
Beer fountain

Al and the man finally found their way into a settlement of sorts. It was a far cry to a city but at least there were some buildings and people and most importantly, actual food and bed.

"Finally!" Al shed a tear. Dark circles beneath his eyes, just keeping them open was a chore. Crying, even more so.

Yet, as the sun gradually rose high, the fatigue lessened somewhat. He could still fall to the floor and sleep for hours though.

The old man snorted. "Don't get too sentimental now. Rest for the day. Tomorrow we'll start early."

"Yeah, yeah." Al turned. "For someone who just came for some fun, you sure seem a lot more invested than you should."

He shrugged. "Well, it's not a picnic. If I'm not careful, I could very well just end up in another cell, right?"

"That's… not what I was asking but sure," Al sighed, "Let's go find some place to settle down."

"And who's going to pay?"