
Reborn: Who's Raising the Cheater's Love Child Now?

In her past life, Yun Chu supported her husband, raised his illegitimate son, and helped the Xie family reach the pinnacle of success. In the end, her entire Yun family, over a hundred people, were executed, and she was poisoned by the child she had raised herself! As the poison took effect, she suddenly opened her eyes and found herself back at the age of twenty. The children of the Xie family stood before her, each affectionately calling her "mother." She vowed not to spare any of them, the culprits behind her family's annihilation. If the eldest son liked studying, she would block his path to a civil career; if the second son was keen on martial arts, she would ensure he never joined the military; if the eldest daughter coveted power, she would marry her into nobility where she would be widowed; if the youngest son was as useless as a bump on a log, she would let him fend for himself. Yun Chu was relentless on her path of vengeance. Yet— "Mother!" "You are our mother!" Two sticky rice dumplings clung to her, nuzzling into her embrace. A man stood before her: "I have raised them for four years, now it's your turn."

Daoist3lhgbj · perkotaan
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110 Chs

Chapter 13 - Mother He is sweet

Chen Defu did his work very quickly, the more than 20,000 silver that Yunchu gave him, along with some of the revenue from the store, was taken to acquire ice.


Unusual summer, ice is about one or two silver a catty, spring to buy ice cheaper, five or six hundred wen money or so, and this spring is too cold, everyone thinks that the summer will not be too hot, so the price of ice fell again and again, Chen Defu to three hundred and fifty wen a catty of the price of a large purchase, all the ice cellars around the capital city were rented ...


Yunchu still remembers that in his last life, this summer, because of the scorching heat, the price of ice was raised to about the same as gold, priced at a prohibitively high price compared to gold.


The ice she bought back for more than thirty thousand taels of silver could be sold for at least two to three hundred thousand taels of silver.


 Having money can solve a lot of things down the road.


After sleeping a little late at night, he got up a little late in the morning, and when Yunchu came out, the aunts were all here.






 The crowd greeted us in unison.


 Yun Chou raised her hand, and only then did the people in the room dare to sit down.


 They didn't want to be chastised by the madam for not following the rules.


 Yunchu swept a glance and said, "Why isn't Aunt Tao here?"


Aunt Jiang and Aunt Tao live next door, busy standing up and replying, "Last night Aunt Tao vomited and had diarrhea, early in the morning said some discomfort, later to come back to ask for good health, but also please madam do not blame."


Yunchu frowned: "When a woman is carrying a body, it's true that she will be uncomfortable here and there, Aunt Tao still has three months to go before she goes into labor, and it won't be easy to give birth to a child whose body is too weak."


She looked to the maid at her side and commanded, "Listening to the snow, take some supplements to nourish the fetus from my treasury and send them to Aunt Tao's courtyard."


 Listening to the snow nodded and went to do it.


Yun Chu's gaze fell on the little girl beside Aunt Jiang, this is Xie Xian, the second miss of the Xie House, who has a very low presence in the Xie House.


She vaguely remembered that before she died, when Xie Shiyun forced her to drink the poison, it was Xie Xian who cried out and rushed over, knocking over the bowl containing the poison.


 In the entire Xie Mansion, there was only Sister Xian, who cried bitterly because of her death.


Seeing her look over, Xie Xian hid behind Aunt Jiang and shouted in a low voice, "Mother."


"Sister Xian's guts are a bit too small." Yunchu smiles and speaks, "Three years old can open the door to enlightenment, let sister Xian'er follow to read."


The Xie family hired a teacher to teach a few children to recognize words, and only after they were enlightened would they go to the academy run by the court's academics, like Xie Shi'an.


 Auntie Jiang had actually wanted her child to go to school for a long time.


But the eldest Miss Xie Ping five years old only began to recognize words to write, she was afraid to let Xian Sister children too early in the morning school by the eldest Miss dislike ...


But the lady had opened her golden mouth, so she naturally answered with her mouth full, pulling Xie Xian and saying, "Don't be quick to give your mother thanks."


"A family doesn't say the word thank you." Yun Chu waved her hand, "Don't stand around me, all go back and get busy."


 The crowd retired.


 Xie Ping stayed behind to follow Yun Chu to continue learning about housekeeping.


After teaching almost, Yunchu opened her mouth and said, "Early in the morning Granny Li pulled a few carts of jujube trees into the mansion, you take the accounts and go to check them, small problems you look after yourself and deal with them, and come back and ask me about big problems."


 Xie Ping stood up, "Yes, mother."


