
Reborn with perfect instant mastery skill

Reincarnated in the world of Naruto with the ability to perfectly master any ability seen, sigh the only side effect is a bad sense of direction

Itachi101 · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
31 Chs


Kushina waited for Sora to leave the store, she would have been bored if Sora wouldn't mock her from time to time. Teuchi came and they ended up closing the shop early,

Kushina seeing Sora leave was going to attack, but Sora gave her some food. She was stunned as she smelled the food, making her hungry.

"it didn't catch your name, or is your name really Tomato," Sora asked with a smile, Teuchi hit Sora slightly seeing him bully the kid.

"Kushina Uzumaki." She said through gritted teeth. She would have fought Sora on the spot, but there was food in her hands. Sora was not worth it

"Uzumaki?" Sora said softly as this was the name of the MC in Naruto. he decided to keep an eye on Kushina before he and Teuchi left.

"you have a crush?" Teuchi asked with a smile, Sora rolled his eyes slightly, he was only a child. both mentally and physically, he had no interest in that kind of thing.

Time went by, and the next day Kushina stopped by the shop to get some free food. Sora raised his eyebrows slightly, did see think he meant every day?

"I don't mind helping those in need, but if you want free food, start to pull your weight around here," Sora said calmly, Kushina almost exploded in rage. who was in need? She could buy her food, but since Sora offered she didn't mind eating for free.

"his playing with you, don't let him get to one. the Academy will start soon. what might your life?" Teuchi asked as he pushed Sora out of the way, Kushina snorted slightly at Sora before she ordered.

After enjoying the food, she thanked Teuchi even though Sora was the one who made it, before looking at Sora mockingly. But Sora ignored her, which made her angry as she left

"Why do you mock her so much?" Teuchi asked curiously this was not like Sora. Sora snorted slightly

"she called me moss head," Sora said annoyed, Teuchi looked at him slightly before he began laughing. Sora was more annoyed,

"i'm not laughing at you, I just remembered something else," Teuchi said as he laughed louder, Sora grew more annoyed. Teuchi soon stopped and changed the subject

"it's spring, the trees are starting to turn pink. I'm taking my girlfriend out tomorrow on a romantic getaway." Teuchi said with a smile

"you're only 14, and already going so far for a woman. I don't see why people see in females." Sora said softly as he made himself something to eat

"Haha, you're too young to understand." He said with a smile, Sora shrugged slightly. the day quickly went by, and soon the shop closed. as Sora headed home his senses picked up on a battle that was taking place.

Kushina was currently fighting against Genin, this Genin was the elder brother of a kid Kushina had beaten up, so he had come to get paid back.

The Two fought, the battle was short. Kushina was caught off guard with body replacement jutsu, leading to the Genin getting behind her. with some kicks, Kushina was sent flying before he pulled her by the hair.

"such hair, it's stiff as straw. I have never seen anything so ugly." the Genin said mockingly as Kushina began crying

"I hate my hair too, are you happy? just leave me alone." She said as she begin to run forward, while the Genin tried to pull her back by the air.

a rock suddenly shot through the air, slamming into the genin's mouth, breaking some teeth and sending him falling backward while letting go of Kushina's hair.

Kushina was stunned, before looking up at a tree where Sora was standing, looking at her with a smile,

"Why did you help me?" She asked in shock, Sora shrugged slightly

"I felt sorry for you. getting ass kicked like that, it was hard to ignore." Sora said with a shrug, this time Kushina was not enraged. she just lowered her head and walked off,

"I didn't want to see you damage your hair as well, red looks nice on you," Sora said softly seeing she was going to cry. Kushina was stunned,

"really? you don't think it's ugly?" She asked in shock, Sora rubbed his head slightly,

"you worry too much about others, you look perfect. let's go to the ramen shop, you can lead the way." Sora said with a smile, as he realized he was lost. this was a small forest filled with trees with pink leaves, how was he to find his way home.

meanwhile, Kushina was moved hearing Sora saying she looked perfect. this was the first compliment she got ever since she got to the village, almost bringing her to tears. but not wanting to be mocked by Sora, she nodded with a smile and lead the way to the roman shop.

but she quickly realized there was something off with Sora, why was he so far away from her. so, she slowed down, and Sora seeing her action also slowed down. like hell

"you creep," She said as she covered her butt, Sora's face darkened instantly at her words. he didn't even know to want to say, but Kushina was not going to stand in front of him anymore. so, without a choice, he tried his best to go straight.

Kushina was instantly stupid seeing Sora making all of these turns. remembering the events of yesterday, it all made sense. she instantly realized Sora's problem, he just had a bad sense of direction.

kushina quickly began leading the way after laughing to herself, and in no time they arrived at the ramen shop. Kushina looked on the ground and saw the lines, with the same saying home, store, and some other important places.

She was speechless but didn't want to enrage Sora who was opening up the store, so she tried quietly. Sora calmly began making some ramen, he was heading home but he quickly realized something with Kushina fight against that Genin. if he could personally teach Kushina, and have her master all kinds of jutsu, that would in turn only make him stronger.

Kushina was clearly talented, she also had a powerful physique, and a powerful chakra. through her, he could learn many jutsu, and even learn more about this world. she could in a way be like his disciple.

a perfect plan, plus he liked her personality, and she was cute. like a tomato.

