

It's been 3 years since I left the Philippines and up until now traffic pa din. My gosh! Wala na atang pagbabago ang mangayayari sa bansang 'to.

"Arch. Garcia please get ready because we are about to arrive at the CD Construction Inc." Elle, said. My secretary.

"Okay." Then I sprayed my favorite perfume to my neck and felt so refresh. I've never been a fan of make up so I did not bother touching up.

As soon as we arrived, the driver open the door for me and I walk gracefully. Like how I should be. I was in awe because it's my first time here. I've worked at Dubai for those 3 years, when I finished my 2 years internship and passed the board exam I quickly go out in this country because it's suffocating me knowing that my ex is here. The building is nice it's a minimalist type but screaming elegant, passion and power. Of course this would be like this because the owner is a licensed Engineer and Architecture.

"Hi, Arch. Garcia the board is waiting for you. Please follow me." One of the receptionist say to me and I smiled at him because he looked like so scared.

Even the elevator is not your ordinary kinda elevator. It is a transparent with touch of gold. This place always amaze me because even the hall ways are unique. I worked abroad for 3 years but this building amazed me more than the 7 star hotel at Dubai. It felt so unreal.

"This way, Architect." He said and then when we are already at the front door he ring the bell and opened it for me.

"Thank you." I said before entering the door and he just bowed at me.

"Oh Arch. Garcia is here!" One of the board said when she noticed me. And all of them stand as they greeted me.

"Hi, sorry I'm late. It is traffic." I just simply said and just sit down on my assigned seat.

"Are we missing something?" Hesitating to ask because they were just quiet and not talking about the said collaboration of the corporation.

"Hi. I'm sorry for being late." And when I turned around I froze and saw the man whom I broke the heart 10 years ago. I don't expect seeing him today because it wasn't on my plan to see him. Never in my life. I was ashamed for being at him like that, for breaking his heart.

"Engr. Salvador!" Engr. Dela Cruz said in shocked like he was kind of not expecting him to see.

"I thought your not gonna come because of the emergency?" The Engr. said

"Engr. Valdez already taken care of it and he will just update me from time to time. So I guess should we start?" Not making a glance of me. He just look at the front like he never saw anyone nor me.

"So today we have here Arch. Chanel Garcia from the Montoya's Holdings Corp. from Dubai as she represent their company." And then everyone clapped and I just smiled and bowed a little to them.

After the little get to know they already proceed on the said plan and actually it was good. Everything was already planned and all the suggestions were nice, the Montoyas never failed to amaze me for their collaboration with other companies world wide. I was always the one who was sent to other countries to represent the company, because they trusted me for everything. When  my internship was about to end that time they already sent me a mail for the job. They trusted me so much even though I still wasn't a licensed Architect. I was so scared that time for not passing the board because everyone was expecting me to passed since I have a good background. That's why when I passed I gladly accepted their offer to me for being an Architect to them and I choose to be designated to Dubai, to be faraway here, to breathe, to have a new environment and I'm happy because it was a good choice that I did.  I've got to grow on my own and be independent.

"So are we all clear?" Engr. Ramos said when she was done explaining everything.

"It's a good deal." I said. They seemed to be happy on what I said because clearly even though it was already done, we can still pull out the said collaboration.

"Here is the papers needed to be signed Architect." I just took it and take a glance of it.

"This will be sent back to you tomorrow. I'm just gonna make it signed to the CEO. Thank you for this day." As I stood up and readying myself to leave they all saying thank you and shaking hands because it is a done deal.

"Arch. Garcia." He said like he was memorizing my name.

"Yes, Engr. Salvador?" Then we shaked hands.

"Looks like your doing good. It's nice to see you again." Not minding everyone who are looking at us, intently.

"It's nice to see you too again, Engr."

"Oh you two know each other?" One of the Engrs said

"Very much, Engr." He said in a sarcasm tone.

"We are colleagues." I just simply said.

"She was my good friend way back in our SHS." Wow, a good friend? Really, Bryce? Good friend.

"Yah. Thank you again and I'm leaving now."

As I leave the room I let out the heaviness in me. I exhaled everything. My goodness. Kakabalik ko lang sa Pinas bakit ganito agad ang salubong sa akin? I just said a while ago that I don't have plan seeing him nor being near to him, bakit may pa shake hands agad? Get yourself, Chanel Morinne! You wrecked him.