
Reborn with a Primordial Galactic (?¿?) System

https://discord.gg/9HzpZJQHcq Reborn on another planet far outside of the nearest Galactic Empire that was searching for our Hero. His existence already breaks the very fabrics of space and all of creation, yet he sent through to experience another whirlpool of life-threatening problems before the actual problems were dealt with. The Hero originally passes away to be sent forward centuries into the future to awake in the body of the ailing Galactic Empires Crown Prince who shortly passed away before took over the body. From that moment forward, the hero did everything in their power to lead their empire as the Crown Prince, with the belief the new life meant something big, instead all his work was for nought and his own Imperial Familys internal problems caused his downfall and exile as a traitor. Having escaped with the last project he had worked on as the Crown Prince which would have solved many of the issues the Empire faced and helped create a unified Council that controls the Empires within space, instead his sibling’s greed got him killed and reborn once again, this time in the past. Back in a body similar to his old one with the knowledge of the far future and bound with a Primordial System that could make the moon a Death Star and help him create his own fleet of clone troopers with space wizards. He could also recreate the pillars of the old Gods and recreate the Mountain of Olympus and Asgard to serve him. Both on Earth and in Space as the Hero summons legends of anime, video games, science fiction and Humanities perseverance to fight beside him and build a Galactic Empire that cannot be rivalled among the stars…

PhantomMedjay · Sci-fi
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205 Chs

Mulkatrn Crime Families

"Weren't the Mulkatrn Crime Families the guys that turned you into their slave?"

"Yeah Carter… those same pricks.

Surprised I would now receive them as some reward from the System.

Should we spawn them?"

"… Sure… why the hell not.

They can takeover controlling the filth of mankind.

Let me just call Nedric first."

Carter disappeared for a moment from Esmond's side, only to reappear with Nedric in hand, as the three of them rested at the mountain peak estate that overlooked the great peaks of the Spatial Ark Star World.

"I heard you somehow gained the Mulkatrn… care to explain why you're willing to let those monsters flourish again?" Nedric didn't bother to hold back his annoyance as he'd fought the organisation in his past life, only to lose hundreds of operatives.

"Because this time, they'll serve me and the Imperium.

That's why.

If they try to dare screw us over, they'll end up nice and dead.

Besides… they haven't proliferated into the Galactic Society at this point and turned it into the shadow transport network that's near impossible to catch or find."

Nedric listened carefully to Esmond while enjoying a quick smoke.

The Legendary Spymaster couldn't help but smile under the hood that he slowly removed as gave Esmond his approval for the Mulkatrn to be summoned.

He knew they would fall under his care, but it didn't matter since he was already trying to infiltrate and control the various underworld groups of Earth, but the various conflicting parties made it increasingly difficult.

So much so that Nedric thought about removing certain entities like the Russian and Italian Mafia from their roots, but they were fairly intertwined with their governments, making it ridiculously hard to destroy them without affecting several national economies.


Esmond decided to activate the summoning of the Mulkatrn Crime Families, who were immediately registered with the Summoning Square through the functions of the Spatial Ark Star World.

The galactic crime families of Esmond's past appeared, however this time, there was roughly 1,000 people for each of the seven families, with all of them being headed by a patriarch or matriarch.

Each of the families were humanoid in appearance and nature.

If someone saw them walking on the street, they wouldn't be able to notice they were an alien species.

All of the families had their own unique traits that gave them an edge while managing the underworld.

But the current Rare Grade Mulkatrn Crime Families were much stronger they were ever in the past.

They were trying to get a bearing on their surroundings, with the leaders of the families already becoming aware of Esmond, Carter and Nedric.

"You must have brought us all here, I'll assume." Said an older gentleman that appeared dressed in black formal suit with a clean white shirt beneath.


I need the Mulkatrn Crime Families to manage the Underworld activities of my homeworld.

In time, you'll do the same for the Tartarus Zone where I've taken root in the conflict for power in the explored regions.

Are you willing to serve, and do as I say, or do I need to find someone else for the job?"

Esmond took on more of an aggressive stance than usual.

The members of the Mulkatrn Crime Families who spawned, were aware of the Spatial Ark Star World, and who Esmond was, but they still had the freedom to do what they pleased.

Esmond wanted to make sure they would fall his command instead of abusing it for their own profit.