"so, how's the academy life going for you," Sora asked with a smile as he and Kushina sat on a roof eating ramen. Kushina's mood dropped hearing Sora's question

"it seems like I will have to do all the talking..." Sora said as he made a girly voice,

"i'm new to the village and everyone at the academy is bullying me. I just want to fit in." Sora said making Kushina annoyed at the voice he gave her. but Sora was right, which made her quiet

"you poor thing, well. I don't have many friends, if you want I will become yours." Sora said with a smile, making Kushina eyes widen. but just as she was going to speak, Sora spoke in that girly annoying voice

"really Sora-san, you're the best. with your perfect hair, I was a fool to call you moss head.." before Sora could continue Kushina cut him off

"I can speak for myself, who would want to be friends with you... but since you want to so bad, I will." She said with a snort

"no, if you don't want to it's alright," Sora said with a teasing smile, Kushina panicked slightly, but she didn't know what to say.

"i'm joking. should see your face, you became a tomato." Sora said with a laugh before he dodged her attacks. Kushina was enraged but helpless, she couldn't land a blow on Sora. he was too skilled at dodging.

"Teuchi is a way for a few days. I could teach you how to fight since I will be closing the store easily. with your weak combat skills. I fear if I breathed too hard you would be sent flying." Sora said with a smile, Kushina stumped her feet in rage, Sora couldn't rest without trying to enrage.

But the next day came, and Kushina did arrive at the shop for free food. after eating, Sora began teaching her hand-to-hand combat. the first thing he taught her was countering,

He wanted her, to use his own force against him. sometimes in a battle, one's own power was not enough, so using a target's own force against them could be the key.

Sora punched forward, Kushina quickly moved as she placed her left arm on his fist and her right arm on his arm. and using Sora's only force, She picked up Sora and flipped him. but Sora landed on his hand and got his hand out of Kushina's hand

"good, but you're too slow. you taking too much time thinking, as you see an attack your body shouldn't be doing all of that stuff. a simple look is all you need to read your target motivation." Sora said with a smile as he just copied countering,

Sora mastered this and even gained a skill called attack reflector which allows The user can reflect any power that is launched against them without being harmed. This serves as a means of self-defense and counter-attack. The user can reflect whatever power is projected by their target and turn it back on them.

Countering was not all about being stronger, it's about being quick and reacting fast enough to an attack. So, any attack which is not too fast will be countered and sent it back to the person who lunched at him.

Sora and Kushina trained, Kushina was not talented and Sora who was a master was the best teacher. he of course copied teaching as he one day saw a mother teaching her son something, this made Sora a master teacher.

Kushina quickly learned how to counter most attacks. things coming from Sora could be so easily mastered it was shocking. if everything in this world had a level of 1 to 5 in which they could be mastered. she would currently be a level 2, and Sora will be 10 times better than those at level 5. making him have something like 7 or 8.

"tomorrow I will teach you adapting to battle, after which I will start teaching work on your weaknesses. your state of mind. in combat, easily moved to rage will lead you to make mistakes, so I will help you out with that... but remember, what I teach you can't be easily shown to others, if you do, I will no longer be your friend." Sora said seriously, Kushina nodded slightly

Kushina was moved, to think her first friend was so worried for her safety, that he was going out of his way to teach her stuff.

the two went back to the ramen shop where Sora treated her to another good meal, after which Kushina realized she was going to be late for the academy and quickly rushed off. they had met up extremely early in the morning, so they had time to train.

the next day, Sora copied the ability to adapt to sudden changes. this gave Sora the ability Battle Adaptation,

which allowed the user's fighting style, tactics and abilities automatically adapt to be equal or superior to the opponent's style of fighting, whether armed or unarmed, making an opponent's attacks useless after the first few strikes.

this meant even without Sora's left eye, Sora would grow on his own and overshadow you, he will become better as the fight goes on, and even if one is extremely stronger than him, he could change his way of fighting to best counter you, and it was all automatically

the next day, Sora tried to have Kushina learn to clear her mind. even Sora didn't know how to do this, but he made a rope for her to walk across while carrying buckets of water. she was not allowed to use chakra

but this didn't help, so Sora moved to have her try to balance herself one stuff which was not balanced in the first place. this actually brought the most promise, as for a second, it looked like she did balance herself but ended up falling.

Sora quickly caught her, and after a few more tries with Sora teaching. Kushina barely entered tranquility, she was stunned as she entered this state all distracting thoughts disappeared. She began understanding many things she had trouble with, from Sora's teachings to the world around her, and all while perfectly balancing herself.

Sora smiled as he looked at Kushina who seemed to lose all emotion for a second before he fell down. Sora flashed catching her,

"you're so talented," Sora said with a smile as he landed slightly on the ground, Kushina was stunned as she got out of Sora's hands in deep thought at what just happened.

"once you learn to remain in that state during combat, I will start to teach you how to actually throw a punch," Sora said with a smile. and so time went by, it took a few days for Kushina to be able to remain in that state during combat,

with that done, Sora moved on to teach her how to punch. Sora had mastered punching, but there were other forms to punch. Sora had copied the basic fist throwing, allowing him to master all forms of throwing a fist.

there was a pressure fist that attack a target at a distance through raw pressure

Megaton Punch is a punch that applies incredible force to their fists, enabling them to throw powerful punches. similar to One Punch Man Serious Series: Serious Punch

Ground Punch is a punch that targets the ground causing various effects, from shock waves, earthquakes, or even destroying the whole ground under them

Propulsive Punch is a punch that can exert a physical strike of greater power by producing a jet of energy in the opposite direction of the attack.

Pulse Punch is a punch that creates strikes or attacks that create a pulse-like wave that can cause massive impacts, push enemies back, cause internal damage, and destroy the foundations of structures. They can cause the enemies to be paralyzed, or cause their enemy's powers to be negated.

Razor Punch is a punch that allows one to apply force to their bare fist that they can use as stabbing and cutting weapons.

this was just for a fist, the same thing for a kick, and other ways of fighting. Sora was planning on becoming a master at combat, there were countless forms of combat, and Sora was going to teach them to Kushina, and in a way learn them himself