
Reborn: The Lady Dominates

Kit's father, a relentless alcoholic, often subjected her and her mother, Mary, to bouts of violence and verbal abuse. The constant poverty and daily torment became unbearable for Mary, leading her to seduce John, Anna's father, and secure a place in his affluent household. Anna, fiercely opposed to her father's remarriage, harbored a deep resentment towards Kit and Mary. In a bid to drive them out, she perfected the art of playing the innocent in front of her father. With calculated precision, Anna would slander and scheme against Kit and Mary, weaving lies and deceit, hoping to poison her father's mind and prompt him to divorce Mary.

Karl_K · perkotaan
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31 Chs

Chapter 30

Mary and John originally planned to attend Anna's birthday party, but considering that the young people would be more comfortable on their own, they decided to go out for dinner. They enjoyed a leisurely meal, chatting about work and everyday life, completely unaware of the events unfolding at home.

When Mary returned to the house, it was nearly midnight. As soon as she stepped into the living room, Flo hurriedly approached her, her face full of complex emotions.

"Madam, you're finally back! Something big happened at the party tonight!" Flo said mysteriously.

Mary's heart tightened, and she quickly asked, "What happened? How is Anna?"

Flo shook her head and added with embellishment, "Oh dear, Miss Anna was humiliated at the party. Kit accused her dress of being a fake, making her very embarrassed. She even fell onto the cake, ending up covered in cream and crumbs. The guests are all talking about it!"

Mary's face changed dramatically upon hearing this, filled with anger and heartache. She didn't ask more, hurrying upstairs directly to Anna's room, her steps urgent, praying that her daughter was okay.

As soon as Mary opened Anna's bedroom door, she was shocked by the scene before her. Pieces of the dress were scattered all over the floor, and the room was filled with an atmosphere of despair and anger. Anna sat by the bed, her eyes red and swollen, tears still on her cheeks. She tightly held a pair of scissors in her hand, clearly used to vent her frustration.

"Anna!" Mary exclaimed, rushing forward to hold her daughter tightly. Her heart almost broke, eyes full of pain and tenderness.

Anna was warmed by her mother's embrace and finally couldn't help but cry out, "Mom, they all laughed at me, called me a fraud for wearing fake clothes! I'm so ashamed!"

Mary gently stroked Anna's back, comforting her softly, "Anna, don't cry. I'm here. It's okay; those people just lack taste. I believe you."

Anna's sobs gradually subsided, but tears still flowed. Her voice trembled, "Mom, the dress was fake... I really didn't know..."

Mary felt a surge of anger but suppressed it, continuing to comfort her gently, "It's okay, Anna. It's not your fault. I'll get to the bottom of this. You need to rest now, don't think about it anymore."

Her gaze swept over the pieces of the dress on the floor, and she silently vowed to find out the truth and give her daughter justice.

Mary helped Anna settle into bed and rest. Under her mother's soothing presence, Anna gradually calmed down and exhaustedly closed her eyes.

Mary quietly closed the door and left. Her face turned stern, eyes shining with determination. She knew this matter wouldn't end here. She needed to find the truth and clear her daughter's name.

Back in the living room, Flo was still there. Seeing Mary coming down, she hurried over and asked, "Madam, is Miss Anna alright?"

Mary looked at her coldly, "She's fine. Thank you for your care tonight, Flo. You can go rest now; we'll talk tomorrow."

Flo nodded, feeling a bit anxious, not daring to say more, and quietly retreated.

Out of concern for Anna, Mary decided to confront Kit. Filled with anger, she marched towards Kit's room, her fury almost bursting out. She opened Kit's door to find her calmly sitting at her desk, seemingly unaffected by the party's turmoil.

"Kit!" Mary shouted, her voice laced with clear anger.

Kit slowly turned around, seeing her mother so angry, her face remained indifferent.

"Why did you do that to Anna?" Mary rushed forward, almost pointing at Kit's nose, "Even if the dress was fake, why expose her in front of everyone, humiliating her?"

Kit looked at Mary coldly, her eyes devoid of emotion. Her voice was as cold as frost, "I just stated a fact. Is that wrong?"

Mary was infuriated by Kit's indifference, her voice becoming sharp, "A fact? What fact? You're just jealous of Anna, jealous that she's more popular and better than you! Why did you make her sad? Do you know how upset she is?"

Kit felt a slight tremor in her heart, but she suppressed that unease, her face remaining cold, "Jealous? You think I'm jealous of her? Her dress was fake, wasn't that her own problem? Or do you expect me to lie and cover it up?"

Mary was completely enraged by her reaction, her voice full of disappointment and anger, "Kit, when did you become so cold and heartless? Are you still my daughter?"

Kit's heart hurt hearing this, even though she had long given up on her mother's approval. The words still cut deep. She took a deep breath, trying to stay calm, "I've always been your daughter, but you've never treated me as one."

Mary was stunned, then even more angry, "What are you saying? I've never treated you as my daughter? Look at yourself now, cold and selfish, no wonder no one likes you!"

This statement was the last straw for Kit, breaking her last defense. Her eyes flickered with pain, but she quickly concealed it. Her voice was low and firm, "Maybe you're right, but at least I don't live in a lie."

Mary snorted, turned, and left Kit's room, leaving her standing alone.

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