge, always alert and prepared to protect his territory against any threat that presented itself.

He was willing to do whatever was necessary to protect himself and achieve his goal of escaping this dangerous place.

King Hassan recognized that the challenges he faced would be brutal and difficult, and he was willing to do whatever was necessary to ensure his survival, even if it meant using brutal means.

He lowered his metal claw, ready to await the next attack from the rat or any other creature that dared to challenge him.

King Hassan, after reflecting on his failed battle with the rat, decided that he needed to change his approach. Mr. Skeleton realized that his metal claws were not the best tool to face an enemy as agile as a giant rat.

Despite his new amorphous skill and his metal claws, he realized that the rat was fast and elusive, making it difficult for him to land an effective blow.

With a fluid and skillful gesture, Mr. Skeleton used his metal claws to transform back into his hands. He had the power to control the shape of his claws and manipulate them according to his will.

The metal claws retracted, fitting perfectly into their original form, Mr. Skeleton's skeletal hands.

He watched his hands with satisfaction, knowing that he could modify his claws according to the needs of the situation.

With a quick and precise movement, Mr. Skeleton used his magical abilities to transform his metal claws into a sharp harpoon.

He concentrated his energy and manipulated the shape of his claws, extending them into a pointed spear with a sharp harpoon-shaped tip at the end.

The harpoon glowed with a metallic sheen, indicating the magical power that flowed through it. King Hassan looked at the newly formed harpoon in his bony hand, feeling the weight and sharpness of the weapon. He was confident that it would be an effective weapon against the giant rats and any other challenges he encountered in the sewers.

He was ready to use it in his battle against those giant rats and whatever else he had within these sewers.

With skill and precision, Mr. Skeleton used his other arm to pull out the harpoon and held the newly formed harpoon firmly. He felt the weight of the weapon in his skeletal hand and was impressed by the sharpness of the harpoon's tip.

With his new weapon in hand, King Hassan boldly stepped forward into battle.

King Hassan used his agility and dexterity, to travel through the murky waters looking for a new challenge: And he quickly found one.

A huge rat, much bigger than the previous one: The rat was monstrous, with sharp teeth and lethal claws, and seemed to be furious. It seemed to be a fierce and dangerous creature, ready to attack.

It prepared itself for battle, displaying its posture.

The new rat was bigger and more ferocious than the one Mr. Skeleton had seen before, but he was determined to win. No matter what the cost.


[Adult Plague Rat]

[Level: 5]

[Life: 800/800]

[Mana: 10/10]

[Talents] : [Cry of Madness] [Infection] [Enhanced Dark Sight]

Skill] : [Infected Claws] [Infected Bite] [Heavy Bite]

King Hassan was not cowed by the mouse's abilities.

His empty eye sockets lit up with a sinister flame, he wanted to crush it in the most brutal way possible!

He launched the harpoon with precision at the new mouse: The harpoon flew through the air and pierced the skin of the mutant mouse, trapping it firmly. Hitting the enemy with precision and incapacitating it.

The harpoon launched by Mr. Skeleton was accurate, hitting the giant rat at a critical point between its collarbone. The sharp point of the harpoon penetrated the rat's flesh, piercing its muscles and bones with overwhelming force. The rat let out a sharp cry of pain, its wild eyes wide with the sudden impact.

Mr. Skeleton, taking advantage of an opening, concentrated and turned his hand into a powerful stinger. The stinger was sharp and lethal, With his new improvised weapon: Taking advantage of the opening, King Hassan quickly approached the giant rat while dodging the animal's enraged attacks.

Mr. Skeleton watched carefully as the giant rat struggled to stand, but was visibly weakened by the harpoon wound. Blood dripped from its wounds, painting the floor of the sewer a dark red.

Mr. Skeleton waited patiently, realizing that the rat was rapidly losing strength. He remained alert, ready to act as soon as he had a clear opportunity.

The giant rat, already staggering, tried to make one last desperate attack, but his legs gave way and he fell to the ground, exhausted and agonizing. King Hassan moves forward with a decisive blow, thrusting his arm ( In the shape of a Stingray ) and delivering a final blow to the giant rat's eye, piercing it with precision and leading it to its death.

The sewer was silent except for the giant rat's final groans.

Mr. Skeleton retracted his harpoon, returning his hand to its original form. He looked at the slaughtered rat, now motionless, and deeply satisfied with his victory.

King Hassan looked down at the corpse of the Adult Mouse, and his cold, dark voice echoed through the place. His words were spoken in a low tone, charged with authority and mystery: ''... Accept death as part of your existence, do not fear it, but grace it.''

