
Reborn: Who's Raising the Cheater's Love Child Now?

In her past life, Yun Chu supported her husband, raised his illegitimate son, and helped the Xie family reach the pinnacle of success. In the end, her entire Yun family, over a hundred people, were executed, and she was poisoned by the child she had raised herself! As the poison took effect, she suddenly opened her eyes and found herself back at the age of twenty. The children of the Xie family stood before her, each affectionately calling her "mother." She vowed not to spare any of them, the culprits behind her family's annihilation. If the eldest son liked studying, she would block his path to a civil career; if the second son was keen on martial arts, she would ensure he never joined the military; if the eldest daughter coveted power, she would marry her into nobility where she would be widowed; if the youngest son was as useless as a bump on a log, she would let him fend for himself. Yun Chu was relentless on her path of vengeance. Yet— "Mother!" "You are our mother!" Two sticky rice dumplings clung to her, nuzzling into her embrace. A man stood before her: "I have raised them for four years, now it's your turn."

Daoist3lhgbj · perkotaan
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110 Chs

 Chapter 92 - Her heart is like water

"Your Highness, it's all my daughter's fault, it's my daughter who didn't take care of the little worldly son, please punish your Highness."


 Second Miss Tan's face was as pale as dirt, obviously terrified.


As soon as she saw that King Pingxi had arrived, she hurriedly walked over, bending her knees and lowering her head, her heart anxious to the extreme.


Chu Yiyi on the way here, heard people report the whole thing, although the subordinates did not dare to explicitly say that it was the little son of the world framed Miss Tan second.


 But how could he, as the child's father, not understand how stubborn the boy was?


 It's no surprise that he would do such a thing to accomplish his goal.


 Chu Yiyi opened his mouth, "It should be this king who should say sorry for his canine son."


 Second Miss Tan was a little surprised.


King Pingxi was fifteen years old when he went to the battlefield and made great achievements, people in the capital said that King Pingxi had a strange temper, why did she look okay?


 She had made such a big mistake, and King Pingxi even ignored it and apologized to her?


"Second Miss Tan, I'll make it up to Lord Tan for delaying you these past few days." Chu Yiyi looked at the subordinates around him, "Several of you, kindly escort Second Miss Tan back to her residence."




 Two guards, two Sisters stepped forward and made a gesture of invitation at the same time.


Tan second miss is not something brainless person, once she heard Chu Yiyi this, she understood, these days she was summoned by the royal family in turn, it is considered to be a white summoning, no matter how satisfied the royal family is with her, but the little son of the world is not satisfied, moreover, she also harmed the little son of the world to fall into the water ... light of this one thing, the king of the pingxi king will never be able to marry her into the door.


The only thing she was thankful for was that the King of Pingxi said he would make up for her delay in the past few days, so hopefully it would be of some benefit to her father's career.


 "Then my daughter will take her leave first."


 Second Miss Tan blessed herself and turned to get into the carriage.


While Chu Yiyi and Second Miss Tan were talking, Yunchu had already wrapped herself in Hearing Wind's clothes and stood up straight.


She glanced at the little one who was carried away by Sister Zheng and still had the strength to talk, so it was probably nothing.


She walked towards Chu Yiyi, keeping a distance of five or six paces away, and blessed herself, saying, "Many thanks to Your Highness for saving me, my wife will take her leave first."


"It should be this king to Mrs. Xie said a thank you." Chu Yiyi looked at her, can only see the wet hair, "If not Mrs. Xie sacrificed her life to save, the canine son probably has been ... Here is a small half hour away from the capital, Mrs. Xie all the way back for fear of catching a cold, it just so happens that the king has a manor house nearby, Mrs. Xie might as well change her clothes before going? "


 Yunchu bowed her head, weighing how to refuse.


Fang was soaking wet being held in this man's arms, she was a married woman and shouldn't be that close to another man.


In her previous life, she would have been so chagrined by this incident that she would have even felt sorry for Xie Jingyu.


 But now, her heart was like water and she didn't care about that anymore.


Of course, not caring didn't mean that she would be willing to follow to the Pingxi King's manor.


 Yunchu was about to speak.


 She then felt the hem of her dress being tugged.