That's they he made sure Nedric was around because the Spymaster was not someone that could easily be lied to without him noticing.

He already picked up that the family heads were surprised to hear about the Tartarus Zone, which a place they struggled to infiltrate even in their past lives.

To know they had the opportunity to finally enter the legendary space anomaly was exciting on its own.

"I'm the Matriarch of the Ahsali Family, Evheen.

I understand you've summoned us here, and for that I am grateful, but if I'm to go by the information forced into my mind, I'll assume your homeworld, Earth… is primitive when scaled by the Galactic measure for civilisations, right?"

"It is." Esmond replied, as he waited for Evheen's words.

"Then… I very much doubt you'll need more than one family to manage the entire planet.

Based on everything I've come to understand about this… hidden world or dimension, it shouldn't be difficult."

"You're not allowed to use the technology and advancements of the Space Ark for your work.

I want you to go old school and take over Earth's criminal underworld, much like your own ancestors.

But I want to stop human trafficking, and slavery.

I don't give one fuck about drugs, forgeries, or anything else like that but people are not to be sold.

At most, we can replace them with androids created from the Space Ark and they can help us capture the bastards using the fucked-up services.

Anyway, what I want to know is if you will follow my will and order without trying to undermine me for your own gain, because I'll tell you all now, it won't work in front of me."

Esmond let loose his murderous aura that brought all but the leaders and some strong individuals to keep standing.

Soon they also succumbed and fell.

Nedric took this as the perfect time to enter into the fray and took on Esmond's aura, suppressing it with his own while he addressed the seven families.

"I am Nedric and I serve as his Spymaster.

You will report to me and my Shadow Intelligence Agency.

I'll make sure my 'Shadow' Operatives can communicate and support you if required, however they'll also make sure nobody goes rogue.

You have bigger fish to fry and with the support of the Space Ark, you have all that you could ever have wanted to ensure you grip over the Galactic Underworld Scene.

At that point, you'll have the full support and strength of the Spatial Ark Star World, so think it over…"

Esmond withdrew his aura and waited for everyone's reaction, though he didn't need to wait long as the seven families accepted him as their Master and Lord.


"I have to say… our current assignment is unique than most."

"Matriarch Ehveen, if I remember correctly, our previous fate essentially meant the eradication of our people.

While we're in a tough situation, I don't doubt we can make the most of it and gain the same strength we once held, even if its in the servitude of another."

The Patriarch of the Rikell Family said while addressing the other family heads, who were still struggling with their diminished authority.

Carter moved them to their own site in the Second City of the Space Ark, with Androids and Virtual Profile Intelligences helping to set up the Crime Families.

No member of the crime families wanted to argue with Esmond or his associates, as they knew he wielded too much power, but the family heads believed something else.

Some thought they could take the Spatial ark Star World for themselves, while others thought it was best to follow Esmond along.

They'd been arguing incessantly for a while, only for the discussion to stop once Azog, Patriarch of the Qatrix Family finally spoke up.

As the family known to maintain order within the Mulkatrn Crime Families, his say would help dictate the future of their Syndicate organisation.

"You might find it hard to believe me everyone… but I sense our fortune working with the Lord of this hidden world of wealth.

We are already far from what we know, and it's been made obvious he could replace us until the right people arrive to serve him unconditionally.

Its best we accept our current predicament and make the most of it, because if we don't, then to save time, we might as well lay our necks down now and die before anything worse can happen to us or our families."

Azog said, much to the surprise and annoyance of the family heads, but nonetheless they accepted the ruling and got to work.

Carter knew everything that went down in the meeting and notified Esmond, who was glad the Mulkatrn Crime Families would work for him.

They started off with retraining through the Educational Training Military Pods, learning the strategies of the Space Ark while increasing their knowledge on various fields and subjects.

Esmond figured the Crime Families would be much better off if they accepted some training to improved themselves not just for combat but medical knowledge as well for tough times.

Certain members wanted to learn about farming and botany for their drug production, but there was already a department of scientists working on such matters within the Necthea Institute for the Mulkatrn Crime Families as their genetic coding was adding to the Summoning Squares.

The scientists who appeared were ready to get to work right away for the criminal organisation, producing all sorts of drugs, however they didn't contain the same side effects.

While the chance for death was reduced by a great deal, overuse of the drugs still could harm one's health but also lead to death.