With his imposing aura and sinister presence, King Hassan made it clear that he is a force to be feared and respected.

[You have achieved the interest of the Emissary of the Underworld]

[Achievement ''The Noted One'' Has Been Acquired]

[The Noted One]

Description: You have been noticed by your patron.

Title Effect: Increases the player's status by +1

The Noted One.

Means that the player has gotten the attention of his halo.

A simple explanation would be that he is a rising star.

[Congratulations! You Killed 'Mutant Rat!']

[You Gained +300 Exp!]]

[You Leveled Up!]

[Level increased from Lv.1 to Lv.2 ]

[Strength increased by 1, Agility increased by 1, and Endurance increased by 1.]

King Hassan watched the notification in his mind, confirming his victory over the Mutant Mouse. He received 300 experience points, which caused him to level up from Lv.1 to Lv.2. He felt a sense of satisfaction at having overcome yet another challenge in his relentless quest as an executioner of death.

''Status.'' Spoke Mr. Skeleton in his usual cold and sinister voice.

As he spoke a holographic Screen mounted in front of him.


[Name: King Hassan] [Race] : [Skeleton]

[Titles: 1]

[Level: 2]

[Halo: Emissary of the Underworld]

[Life: 79/150]

[Mana: 10/10]


Strength: (7) [+] | Agility: (3) [+] | Endurance: (5) [+10] [+] | Magic Power: (2) [+]

[Stats Points: 3]

[Talents] : [Undead] [Gluttony] [Piety] [Amorphism] [Item Box]

[Abilities] : [Appraisal]

''There doesn't seem to be any significant change, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.'' Meditated King Hassan.

Mr. Skeleton recalled his recent battle with the giant rat, and half thoughtfully ... he decided to call for his Guide.



In a poof, Lucy came up all excited as she seemed to be watching Mr. Skeleton's fight against the giant rat.

''What can I do for you, Hassan?'' She laughed, her voice echoing through the sewers.

Without further ado, he said in his hollow voice: ''I need a weapon.''

Having realized that fighting by just turning his body parts into weapons due to Amorphism was not that effective in his last fight.

After realizing the limitations of his Amorphism ability to turn other things into weapons besides his own body, King Hassan decides to ask Lucy for a weapon.

''Oh, you left so quickly that I didn't even get a chance to offer you one.'' Lucy laughed, she wasn't going to say that she was the one who forgot to hand him a gun.


Before Lucy could speak, King Hassan interrupted her: ''I would like a weapon just like yours.'' Mr. Skeleton points to the military saber at Lucy's waist and expresses his interest in having a similar weapon.

Lucy smiles and agrees to provide Mr. Skeleton with a similar weapon.

She hands him a replica of the military saber, with a sharp blade and a comfortable handle.

''Take it, it's yours from now on.'' She says.

Mr. Skeleton examines the weapon with enthusiasm and thanks Lucy: ''Right... Thank you.''

Now equipped with his version of the military saber, Mr. Skeleton feels even more prepared for his future battles.

Mr. Skeleton again hears the robotic voice in his head.

[ 'Gluttony' has been activated! ]

What resembles a terrifying and grotesque creature from the far reaches of outer space has suddenly appeared.

Its body is composed of an amorphous mass of twisted, slimy flesh that seems to constantly pulsate and contort itself. Its color is a dark and indescribable shade, a mixture of deep black and cosmic blue as if it were an abomination that feeds on the stars.

The creature has multiple appendages extending from its body, with sharp tentacles and claws that twist and move chaotically. These limbs can vary in size and shape, constantly changing as the worm moves and adapts to its environment.

The worm's mouth is a circular opening filled with sharp, twisted teeth, which extends like a hungry mouth eager to devour anything that comes near it. Its saliva is a corrosive substance, capable of dissolving any material in a matter of seconds.

It has a series of eyes, which are distributed all over the surface of its body, in different sizes and shapes.

These eyes glow with an alien light and seem to contain unimaginable secrets and knowledge, emanating an aura of cosmic horror. That being exudes an aura of cosmic horror, which affects all those who observe it. Its presence is overwhelming, leaving the bravest in a state of shock and horror, and its mere existence is a threat to the plans and sanity of those who dare to face it.

The Vermin of the Stellar Abyss is a cosmic abomination, a nightmarish creature that represents the terror and insanity of the cosmos. Facing him is an almost impossible task, and few dare to even face his presence. Its grotesque appearance and unfathomable powers make it a terrifying and terrifying force that defies human understanding.

