
Reborn to Be the Lord

Lucas, a young teenaged boy led a happy and opulent life. His life was flawless. He fell in love with a girl named Astrid who later was found dead by him in her apartment, along with her sister. Lucas broke down into pieces. He put an end to his life and wished to God to give him one more chance so that he can undo his mistakes. When he woke up after a long sleep, he found himself in another world where they worship the ones from the skies and below. In the world, where he will face a cruel destiny since he gets called as the Lord.

Benami_Sarder · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
142 Chs

Chapter 30: Government Negotiation

The government leaders and the founders, Erland and Randi took a seat in a building situated in the northernmost Gaion. The area is a small piece of island that has been connected with the other parts of Gaion by a bridge. Because of the stress Erland was going through, he didn't notice his surroundings much.

They entered the building and found themselves to go further in a dark room. Erland could notice that there were many chairs and rounded up desks, arranged with elegance.

"So, you are the young founder. Welcome to this humble abode of ours." said a government officer, who's voice sounded serene and dead. His face was covered with black fabric.

"(This place is well arranged for sure. It doesn't look anything else than a government building or more. Why are they covering their faces though?) Greetings, gentlemen. I am Erland Hephaestus. I'm glad to attend this meeting today." said Erland.

"You are a graceful child indeed. Well then shall we proceed? Since you are no less of a founder like Miss Randi, we will be clear about everything."

Hearing their echoed voice, coming out of the covered figure sitting in the dark place rose a slight fear in Erland's heart. He brushed it off and gathered to courage to speak despite feeling a discomfort in every fiber of his being. "(These people don't care about a child's mental state at all. They are just taking advantage...) Sure."

"Do you know about school? Or academy?" said another one among the gentlemen.

"Yes I do but not clearly." Erland spoke with a slight frown.

"It is where you build yourself up for something from the very beginning. As an example, if someone wants to specialize in archery then he or she has to go to an academia of archery. If someone wants to fulfil one's self with basic wisdom and the ones above all, then they has to go to some specific schools as they like. What you are going to found is a school, are you aware of that?"


This time, the echoed voice was of a woman's who sounded young and calm. "What do you wish to acquire from this and why did you give this idea to your co-founder in the first place?" 

"Well...I gave this idea to Randi mainly because of the never-ending cycle of our days. It went the same all the time and my sister was turning insane. I wanted to do something that would cheer her up and end our cycle of boredom as well as helping others. I- Randi have noticed that Gaion doesn't have such institution so she looked forward to it."

"I see. I would give most of the credit to you though. Such a young boy, being able to have such ideas. I have heard about your theory of replacement of books."

"Huh?" Erland's eyes were widened for a second. But knowing that he cannot show much fear to the hungry wolves, he got back to his fake, confident self.

"Never mind us. Do you feel scared right now?"

"It is scary...a little.(Because I never know if they are plotting something from here.)"

An old voice spoke. "We keep it like this to strangers or rather the people we are not acquainted much with. Even though you are a child, your co-founder isn't."

Erland nodded. "I understand. Can I cancel this anytime?"

"No. Even if it costs your life, a contract with the government is something that has been done for the eternity."

Erland was startled to hear such answer. He took a gulp of his own saliva, silently, as he swallowed his fear as well.

"Are you guys dangerous?..." Erland spoke with a slight doubt in his voice while also trying to keep his childlike demeanor.

Another woman's voice spoke. The woman's voice was clearly older than the previous one and also sounded more bold. "Yes but not for the ones we want to protect. You are one of the people we want to protect, a resident of Gaion and a founder of something that no one has ever done."

"Excuse me, can I ask you a question?"

"Permission granted..."

"If so many countries have a school then why does Gaion not have one?"

Another male voice spoke- "You will know when you grow up. We needed someone from the commoners to come up with this."

"(He is lying for sure. I can see his smirk of fooling someone. Why isn't he covering his face though?)"

"Please sign this paper after reading it. Your co-founder has signed it and now we need you to sign it."