 She went off with the ledger.


As soon as she left, Listening Frost came and whispered, "Madam, the tonic you ordered were sent to Aunt Tao's courtyard, the maid took bird's nest and stewed it, and Aunt Tao just drank a few mouthfuls of it, and Mother He took a few pairs of brocade cloths and sent them over, saying that His Excellency had asked Aunt Tao to make a few new garments."


Listening to the wind muttered, "In the past, when our lady was pregnant, adults were not so sweet ..."


Halfway through her sentence, she realized that saying so would upset her ladyship and immediately covered her mouth.


Hearing Frost bowed her head and said, "Your Excellency is too busy with official business to care about this little matter, it should be said that Mother He is the one who is attentive."


 Yunchu took a sip of tea.


 Looks like He can't wait to get his hands dirty.


 She'd done her best to cooperate, and she hoped He wouldn't let her down.


 At that moment, there was a sudden commotion in the yard.


Immediately after, Xie Ping ran in with an ugly face, "Mother, those grannies don't put me as a young lady in their sights at all, and say some exasperating things, you need to treat them before ... they're good."


Outside sounded the voices of the grannies: "Madam, you have to do it for us ah, although we are rough grannies, but they are also human beings, how can Xie House treat us ... so harshly."


 Xie Ping's face turned red with anger.


Yun Chou patted her hand, signaling her to be at ease, then stepped out.


 The grannies talked about the ins and outs.


Things are very simple, just Xie Ping went to reconcile the accounts, jujube trees and accounts on the right, there is nothing wrong, things done she was ready to go.


One of the grannies suddenly said she was thirsty and asked if she could have the Xiefu kitchen make some tea and send it to everyone.


 This granny had obviously heard about the cancellation of afternoon tea and was deliberately testing the waters.


Xie Ping which will not think so much, through this granny's questioning, announced the cancelation of the daily afternoon tea snacks.


 Those words were like pouring oil in hot water, and the group instantly boiled over.


"Ma'am, the old slaves do the hardest and most tiring errands every day, taking the least amount of wages, and now they don't even have tea to moisten their mouths, so there's no way to not be chilled."


"The maids serving in the courtyard take so much monthly money, and can still drink the tea rewarded by the masters and eat the snacks that the masters can't get enough of, so why don't they go and take the maids?"


"Missy has only just followed Madam's stewardship, and the old slaves are having a hard time, and beyond that, what should we do?"


 "Let me just say that Missy isn't fit to be a housekeeper at all!"


"Eldest Miss was born of a foreigner, only a concubine's miss would have diced us grannies ... to save that few dollars."




 Xie Ping deadlocked the handkerchief in her hand.


Her biggest pet peeve was when her subordinates said she was born of a foreigner, which was worse than a slap in the face.


 Yun Chou placed the tealight heavily on the table, and only then did the grannies quiet down.


"You grannies still have the deed of sale in the hands of the Xie family, so you dare to treat the Xie family's master so poorly?" She released a cold aura from her body, "The Xie family's eldest miss is under my name, so she is a full-fledged first miss, let me hear you say these unintelligent words again, and you will be directly sold out!"


 The grannies who had just been talking were silenced.


They are not afraid of Missy, because Missy identity can not be on the stage, but the lady is not the same, this is the general house serious first daughter ...


 Xie Ping looked at Yun Chou with gratitude.


Mother has been angry at every turn these past two days, and she thought that she would blame her, that she would take away her stewardship like she punished Ange'er惟哥儿 ...


"But ..." Yun Chu's voice eased, "I gave Ping Sister Er the right to run the house, and since she offered to waive the afternoon tea and snacks, I naturally won't object."


 The grannies' faces were full of disappointment.


 Mrs. won't be able to make decisions for them, so should they just admit it ...


"But, you guys do work hard." Yun Chou's voice becomes soft, "How about this, the monthly routine of all the rough maids goes up by 50 cents, do you have any opinions?"


 Hearing this, the grannies stared round incredulously.


Every afternoon a few cups of tea, some melon snacks, eat to the stomach is gone, the monthly money is a real copper plate, put in the pocket don't mention how at ease.


"No comment, the old slaves have no comment!" The grannies smiled joyfully, "Many thanks, ma'am, the old slaves will continue to go about their work."


When the people left, Yun Chu turned her head to look at Xie Ping, "The implementation of any new measure will encounter resistance, don't be intimidated by those grannies, just go ahead and do it boldly, I'm always there."


 Xie Ping gratefully said, "I know mother."