

"I'll miss you, my lord," Direx wept.


They were in the basement of the company headquarters in London. 

Vast basement with nothing just pillars and emptiness. Tall ceiling, kind of dark despite the hanging lights.

"Stop being a drama queen," Armi rolled her eyes.

"Easy for you to say, it'll only be a minute for you!" Direx whined.

He and the demons had come to see Mihael off.

"See you in a hundred years," Rose said.

Xarman had come too.  He was awfully, awfully confused but he didn't really care. When they explained their next plans, he already had a feeling, things weren't right with this company but oh well. At this point, complaining was going to get him nowhere, so he outright just accepted things as they were. "This is probably the last time we see each other but, it was truly a pleasure to meet you, my lord. I wish you a good journey ahead," He lowered his head.

Mihael, meanwhile, hadn't said anything.