Erland took the paper and spoke in his mind,

"(So the advantages here are that I am equal to any high rankers in the entire Gaion. I am also getting a citizenship. Oh...so it's like ancient Greek's government system. My family will get almost the same treatment as me. Free education, foods, fighting lessons and others that depends on the government for me and my family. It's both an advantage and a disadvantage. I will also get a lot of visits from the government which means that my peaceful life will be ruined. Another great disadvantage is that I will get spectated from every corner the moment I sign it. Seriously...First Arne and now them?) What if I don't sign it?"

"If you don't then you will not get any advantages that we have stated there. But since you have gotten approvement letters to sign already then it means that we are already in a contract."

"But those are just papers aren't they?" Erland spoke calmly.

The serene, young female voice spoke- "Oh, little Mr. Hephaestus. Do you have any idea how much one of the papers is worth?"

"*gulp*( It's not like I have any choice. I might have the disadvantages anyway so I better sign it.) Deal then. I will sign it."

Erland signed it. He had marks of fear all over him that could be seen if spectated thoroughly, yet a bright confidence with a mask of calmness on his face.

"Well then, that is it for now. I mean you are a child, you need refreshment and joy in your life rather than some business that leaves you in dark." said another gentleman sitting on other side of the ones that were questioning him. The gentleman's voice was filled with slight mockery yet a soothing tone that left Erland in a doubt. In the slight light, Erland could see a smirk on the man's face.

"What do you mean?" Erland frowned more.

"You should be more formal. Don't worry, I will teach you everything, at least almost everything. Please feel free to enjoy this paradise from now on. Lights on please."

The place got filled with light. He could see everyone's face since the ones who covered themselves, showed themselves. But one thing startled Erland. The one who smirked at him didn't have any eyes.

"Are you startled to see me, Mr. Hephaestus?" said the man who has no eyes. The man was the one with a mocking yet soothing tone of voice.

"A little. Do you mind if I ask you what happened...to your eyes?" said Erland, tilting his head a little.

"I once fought a furious battle. You can see that my hair has now turned gray. I am an old man now."

"(But your skin hasn't wrinkled much...) I see." Erland looked down and then at the man again. "Was that horrible?"

"It was a horrible one indeed. We all shall take our leave now. Goodbye gentlemen and gentleladies."

The old man walked down without help of anything. Erland and Randi left the building. Some people walked towards them asking what they could do for them. They refused saying that they just wants to go home now.

Finally, while Erland was heading back, he looked back at the headquarter. The beauty left him in awe as his eyes widened and the reflection of the building could be seen in his eyes. "Wo-Woah!!" Erland was surprised to see the place's beauty. It looked as if it was made out of a giant white marble, carved into a palace with bridge connecting three buildings and with numerous green vines that made the place look sacred. There were also fountains and trees, shading the path, making the experience of a mere walk, healing.

"Did you just notice it?" said Randi with a slight smile.

Finally, Erland smiled. "Yes. It's so pretty. We should bring mom and dad the next time we come."

"Yeah...Mommy would love this."

Erland stayed silent for a while. Afterwards, they started walking to home.

On the way, Erland felt a shiver down his spine. "(What the...)"

He felt like he was about to remember something as if it was an entity, reaching out to him from the pitch black abyss of his mind. The adrenaline all over his body got pumped up. His head started to hurt and he fell down screaming. He soon noticed an aura that was coming from a wall of the building.

He got himself in control, slowly.

When he got back to himself, he became senseless and fell asleep.

The next time he woke up, he saw Svend sitting beside him. He could notice Frode staring at him with his pointy big eyes from down there.

"Where am I?..." said Erland and got up.

"Have you been taking the herbs with you whenever you went outside?" said Svend.

"No...My bad."

"It's fine. Don't push yourself. The government pawns were going to take you to their so called hospital. More like a laboratory. Randi moved you from there to my place. She doesn't trust the government just as much as I don't. Frida will take you to your home. She is outside." As Svend was speaking about the government, he looked away with a frown. He then looked at Erland with the frown gone. "Are you feeling good?" 