For now, no new drugs were to be brought into the underworld market but who knew what kind of random junk somebody might cook up out of desperation.


"They seem to be enjoying their new home."

"Not like they have a great deal of options right now.

They're just doing the best they can in the current circumstances, Esy.

Anyway, you shouldn't be bothered with them right now.

Instead, you should think about the meeting with British Monarchy." Carter grinned, knowing how little Esmond cared about meeting House Windsor.

In his eyes, they were nothing more than a failed monarchy that couldn't protect itself from constant scandals and problems that the media would pick up in an instant.

Even Esmond's grandfather said the same, which he believed led to the loss of their authority and prestige they previously had.

Maximilianto joined Esmond and the other members of House Atlaesus, including Branch Houses were travelling to London by flight.

Around the Atlantic Ocean, Carter opened a portal that led the jumbo plane straight out of the Space Ark as it headed towards England.

Other noble Houses of the former Atlaesus Empire had joined the flight, as they were representing the Atlaesus Empire, even if it had essentially turned into the Atlaesyxrian Imperium.

Though Esmond essentially controlled it through the Spatial Ark Star World, the authority of the Imperium rested with his grandfather, who passed it largely onto his son, Daniel.

Esmond didn't expect to gain the throne anytime soon, which he was thankful for, but at the same time it made it harder to utilise certain strengths without involving particular parties when they didn't need to be.

This concerned his use of the military strength, but he knew his grandparents wouldn't mind nor would his parents, but Esmond realised questions might be raised out of the blue if it was done often.


"Hey… I need to talk to you about something, Esmond."

"What's up, Zaro?"

Esmond switched off from work mode and took a moment to relax with his cousin who came on the trip.

The other children of the Atlaesus Houses were coming as well since they were related to House Windsor as well.

Kristoff though had the closest connection with House Windsor as a member of the assumed extinct House Romanov.

In fact, the family was saved from total annihilation during World War 1, when Atlaesus Operatives saved them, only to leave behind a flash clone copy of the Royal Russian Family.

The technology to create clones was rushed and never saw the day of light besides being used for perfect organ replication during times of war.

After World War 1 the technology wasn't used by the Atlaesus Empire, however they continued to improve whatever knowledge they already had within certain practical applications.

Of course, this changed once Esmond gained the technology, but that's for another time.

While Kristoff came from House Romanov, he came from the bloodline they went back centuries, whereas the Royal Russian Family of 1917 came to be known as the Black Feniks of the Romanovs.

Nicholas and his wife passed away before World War 2, with their children still living on, but they took on simpler lives after reaching the Atlaesus Empire.

Kristoff knew about his cousins and hoped to help them regain their throne in Russia but with its current government being no worse than Soviet Russia in various aspects, he knew it would be a difficult task.

Thankfully he had the Atlaesusian Syndicate to back him, which largely helped reduce the weight on his shoulders.

Kristoff knew Esmond had plans for Russia as he was involved in the initial planning to infiltrate the government through various positions and switching of single individuals without any background or personal connections.

By switching them for an Android, Kristoff would expect them to be the best soldiers and rise through the ranks in no time, but this wasn't all.

Through the media they wanted to start promoting another party to compete against Putin, with resources and power to move without interference from nationalist supporting the old regime.

And Zaro came to Esmond as a matter related to Russia came up with Putin visiting England around the same time as them.


"Russia is coming to England to rework some sovereign loans to stop themselves going under during the market collapse.

They've come to notice as well, but its going to be harder than they expected to gain help from British Banks and for that reason, Putin has made it a trip to meet with the Prime Minister and Queen.

I believe they'll invite him to Prince Philip's birthday party, which might be a good time to either create a business relationship of some sort for us to operate in Russia with a political connection."

"Zaro, you already know my stance on Russia.

We need to bring the nation under our control, no matter what.

So exactly what have you come to ask of me?" Esmond smiled at Zaro, expecting to be asked for an army or something much worse.

What Esmond heard, ended up surprising him, as the idea was quite unique.

"Carter informed me that you possess a method to establish a government agency.

I don't know how it works beside the little information I was told, but from that, I thought about the creation of an internal review agency for Russia politicians, with the ability to conduct their own court of justice.

Seems a little wild, but if you can just step an agency that conducting voting without corruption or influence will be extremely helpful."