Mr. Skeleton watched the creature with fascination and horror at the same time. The grotesque and alien appearance of the Verminous of the Stellar Abyss aroused his curiosity, but it also filled him with a deep sense of uneasiness.

Lucy, who had watched the Verminous of the Stellar Abyss with an expression of disgust from the beginning, did not share the same curiosity as Mr. Skeleton. She saw that creature as a cosmic abomination that deserved to be eradicated. She squeezed the handle of her weapon, ready to act with full force.

While Mr. Skeleton was intrigued and willing to investigate more about the creature, Lucy was impatient and determined to defeat it. She would not hesitate to use all her strength and skills to destroy the Verminous, considering it a direct threat that needed to be eliminated.

Lucy's eyes sparked with anger and contempt as she kept her focus on the creature, ready to act as soon as the confrontation began. She had no interest in studying or understanding the nature of the Verminous, her only goal was to eliminate it as quickly as possible.

But, the Verminous ignored both of them and, with its appendages, ran up to the Giant Mouse's body and began to feast on it.

Mr. Skeleton and Lucy exchanged glances as the Verminous of the Stellar Abyss ignored their presence and moved toward the body of the fallen Giant Mouse. They noticed how the Verminous appendages twitched and stretched to wrap around the Giant Mouse's body as the creature began to feast on the corpse.

As the Verminous of the Stellar Abyss continued to feed on the Giant Mouse's body, silence reigned in the area. Only the sounds of flesh and bones being crushed echoed in the environment as the Verminous devoured its feast with voracity.

The blood of the Giant Mouse spattered on the ground began to mix with the entrails and bone fragments as the Verminous continued its voracious meal. The metallic smell of blood permeated the air, making the atmosphere even more macabre.

Mr. Skeleton finally asked the question: ''... What are you?''

The creature raised its head, its dark, glowing eyes fixed on the talking skeleton. Its jaws were stained with Giant Mouse's blood, and it emitted a guttural sound, indicating that it was willing to listen.

''I am a Vermin from the Stellar Abyss,'' said the creature: ''An ancient, hungry entity that feeds on everything it finds in its path. I come from a plane of existence beyond the reach of human understanding, where chaos reigns supreme and cosmic horror is the norm.''

"Do you have any hostile intent toward him?" asked Lucy, still cautious, with her military saber ready to act.

Vermin smiled, revealing rows of sharp teeth. ''For now, I am satisfied with my meal,'' the creature said, ''But I cannot guarantee what the future holds.''

With that cryptic reply, Lucy looked at Mr. Skeleton worriedly, she didn't know this creature in any of the records.

They knew they needed to be alert and prepared for any eventuality as the Verminous of the Stellar Abyss continued its wild meal in the body of the Giant Mouse.

[Strength increased by 1, Agility increased by 1, and Endurance increased by 1.]

[ 'Gluttony' was satisfied with his meal].

[He will return until the next meal is ready.]

''Status window.''

Then the Vermillion suddenly disappeared before his eyes.

And so King Hassan just opened his status window.


[Name: King Hassan] [Race] : [Skeleton]

[Titles: 1]

[Level: 2]

[Halo: Emissary of the Underworld]

[Health: 81/160]

[Mana: 10/10]


Strength: (8) [+] | Agility: (4) [+] | Endurance: (6) [+10] [+] | Magic Power: (2) [+]

[Stats Points: 3]

[Talents] : [Undead] [Gluttony] [Piety] [Amorphism] [Item Box]

[Abilities] : [Appraisal]

With his calculating mind, King Hassan began to consider how to distribute his unused stats points to improve his abilities and increase his effectiveness in future battles.

He was aware that he still had much to learn and improve on his way as a budding skeleton.

King Hassan also had the option to save unused stat points and spend them later to make strategic improvements to his skills and attributes, according to his needs and goals.

As a calculating and strategic player, he could choose to accumulate points to use them more efficiently at critical moments or to achieve a specific goal in his progress as a rising skeleton.

He knew that careful management of his stat points was important to maximize his potential and become more powerful in the world he was in.

With this in mind, King Hassan decided to save his undistributed points for the time being, waiting for the right moment to use them strategically in his progress.

King Hassan turned to look in the direction of Lucy's voice. The little girl was standing a few feet away from him, with a serious look on her face.

''What is it, Lucy?'' King Hassan asked.

''I will have to inform the Tower Master about the Vermin.'' Lucy's words caused King Hassan to frown. Not that he had one.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Alcohol_Overdosecreators' thoughts