"I don't know..." Erland rubbed his neck.

Frode jumped and spoke with sheer enthusiasm. "Hey, Erland. I heard you did something cool. Wanna talk about it?" 

"Sure thing. We will when I get well." Erland rubbed his forehead. "Ugh...I hate this..."

"Can you move your body well?" said Svend, with his arms crossed.

"Yes I can."

"Do you feel any dizziness?"

"No, not quiet." 

"Do you remember anything that has happened?"

"(I gotta lie.) No."

"*sigh* (He might have an unknown disease like his mother.) Well then, off you go. If you feel any further irritation take these meds." Svend handed Erland a small bag that has the prescribed medicines.

Erland took the bag and nodded with a faint smile. "Okay. I will be going then- Oh, Frode. Let's go to someone's house the next weekend."

"Who?" said Frode as he tilted his head with curiosity emitting from his big eyes.

"It's a Hierius I know. He knows many cool stuffs. Maybe you can know some asking him as well."

Frode smiled widely. "Yeah. Okay then, I'm in!"

"You two shouldn't go to someone's house without any adult or someone reliable. I won't allow you to go." said Svend.

"Aw..." Frode frowned and looked down with disappointment.

"It's fine. Halfdan will go. Tove and Hilda will go too!" Erland widened his faint smile.

Svend arched an eyebrow. "Oh? Well then. Be safe. Don't spend too much time over there."

Svend walked towards the door and opened it. "Off you go then, there are people waiting. Don't push yourself too much and take a nap sometimes. Try being away from disgusting things like dirt and corps. Maybe you have an allergy to those, who knows?"

Erland nodded and left, bidding farewell politely to both. 

The next weekend:

"Why was I dragged into this again?" said Halfdan who was walking with Erland, Tove, Arise, Frode and Hilda.

"We are going somewhere to train Logi." said Erland, looking at Logi. 

Logi woofed.

"I am fine with this. Halfdan, can we get a puppy after we get married?" said Arise, Halfdan's fiancee. Her hair like chestnut looked like butter in sunlight as she walked. She wore pink frock with a pick daisy in her hair. Her pouty pink lips looked stunning in the broad daylight.

These were almost all Hafldan could see.

"Hey Erland, what kinda person is he? Can he teach me geometry?" said Frode, enthusiastic when it comes to books as always. As Erland has speculated, his friend is destined to be a nerd.

"Yeah, maybe. We will know when we get there." said Erland.

When they both reached the Naos, somehow, they saw Arne as well.

"Greetings Erland. Are we fated to meet each other like this my child? Haha-(Who are these...Did he bring them on purpose?)" said Arne who's smile got dimmed the moment he saw so many people.

"Why are there so many people? Is there anything that's wrong? Please feel free to seek advice from me." said Arne, resting his chin between his thumb and index, seeming worried which looks real to everyone. Yet, Erland deep down knows that it isn't as genuine as it looks. 

"Actually, you said that you will help me train Logi so here he is. I brought some friends too." said Erland, raising his hand, gesturing towards his friends. 

"Hey, wait. SO YOU didn't tell him that we are gonna come as well? That is embarrassing mate..." said Halfdan. He scratched his head and looked away with guilt and embarrassment.

"No no. It's fine. The more the merrier. I love getting guests anyway. Please follow me to my carriage. I might need to hire one more though.(It's gonna be a disaster today. I am a Hierius yes, but I don't know how to handle this many kinds of people and a dog at the same time...My my, Lords, give me some rest, will you?)" said Arne who looked away and sighed.

Okay so, first of all, thank you for reading my novel. I appreciate it a lot. If you like it, please add it to your library. If you think that I need improvments in anything, please tell me in a friendly way. It'd be awesome to get recognition and gifts through my own work. And also, I am not quiet used to the whole webnovel thing yet so I have once stupidly deleted a comment and I stay up at night for that. So yeah, feel free to tell me what you think I lack but in a friendly way for the sake of my mental state :)

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