
Record of Time

Kim Han-wool, a genius and a champion in the sports chess dies in a car accident and finds himself inside a novel he had just read. The body he reincarnated as is a cannon fodder who had the same name and surname as him. Knowing the fate of the original owner who will die a miserable death Han-wool decided to change his fate by avoiding the main characters. Little did he know that maybe it might be because of his past life or because of his hobby he suddenly becomes teacher of the main characters…

Ayis002 · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs

Chapter 20

"Oh, Hyung!"

Oh Hyun Ki waved at me with a smile

Wait a minute, when was I your hyung?

What's more, do I look that old that everyone keeps calling me hyung?

I know it's out of respect but…

Hays! You know what just forget it!

Walking towards them I asked "What are you guys doing here?"

"A- Actually…" Oh Hyun Ki was embarrassed and his face immediately flashed red

I was confused but suddenly one of Oh Hyun Ki's student who looked like a delinquent spoke and said "Mr Instructor kept praising you sir saying that he's all smarter than him and all"

"Bu Dong-geun!" Oh Hyun Ki shouted his name and the rest of his students laughed

Wow…just how miserable is Oh Hyun Ki going through now?

Shaking my head out of pity I asked "So what is it?"

Before Oh Hyun Ki could say anything Kang Min-Jun interrupted and said "Oh Hyun Ki and I were hoping that we could do a joint class"

Hearing this I widened my eyes in surprise not expecting this

"So, what's your answer?" Kang Min-Jun asked

"Hmm" I pondered and after a long time I sighed and said with a smile "Sure" it's not like I can refuse when the two of you and the rest personally came here

I then said "How about we move to the training field? It's much more spacious there"

Everyone agreed and I went inside of my classroom first to explain it to Choi Kwan and the others

Hearing this Choi Kwan and the others frowned as they thought 'They probably want to steal instructor's information'

Seeing their expressions I couldn't help laughing as I said "No need to worry everyone, I asure you they don't have any ill intentions"

This time Lee Mi-Nyeo couldn't help asking "Who are they?"

I knew I couldn't lie to them anymore and said "They are my friends"

Choi Kwan, Jeong Ji-ho, Geum Beok-seo and Lee Mi-Nyeo suddenly thought 'What about us? Are we also your friends?' but didn't dare to say it out loud

I already know what they are thinking and I thought they are so pathetic, ofcourse I'm their friend duh

But I didn't say it as a surprise and instead said "Also, ofcourse I wouldn't give them great information, I'm only going to give out a test"

"Test?" They all looked at me suspiciously but I just smiled and said "You'll know later"


In the training field everyone gathered and stood at a straight line

The three of us, Oh Hyun Ki, Kang Min-Jun and I stood at the front as Kang Min-Jun said "We will first introduce ourselves, I am Kang Min-Jun"

"Oh Hyun Ki"

"Kim Han-wool"

After we introduced ourselves I whispered something to Kang Mun-Jun and Oh Hyun Ki, they widened their eyes for a moment and Kang Min-Jun stared at me trying to find any detail but nodded

Kang Min-Jun then announced "Instructor Oh Hyun Ki will be the first to teach in the next one hour, next will be me and finally the last will be instructor Kim Han-wool"

Choi Kwan and the others stared at me with strange eyes but I just smiled as me and Kang Min-Jun left to let Oh Hyun Ki teach.

As we left Kang Min-Jun asked with narrowed eyes "What are you planning to do?"

I said "Huh? It's nothing special, I'll just do a test"

"A test? For each course?"

"Not for each course but for everyone, this will test their survivability"

Hearing this Kang Min-Jun stared at me before he turned his head and said "I see"


After two hours passed it was finally my turn and I brought a bunch of papers

Surprised one of Oh Hyun Ki's student asked "What are those instructor?"

"What do you think?" I asked

Choi Kwan raised his hand as he said "Are those test papers?"

I nodded and said "Correct"as I said that I started separating the papers in three pile with ten papers each

As I passed it to them they were surprised in reading the contents and said "This is-"

"That's right, it's a test to see your survival knowledge" I answered patiently

Suddenly one of them asked "Isn't this supposed to be for strategists only?"

I asked "Why do you think so? Are the strategist the only one needed to answer test questions?"

After hearing this everyone shut up and couldn't refute my words

Satisfied I nodded and said "I'll give you only an hour so answer nice and wisely"

After saying that I sat down on the grass, closed my eyes, crossed ,my arms and leaned against a wall

Seeing this everyone looked at each other in confusion but could only answer the test papers quietly when they suddenly realized that the questions in the paper are meant for all courses!

Surprised they started answering the test question seriously.


The next day

"I- I failed!"

"Phew i passed"

Different comments were heard as they say the final result and I asked with a smile "It's fun wasn't it?"

All of them looked at me and I said "Isn't it similar to an actual survival test? You'll have to think ways to survive and what to avoid, when to charge and when to reatreat"

Realizing this everyone lowered there heads in amazement

Kang Min-Jun and Oh Hyun Ki suddenly became interested and I said to them and the rest of the students "Don't worry, there will be more of this in the future, including you two" I said pointing at Kang Min-Jun and Oh Hyun Ki

Hearing this everyone celebrated and I smiled unconsciously.


Evander looked at some pile of papers and asked "How are the students doing in their days of being an instructor?"

His assitant said "Some are struggling but, the student you mentioned, Kim Han-wool has been doing great for the past days

"Really…" Evander narrowed his eyes but his smile couldn't be hidden as he thought 'So, student- no, instructor Kim Han-wool, what will your future be now I wonder'

Unbeknownst to us all the demons have broken free from the seal and will soon cause chaos once again…

End of Season 2