 Looking down, it was Chu Hongyu.


The little guy jumped down from Sister Zheng's arms at some point and lifted his little head and said, "Mother, Changsheng drew a garment for you and had the underlings make it overnight, he also said that he would give it to mother as a gift the next time he saw her, I'll let someone go to the royal residence to fetch it for mother to wear, it's sure to be especially nice."


 Before Yun Chou could say anything, he ordered Ah Mao to go quickly.


 Hairy rolled onto a sweaty horse and disappeared down the trail in the blink of an eye.


 Hearing the young master call Yun Chou his mother, Sister Zheng and her group were all stunned.


However, when they saw that the king did not feel anything at all, they were even more stunned to the extreme ...


Sister Zheng's heart suddenly trembled, could it be that their Royal Highness liked a woman like Madam Xie?


 God, no wonder the king has never gotten married, so ...


She turned her head to look warningly at a group of maids and boys around her, signaling that she was not allowed to tell such a big secret ...


Yunchu's heart, which was originally firm in its refusal, instantly softened after hearing Changsheng's name.


Nagisa couldn't talk, but she was good at drawing, and she was surprisingly looking forward to what kind of dress she'd drawn; she'd never looked forward to a gift so much.


 With so many underlings around, it wasn't a loss of propriety.


Chu Yiyi let someone bring the carriage, Yun Chu and two maids sat on it, Yu Ke drove the car in front.


That manor is really close, Yun Chou felt that he just sat on it and arrived at the place, picking open the curtain and seeing a not so big manor.


The accompanying people have long come to notify, the subordinates waiting at the entrance of the manor to greet and salute, and then take Yun Chu master and servant to the nearest courtyard, hot water and so on are ready.


 Hearing Frost was also soaked to the skin, and went to the next compartment to bathe.


 Listen to the wind while you wait for the clouds to bathe in the beginning.


Being on someone else's turf, naturally, was not like being at home, and she got up immediately after quickly washing the dirt out of her body and hair.


At this time, the subordinates who had gone to the royal residence to fetch the clothes also delivered them, and a maid knocked on the door and came in, standing outside the screen, and respectfully said, "Mrs. Xie, the clothes slave girl will put them here for you."


 The maid put down the tray and exited gently.


Listening to the wind shaking the garment apart, she was surprised, "Tian, this dress is also too good looking, how is the little county princess so powerful?"


Yunchu looked at it, it was a long skirt made of water cloud brocade, the skirt was embroidered with various colors of camellias, although there were many colors, the threads used were plain and light colors, it didn't look cluttered, instead it gave people a feeling of purity and beauty.


 At the cuff of her dress, she saw two words, Yunchu.


It should have been drawn by the Little Sheriff and embroidered on by the embroiderer accordingly, and at a glance, it is clear that it was written by a child.


In addition to this garment, there was also a tunic in the tray, the color of this tunic was exactly the same as the one she had before, and without a closer look it was impossible to tell that she had changed her clothes.


 Listening to the wind, he dressed her, combed her hair, and finally put on her outer shirt.


Chu Hong Yu had already waited impatiently at the door, seeing Yun Chu come out in her outer garment, she pouted her lips and said, "Mother, let me see if that garment is good looking, so that I can go home and tell Chang Sheng about it."


 Yunchu lifted up her outer shirt a little, revealing only the hem of her skirt.


 Chu Yiyi was sitting in the pavilion outside the compartment, and he couldn't help but look over.


He saw that a woman wearing a seven-colored skirt stood at the door of the compartment, the flowers, which were embroidered with gold and silver threads, and as soon as she stepped out, the sunlight fell on her, the skirt was glowing, and her whole person seemed to be glowing as well.


 As she approached, he even smelled the scent of the shower.


Upon realizing what he was doing, Chu Yiyi quickly retracted his sight while also holding his breath as he looked away uncomfortably and spoke, "The carriage is ready, please ask Mrs. Xie over here."


 Yunchu nodded and followed him outside.


Suddenly, her skirt seemed to have been stepped on, and before she could check it out, she felt her backside being hit, and her whole body fell forward uncontrollably.


Chu Yiyi who was walking in front of her, out of instinct, caught her body that was planted forward.