
The walk on the road

An another day in apocalypse. Tina was running on the road with zombies. She felt like she was running marathon but in apocalypse. She didn't stop running and sometimes she killed zombies on her way. This action reminded her time in hospital, She was laying on the bed and playing game 'into the dead'. That's game left her some impression. And now, she felt pity for that guy.

"I wonder is there a world based on game 'into the dead'? " Tina mumbled.

Settling everything aside, Tina continued her run. She felt endless pain on her muscle. She wishes she knew how to ride a motorcycle. She knew she was lack of practical knowledge but she didn't know she lacked too much.

Tina didn't know how to ride a bike or swim. If she had known how to swim, she could have jumped into the water and escaped from them.

Although, her legs were trembling, she didn't run slowly. Instead, she gradually increased her speed. Result of running nonstop, her speed was half of riding bike whose speed normal person usually do. Her lungs inhaled and exhaled endlessly.

Beside, she gradually increased her ability to fight. Her move became more unpredictable and smoother. Her mind thought faster. Having faced danger everytime, it broke her limit. Now she's sure she could take down adult with ease.

Tina dodged, walked past and chopped down zombies. She repeated this process until she arrived the bridge. Dead body was scattered all the road. The bridge was blocked with zombies and broken car. If she want to arrive the destination, she have to walk pass this bridge.

Tina was laying on the roof of the house. She chose the tallest house to observe the situation. If she makes a mistake, it can pay with her life so she stopped to think the plan. If only she knew how to swim, she didn't have to walk pass the bridge. She can just swim to the other bank.

The sky was already dark, she needed to go back and have some rest. But before that, she have to exercise.

Tina increased her training. Now she had to do six hundred push-ups, six hundred sit-ups, six hundred squats. To survive, she need her strength was stable and didn't feel any tired.

While training, Tina wonder that protagonist was doing now. She guessed he was enjoying his time with his crush and heroine. Girls around Takashi are beautiful. Tina assumed this feature applied only to Takashi and his friend. After all, they are all protagonists. Wherever they go, it always have trouble.

"This mission have to do something with their mess" Tina thought.

Setting very aside, she went on her goal setting today. Her body gradually had some result. Such as her body became tighter though she felt like her limbs were crushed. Only protagonists lives peaceful in this world without thinking so far. Mobs like us always suffer.

Tina felt jealous. Only she works so hard to exist.

Meanwhile, at Takagi's house has commotion.

"How many times do I have to say it before you'll understand."

"The idea that a disease is turning people into murderers is totally bullshit"

"They can't arrive at any definite conclusion so it's just a lie spread by the government to keep the chaos from increasing" Saya tried to explain to survivors.

"So you're saying that dead bodies really are running about? Don't be ridiculous!" survivor A said.

"Yeah! The reason is they never died in the first place!" survivor B joined in.

"If that was the case then that'd be great, but do you think amateurs can really make any kind of judgment here? Until the specialists can become settled and research this then we won't know anything!" Saya refuted all of them.

"You can't, can you? Then just worry about keeping yourself from becoming food for 'them'! That's all that matters right now!! My papa already said he doesn't know what to do with you, didn't he?" Saya added.

"That's what you want to say, isn't it. Now that I think about it, you're just a group of gun waving highschool brats…"

"Everyone, listen to me! This girl is the daughter of a killer. They want to turn us into killers, too" Survivor B said angry.

"What in the world are you talking about?" Takashi confused.

"QUIET CHILDREN!! From here, adults will be making all the decisions"



With that, Saya turned her back and left.

"It's horrible. People are acting like idiots" Takashi said.

"It's because they are view us as yakuza" Kohta added.

"We're different" Saya refuted.

"I think I can kind of understand how they feel"

"Are you trying to pick a fight with me, fatty"

"No, it's just… people try not to look at things they don't want to see" Kohta refuted.

"They can't admit their own foolishness."

"That changes how I see you" Saya said amusingly.

"And by the way, it reminded me of Tina. Only she can accept reality " Kohta said.

"Yes, I don't know why but I don't think she is a student. What do you know about her Takashi?" Saya inquired.

"Well, I don't know her. We first met at astronomy club. By then, she was cold and calm as if she doesn't fear anything" Takashi answered.

"Well she is so strange. She was our classmate but somehow I don't have any impression about her. As if she was appeared out of nowhere. It did seem like her personality was changed 180 degrees. If I'm not wrong, she was always bullied " Saya suspected Tina.

"Yes. She is so strange. I can feel it too" Takashi agreed with Saya.

Suddenly, a sound rang out.

Three of them all laughed out loud. Forgetting what they had said.