
Records of Ascension : The Dead King

After Someone Took My Life, I Felt Something or Someone Pulling My Whole Being Together With My Memories and Putting Them Somewhere Where They Were Cold and Hollow. And Just When I Thought My Life Had Come Back to Me. I Realized That My New Life As The Living Dead Had Already Begun ... ''Who am I?''

Alcohol_Overdose · Komik
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6 Chs

Chapter 1 - A New Birth

Disclaimer: I own nothing but my original characters and artwork, so if you recognize it from somewhere else, surprise! that is not mine. Enjoy~

Author's Note: This chapter is almost entirely copied from THE RUINED DEATH KNIGHT with some changes and grammar corrections ( Almost ).

Author's Note 2: The release dates are totally irregular. I won't and can't promise anything.

Chapter 1 - A New Birth

''A basic principle of the universe is that every action causes an equal opposite reaction.''

- V.


To hear those sounds, or rather, those voices.

The lamentations full of fear, panic and pain. The inability to change their current fate, along with cries of rage.

Thinking that they can make everything change just because of their positions in society.

I hate this kind of person.

However, all those voices and the smell of blood were covered up by the sounds of gunfire and gunpowder.

What was happening?

How did this happen?

Why did this happen to me?

What was supposed to be just another gaming event that was a bit more important than the others ... and yet ... At this very moment, there was a terrorist attack in progress.

After internally lamenting about the course of events.

I started to crawl away. But the pain quickly came.

''Ugh... my legs!''

After moving discreetly, I realized what state my body was in.

The previous explosion had completely destroyed one of my legs, while the other was barely being held together by some muscle tissue.

I also noticed that my head was bleeding heavily, as the blood was slowly starting to cover my eyes.

Of course, the pain was enough to make me scream in pain, but I tried to keep my voice as low as possible so as not to draw anyone's attention.

Unfortunately, such an effort was futile.

As I slowly crawled away, someone kicked me back with enormous force, making me scream in pain and unable to move because of the pain.

The kicker was a terrorist.

After he said something in a language I couldn't understand.

Two new terrorists suddenly appeared and started laughing Sinisterly, for some reason.

But I soon realized why.


An incredible amount of pain came from my back along with a loud noise.

''Arghhhh!'' I screamed so loudly that my vocal cords seemed to explode. I felt my consciousness fading away.

But I was ingenuous. Very ingenuous.

Baam! Baam! Baam!

Multiple bullets were fired at my body. First in the shoulder, then in the left and right leg, and finally in the palms of my hands.

The pain was enormous...enough to bring my consciousness back.

I suffered, Despair, Confusion filled my head, and finally.


''Why! Why are you doing this?! For what purpose!? To what purpose!? What are you going to accomplish by doing this!? Tell me!'' I shouted with all my might at them.

The terrorists who were laughing a moment ago stopped and looked at me with a sneer. One of them knelt and began to speak in a language I understand.

''Why do you ask? Isn't it obvious?''

The man's serious face suddenly turned into a sinister smile.

''Because it's fun.''

... Fun? What did he just say?

''It is because we have the power to do this. As a sinner, you should be grateful for our benevolence that will end this sinful life of yours.'' He says. ''Besides, if what I'm doing brings me happiness at the expense of your happiness, why should I care?''

He placed this gun on top of my hand while I was stunned for this reason.

''After all, that's what humans are.''

I gritted my teeth and my eyes turned red. How could someone like him be human!?

Ruining the lives of others for your own benefit can be understood. In our current time, earning enough to live on is extremely difficult. But ruining the lives of others, for what? For fun? For pleasure? These people are insane!

''You're not human! If that's what humans are, I wish I'd never been a human!!''


That was the last sound I heard before everything went blank.

Looking at my surroundings, there was nothing, just pure darkness.

I could only feel that I was slowly sinking into some kind of slimy water.

The more I sank into the viscous water, the more my consciousness left my body.

''Mother... I should have listened... I'm sorry, I... I... What was it again?''

As my entire body sank to what was the end of that water, I felt as if my entire head had been wiped clean of any memory or any kind of information.

''Wait ... Where am I?''

Now that I had completely sunk, I felt as if my entire body had gone numb.

Inside, I completely lost track of time.

A moment that felt more like an entire decade to me.

Not that I know what a decade feels like...

So I kept sinking like this for what seemed like decades.

Completely emotionless, with no sense of touch.

But for some kind of reason, I could feel a single emotion.

Hate against so-called humans!

I didn't know why, but I deeply despised humans.

I continued to hate and despise these so-called humans for what seemed like an eternity.

Until I saw a huge silhouette in front of me.

And then came the feeling of being pulled from the inside out.

I felt crushed and then remade, again so that feeling would continue.

But the strange thing was that I could feel all these things. Feelings that I had never experienced, or rather, never... I had forgotten.

As I was confused by all this, I heard a very cold and low voice inside my head.

''... Soul 06901-201. You have been recognized.''

Before I could think, what did the huge silhouette say. The terrible feeling of being pulled from the inside out dissipated and came the feeling of falling.


''What happened? W-wait, can I talk? Why? And why can I see colors now?''

I tried to reach out to the area around me, but... I felt resistance!

It wasn't like this before!

Before I couldn't feel anything, but now I felt a sense of ... touch? I could feel the pressure of pressing the ground with my hand, but nothing else ... as if something was missing.

I quickly dismissed these thoughts and tried to stand up.

After I stood up completely, a different sight appeared in my vision.

In front of me was a lake completely dark as pitch.

And this dark water was running down my body.

''This is strange...how did I end up here?''

After pulling myself together for a while, a sense of confusion came directly to my mind.

''Huh ... Who am I?"


I heard an Ethereal-sounding voice behind my back, so I think she was talking to me.

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