
Reborn Relive

A young adventurer had fallen during battle but came back to life due to unknown circumstances, knowing the feeling of death he realized he still has a lot to live for and had so many regrets, that now he wants to live life to the full with no regrets hanging behind

Alight · Fantasi
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18 Chs

Lady Nia

"What is the meaning of this… your face, your body all looks like that legendary adventurer but he died centuries ago…?" as all the others smile hearing this , Yuko? Looked at the human and said "I am surprised anyone would still recognise me after all these years, but here we are…"

"So you are Yuko, but how… that can't be?" "You just came back to life, was that possible?" asked Raksh "a…you are right, but our cases are different, you look the part but everything else is…Raksh, was it?, you said you will explain?" 

"Oh let Boss do the honors for that, he has been waiting for you from a long time" "for me?" "More specifically the man blessed by our lady Nia" "Nia?" as Yuko had a soft smile on his face he continues 

"100 years ago, all of us were not a part of this race… we were just regular humans who had only one job, protecting the royal family from the great evil, but we all failed to do so and a great curse was put upon us. In order to protect the kingdom, the king sealed us down in this cave while Lady Nia, our princess of that time, blamed herself for our misery and promised she will find a way to cure us even if it meant giving up her own life. We lived on the hope that one day she will come and save us but sooner or later the curse had started taking over our bodies and give such forms… we weren't able to fight it, nor were we able to counter it… any effects of killing ourselves or each other were of no vain, the curse stopped us from doing so…we suffered through our pain and waited for Lady Nia to come and save us when one day, she appeared in our dreams and told us that after 100 years, a man will come bearing her blessing who will free us of our suffering once and for all" though our hopes ignited during that time, a time of 100 years is too much, enough to make you lose all hope so you can't believe how happy we are to finally see you finally appear in front of us" 

As Luke looks towards them all surprised and says "If you want to die, why fight back, just stand there and die" "Boy, we were part of the royal guards… we have a pride that we want to take to our grave, I don't want just anyone to defeat… I want someone capable of defeating us all that is why we fight back but forgive Kalksh for killing your friends, he was too out of control for even us" as hearing this, Luke replies "I don't think I am capable of doing so either, killing Kalksh was just a gamble" "I know it, I saw the whole battle, the way you are right now… you can't kill any of us hence I have a mission for you, if you want to get out of this place, you have to climb up this pillar… we created it to pass our time during the whole century and each of it has a room for one of us, some even have two…go through each floor and begin your own training to learn your blessed powers because after you will kill us… Lady Nia have something bigger planned for you after us, we will make sure you are ready for it" 

"But I said, I can't kill any of you" "Learn your powers and try saying that again, you will realize that is not the truth, anyhow I will be waiting for you at the final floor… don't disappoint Lady Nia, Kid" as all monsters start running towards the pillar, Luke stands there looking high up the tower and thinks "To learn my power, ay?" 

He begins walking towards the tower as entering the first room he sees a round monster full of black and white stripes, lying at the center of the room as he notices Luke and spins around to stand up saying "Its finally time?" with a happy tone as Luke takes his stance as he heads towards the creature and charges his shining fist at his body and blows him away as he bounces on the ground and stands back up on his feet, easily not having taken any damage. 

"Learn to punch harder, that one didn't affect me at all" said the monster as Luke thinks "His body is too soft to even get affected by fists, what I need is a sharp object but like hell I am getting one here… how can I defeat this guy, there must be a way" as Luke begins his observation he realizes something and suddenly teleports right in front of the monster and punches both his eyes "AAAGH, MY EYES MY EYES!" "If my fists are strong like him, if my powers are teleportation then…" his arms start to shine as he charges his palm straight through his body "aa…so easily…" as the body turns into dust as Luke thinks "My powers are quite similar to that monster, why, is it a coincidence or something deep… only one guy who can tell me all my answers… hence I am coming for you, Yuko" and proceeds onto the next floor

as the adventure continues....